

higher content for 14 years How people become billionaires Daniel thought: Will I ever be rich to be able to go into a store and buy what I want? Will I ever be able to give my family a better life? Will I ever stop starving? Daniel's story begins when he was 15 years old at school, where it all started in a simple joke ended in a tragedy. Was it a tragedy or was it a blessing? We will find out in the course of history, mathematics is simple as everyone knows write current books, and sometimes a book on Parallel World but this time I want to change the book's concept a little, this will be the one that will give me more work I will try to write at least each chapter 2000 to 3000 words will not be easy, but the chapters will also be every other day, all my books I write in my head at the time I am writing I am thinking of the plot what can happen what's around that table has something special? When Aladdin rubbed the lamp, did he expect a gene to come out? Was alibaba and the 300 thieves true? There will be many, but one thing I can say you dream only depends on you. I dreamed of traveling the world, I managed to travel the world to know Japan to know China which is a beautiful country to know the United States to know England, I knew the land of my grandparents Italy to know the culture of Turkey so I can tell you Stop dreaming not dreaming because one day maybe a dream of yours comes true, there is a saying that the one who does not dream does not live, are you alive? then dream. come dream with me live dreams joys sadness smiles emotions I don't say that in the book but in real life be someone different get out of the chair show what you can do, i'll be waiting for you in your dreams!

DanielBR · Urban
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21 Chs

The End of the Party, part 2

Most people were at the pool, a barbecue was doing excellent barbecues, a barman, the craziest drinks Daniel has ever seen, the children also had their own good, of course, alcohol-free. All the same, even the taste was made for the children, would you say? that the children were drinking alcohol, but no, it was natural juice from the fruit squeezed or beaten at the time everything was the way Daniel planned the party, the pulp was windy, the mayor came close to it, Daniel are you sure you can make this contract with me, because your partner can give back think that an expansion so fast can hinder? You can be unconcerned my partner gave me carte blanche for everything I wanted to do he said he made an investment in me and not in the company and was in fact they were also watching Daniel's farm what Daniel was planting and they wanted to join even if it was (10%) they offered up to five billion dollars to enter that n egócio Daniel Claro accepted not because of the money, but because he saw in the heart of that man the owner of the company that there was no evil, so much so that when he heard about Daniel's training process He was amazed he never saw it in life is a company by bus he wondered if Daniel buys an airline what will become of that airline?

Of course Daniel has no plans for the airline, but he has a cruise ship, he made a model of a ship where passengers could use and Enjoy everything like a cruise, but there was a difference the casino existed, but it was not fake money he was playing for money, but for fun, that would be Daniel's differential he wanted to get the middle class and the poor the rich could spend their money in the casino, but Daniel did not want to take money from the poor, in Daniel's long-distance bus company trip there was a refrigerator for biscuit water and bread and cheese, all free. Included in the ticket for those who entered the first floor on the second floor, it would only be free water. No company did this, so much so that there was a waiting line for the next bus. bought in advance with a month so as not to miss the opportunity to travel this is funny to see the other companies wanted to enter this branch to start renovating the Fleet the same way as 100 1 only that there was a difference that they didn't count the training that Daniel gave them the warmth Daniel explained his drivers to treat passengers as if they were the passengers or strength of their families Would you like to be lost dated? This was Daniel's key point, and it was not only this city that created the company already until he got in touch with Daniel as California Miami Orlando Texas Washington DC, Daniel also made his own bus for the prisoners even though the bus overturned the prisoners could not escape even if someone managed to free themselves from the handcuffs, they would not be able to escape because it was a box made of armored glass, it would be expensive, but security was much more improved and the guards' concern of something happening ended there were 32 boxes on the bus when you could only take 20 highly dangerous prices, this was a differential that Daniel made for New York and they bought this idea and bought Daniel's 5 buses worth 500 million dollars some said that the government was overpriced, but when the government went to research the purchase and what Daniel didn't take a dime for his profit, but invest all the money in the protection of the guards and in the preservation of life each bus was worth 100 million dollars olares, because they were armored it was a real fortress on wheels even if we were attacked nothing would happen the armor is the same as the armor of the car of the president of you could play 10 RPG that the bus would not even scratch and yet That was the idea of ​​Daniel, Daniel too gave some ideas to the governor of New York about the prison as it should be a suitable prison for highly dangerous prisoners glass boxes 24 hours monitoring would go out, but the escapes would not happen the rebellion would not happen he did it in a prison the governor of new York spent almost a billion to renovate it after two months he saw the result the prison that had more fights murders, escapes there was not a fight a murdered or an escape even that prison was known as Fort Knox A where the United States money was kept. But are we going back to the party?

Everyone was having fun talking the maids were already in the pool drinking having fun Meanwhile the Buffet staff was working Daniel warned them their Home secretaries that from 10 am they were free to have fun and leave it to the Cris buffet I couldn't make this right, because there was something wrong and I would want to fix it Daniel called in a corner and said stay calm Have fun forget the rest everyone is enjoying the party except you she kind of blushed her face she was shy for first time a boss treated her like a human being and didn't hit on her.

Sorry, I can't see anything wrong, don't worry, I'm seeing everything wrong and I don't care why I am happy, what matters next time we hire another team Don't be so understand now go have fun Daniel pushed to the pool, Daniel had whiskey in his hand, Richard approached him I can arrest you did you know? Why did Daniel ask, because you are not yet 21 Ah! This is a mere detail, calm down Daniel called mayor, mayor tell me am I drinking? Not what I see and you asked the two policemen? I am at the service of the Lord, I have it! Making a round somewhere Richard burst out laughing You are all liars How can you accept the 20 year old boy to drink? Look how sincere you are, the mayor of this, he killed more people around the country than these policemen in action than you in Action when he worked in the police now tell me do you think that when he was working in the special forces he didn't drink? I show him a true and false report of what was sent to base, I know that Richard said, but my concern is that he ah! Never mind he's having fun and he's almost 21 years old in three months he does, that's how you have to think the mayor said he's already a man countries, when you kill a human being you become a man so let's say he became a man.

And so the conversation went on It was almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon some said goodbye to Daniel the mayor said goodbye he asked Daniel to go to the city hall to sign the bidding contract his friends also left Squadron there were few people This time his mother, Richard your stepfather the maids Daiana and only the grill asked if you still roast the meat? Yes, even when we want to eat don't worry now I want a drink please bartender pass something special to me that you never made so bartender made a special drink for Daniel blood red he drank and loved the drink it was strong, but at the same time , candy was hot at the same time, cold I liked it I'll hire you to make my tricks every day how about it? I paid $ 5000 of salary out of a logical health plan, some things to Cris after making it logical if you accept, I would be crazy for us to accept yes, thank you.

I thank you, but look, I want a different drink every time, huh. And this one is special. Your mother was watching your son laughing and having fun playing, asked your husband how did he earn so much money? Who will know only himself, but from what I heard he is! Investing in the stock exchange and that's it! Earning a lot of money from this and I'll tell you more Remember that company that ran over him he bought her there is no such company anymore he made her go bankrupt when you were in the hospital He said he would take revenge I thought he was going to take a gun and kill everybody, but no, the biggest pain of a businessman is losing money is what Daniel said to me today, now I understand his thoughts.

Which ones did your wife ask, he wants to be very wealthy to be able to give all the best to his mother, and have fun too from what I realize he won't be alone? What do you mean by that? Look at the women around him Look at her looks at him It is not looking from a woman to a friend You must know that you are a woman you understand better than me, at that moment your mother noticed and saw that the women looked at him with desire, so she asked who will he choose to marry? I think he will choose all of them, all of you are crazy, bigamy is a crime And who said that when you have money it is a crime does anything imagine how many grandchildren you will have? Her eyes shone at that time. It is true that the Sheikhs of Arabia have several wives because my son cannot have them, and if someone speaks ill of my son's wife, he will see me, of the women you mean, that too she said.

it was already 10 o'clock at night the maids took turns in a room Cris had a room of her own one of the maids already had her room and two maids took turns in a guest room, her parents Daniel sent to the best hotel in the city five stars for a suite presidential. Daiana stood by the pool Looking at the view Daniel came close to her and asked what he was seeing? The city here is so beautiful to see, the most beautiful to see is you.

Can I ask you a question Daniel? Of course you can, you will only have one wife, because I heard your mother and father's conversation. I will be honest with you, do you still want to be with me? Yes, because you were sincere with me, what a good Daniel said, because this way I have less headaches gradually I will show you the world that you don't know and rest assured you are with me all the time.

That night Daniel made the best love of his life with Daiana, and oddly enough, Daiana was a virgin, Daniel was her first man and the last was what was on her mind she slept beside Daniel that night.

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