
God Origin Legacy - The New Era

300 years after the TechnoGods Era... A mysterious man who was casually walking through the void suddenly asked. "System tell me, how many humans are classified as X rank?" [1993 persons] "Hum, Almost 2000... It's still not enough..." The man looked up and murmured. "Even gods have a limit... We've been protecting humanity for over 300 years and soon we will reach our limit..." His crimson eyes seemed to see through everything and he continued. "We need more gods... and quickly." Then he faded away. --Coming soon!-- I will try to release as many chapters as I can. I hope you guys will like it!

Lathel · Fantasy
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Prey and Hunter

It was about 4 pm and Arthur looked to be tired of walking in the forest.

After all, he was bored of seeing trees in every direction he looked, and even when he met awakened beasts it was too weak that couldn't handle a single punch or it was too scared of him that they immediately ran away, it was too boring for a king like him.

And just when he was following a trail he realized something.

"Right! This is not a hunting game, If I want to conquer the world I need to complete quests and develop my characteristic!"

As if he had reached a great enlightenment Arthur suddenly started to act seriously.

"Let's truly start this game."

"System: Localize the closest village!"

Arthur then finally began to use the system's functions.

[Gale-Stone Village is located 11 miles to the south]

"Oh, it is not that far."

Arthur said with a wild smile while stretching his body. Then he followed towards the south pointed by the system compass with plans that would make anyone doubt life.

Around Gale-Stone Village a man called Lennon was walking around looking for something.

Lennon was the village chief of Gale-Stone Village. He appeared to be a middle-aged man in his 40s and had an unfathomable level.

Today he went around the village because his instinct was restless, then to make sure that everything was fine with the village he went for a walk. But he never expected to find a so 'great' anomaly in this casual walk.

'What in the hell is this?'

Lennon couldn't believe his own eyes when he saw a… a naked 2 meters tall bodybuilder walking towards him.

Even with his more than 100 years of experience, he didn't understand what exactly was going on, and before he could finish processing the scene in his front, the 'bodybuilder' talked to him in an energetic tone.

"Hey strong man, I am King Arthur. Teach me some ultimate abilities and when I conquer the world I will support you back."

Lennon: ???

'Who am I again???'


Arthur finally arrived at the surroundings of the village when he sighted a middle-aged man.

He immediately sensed that the man was an expert and because of that he immediately asked to learn some abilities.

"Hey strong man, I am King Arthur. Teach me some ultimate abilities and when I conquer the world I will support you back."

Seeing how silent the man was after hearing his words, Arthur thought that the man was impressed with him, But before Arthur could open his mouth to speak again the man took the initiative.

"Stranger, who are you?"

"I am King Arthur"

"What are your intents?"

"Learn powerful abilities"

"Why are you naked?"

"Oh, my clothes exploded when I used my characteristic ability."

After this word exchange both Lennon and Arthur were confused.

Lennon: 'Why is this explanation so flawless???'

Arthur: 'Aren't this guy deciding which ability he was going to teach me? Why is he asking nonsense stuff??'

Just when both of them were confused looking at each other and preparing their next words, they suddenly sensed something and simultaneously looked at the forest not so far from their location.

Lennon:'! Spatial ability?!'

Arthur:'! I smell prey!'

Then immediately a horde of demonic beasts with sizes ranging from 5 to 10 meters started to flow from the forest in endless flux.

Then both noob and expert… King and chief both took similar but different actions.

"Everyone! We were under attack!"

Lennon screamed at the top of his lungs and then launched towards the beast wave.

"I king Arthur will show how I am dangerous!"

Arthur screamed at the top of his lungs and then launched towards the beast wave.

But the outcome of both courses of action was completely different.

Lennon was like a tiger slaughtering sheep.

Each movement was incredibly fast and carried an immense strength. Every time he punched the air a destructive gale was released and then obliterated many demonic beasts at once. He alone was holding against the beast wave and anyone could say that he was an expert.

But about king Arthur's performance… It was a massacre.

Arthur run towards a 5 meters tall demonic beast and just when his punch was about to meet the bull's head he felt a sense of danger, but it was too late to fall back and they collided.


Arthur was immediately thrown dozens of meters away.

His arm was smashed.

His body was smashed.

The place he landed was smashed.

The only thing left was a crater with a smashed body that was a mix of bones, blood, and organs.

King Arthur was as dead as he could be.


Was the thoughts Lennon had after seeing that scene.

He knew that the naked bodybuilder… king Arthur was weak, but he didn't expect him to be a noob.

Just when Lennon was thinking about how to secure Arthur's corpse something insane happened.


From the bloody mess that Arthur had become a series of laughs emerged.

Arthur's corpse' started to convulse and blood started to rise and expand. Part per part of Arthur's body was rebuilt and finally, he was 100% alive again.

After this quick revival, the demonic bull immediately roared and chased after Arthur to finish his job.

But no one expected the next course of action.


Arthur flexed his legs, then they exploded and Arthur was sent flying towards the charging demonic bull.

Before the demonic bull could react, Arthur punched it in the face, and…


Arthur's right arm and a good part of his torso exploded while the bull was knocked down.

Although most of Arthur's body was destroyed, his blood was constantly returning to him, and recovering his deadly injuries with ease at a high speed.

After being knocked down, the demonic bull was very angry. It suffered a good strike, but it was far from being enough to disable it. With a furious posture the demonic bull again charged against Arthur, but this time it wouldn't underestimate him.

Arthur's POV

After receiving a fatal blow that normally would kill anyone Arthur wasn't dead yet.

All ports of his body were broken and severed damaged, even his brain and heart, but Arthur still had his consciousness.

His blood started to circle and he started to laugh crazily.


Instead of pain and fear of dying, Arthur only felt pure excitement.

When he became a bloody mess he felt that he had finally become free, he felt that this was his true form, his true power.

Then 'Arthur's corpse' started to convulse and blood started to rise and expand.

Part per part of Arthur's body was rebuilt and finally, he was 100% alive again, but something was different. Arthur felt that his body was a little stronger and most important, he awakened 2 new abilities!

Arthur didn't need to call the system to see his ability panel, he instinctively knew every change he was submitted to, and so he instinctively knew what to do next.


Arthur used strength beyond his body limits to launch himself against the demonic bull, and as a result his legs immediately exploded, but it was worth it.

Flying at the demonic bull at a speed physically impossible for his body, Arthur instantly arrived in front of the bull and then punched it ignoring his limits.


His arm and most of his body instantly exploded, and…

The Level 10 awakened demonic bull was knocked down.

Arthur's remains started to agglomerate, expand and fuse at a high speed, and in an instant, a brand new Arthur was formed.

Without letting Arthur have time to breathe, the demonic bull quickly got up and charged against Arthur while holding a fierce aura.


Arthur advanced.


Arthur punched.


The demonic bull was again knocked down.

Then a battle officially started.





Arthur's body exploded again and again and so he knocked down the demonic bull.


Even though the demonic bull was repeatedly knocked down its injuries weren't much severe, then it got up again and again.



Just when Arthur knocked the demonic bull down he felt danger from everywhere, looking at his surroundings Arthur saw many demonic beasts surrounding him.

"Let's go!"

Arthur said and prepared to show who was the prey and who was the hunter.

I am sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday but I really was running out of time.

This is a normal size chapter.

Thank you!

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