
god player

one day an ordinary person obtained a god game

vidusaka · Games
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7 Chs

chapter 6

Now I have to look for a way to get divinity points ; Well, I do not think other gods will give me divinity points ; I am god of hell my specialty is death and death is not something which is loved by people. Hmm, well I have only one way, and it's not something I am proud of, It's to use fear.

I called my apostle and said,' I have a mission for you '

she asked' what is it, my lord "

I said" it's actually simple to go to the world and start spreading information about me ; make you look like a god who is always angry punishes if you do wrong and if you do not worship me I will be able, or they will burn for a long period of my time "

she asked" you get god of death, it's one of the most difficult job to get faith has people do not worship him'

I said" it's not that difficult, it would have been hard without you but since I have you now I can succeed "

she asked," do you have any plan"

I said" it's not that difficult actually, since the people have low intelligence I can earn points from fear, when they have more intelligence this method won't work on them '

she replied" okay, I will as you have said "

I said" also wear some beautiful dress and wings, make yourself look like an angel "

she said" okay my lord "

I waited for a while and she came back.

She said' my lord, I completed the message "

ding, you have gained follower

ding your followers raising

ding your faith points is 100

ding, you are able to perform death zone

I searched for the remote area and found a small island, I decided to perform or convert this to hell

I pressed on death zone skill

ding, are you sure you want to perform death skill miracle on this are.

I confirmed and congratulations on having build the hell, make it as grand as possible.

Ding you have met requirements to ascend, do you want to ascend

I clicked on no.

After conforming everything is okay, I went to sleep

Looking forward for the suggestion, which can help me to improve my craft

vidusakacreators' thoughts