
God of Wealth Successor

Ragnarök, a war of gods; doom and destruction. There is one God before his doom takes a part of his soul and sent it to a young planet which later called Alentia. There he is waiting for a successor to take his mantle (divinity) but millions of years passed none ever reach close to his lowest passing grade, not even close. In a brink of his vanishing existence, he took a drastic measurement by summoning a soul from another dimension altogether and combine it with a native from this dimension. creating a suitable successor for him. Xion a man chosen as the successor of the God of Wealth plan to be Merchant of Death bringing weapons of mass destruction to his clients.

EqueX · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Wild Hunt - 2

Xion didn't even take a glance at the one flustered and fine goblin and keep on running. He didn't know if the bear would stop and take the 3 goblins as snacks. If so he would gladly pick a few more goblins and give it to that black angry bear.

Goblins are like roaches if you found one then it means there is a hundred more hidden or in this case a goblin if you met a group of two or three then it means there are dozens of groups scatter not far from where you met them.

Xion's heart keeps on pumping more blood and oxygen faster than before that he can feel his fast-beating heart. His sprained ankle didn't get any better with his in-build regeneration, it didn't get worse but it didn't completely heal it either because he forced his current wound to its limit where his regeneration can only keep his wound from worsening.

Even a titan needed the energy to regenerate their lost body parts or as simple as healing a wound. Xion with his unawakened Titan Heart would do much, much worse than what it could actually do.

The way Xion run didn't reflect on one being wounded at their leg. He ran even faster than those with a perfectly fine leg. Like they said, one would run even faster when being chased, and what's more, if the one who wants to catch you would be the end of your life you would do more spectacularly than you ever could. Well, if your body can last that is.

Xion did not know how long he had run for, but his beating heart doesn't feel like it would explode or his lungs would cave in like it should or like a normal human would feel like after running in max-speed for a long time.

While maneuvering between trees and shrubs Xion never loses his speed. Sometimes he even needs to jump to evade tree roots so he won't trip and get killed by the angry bear.

The sound of the bear beardozing everything on its own way was a reminder to him so he won't stop or lower his speed lest he gets maim to shreds.

At the edge of his visions, he could see a group of five short smelly goblins. A shitty grin instantly appeared on his face. He jumps at the trunk of the tree and goes straight to where the five goblins path.

Of course with how noisy he is plus the way he changing course by jumping at the tree created a blunt impact sounds. Who wouldn't turn their head with that kind of noise? Even a creature as stupid as goblins knew to put up their guard. And in the jungle where a simple mistake may cost you your life, there are not a single (living) creatures that aren't afraid of getting killed. Maybe a dragon won't be afraid of such a simple low-level threat.

Seeing the goblins with their guard up didn't make Xion slow his speed down. With a plain and simple stab, Xion pierced the body of the goblin closest to him. As his momentum focused on the simple stabbing motion, the spear blade body stab through the poor goblin. Let's name him Lucky.

A loud and long screech accompanied by lots of smelly droplets of Lucky salivas travel through the air from the mouth of a creature that eats almost anything, who also doesn't even recognize about mouth hygiene measures aims its ugly mouth at Xion's face.

Finally, by the touch of Lucky salivas embedded on his face made Xion stop on his tracks. Fortunately for him, the goblins were still shocked by their situation so they didn't think about attacking their enemy who already killed one of their own kind, possibly their friend or family.

Xion's shock face that even the goblins whose retarded-ness known by all have noticed how stunned he is and readied their weapons for battle and revenge.

Noticing his current situation, Xion swung his spear fast and with as much power as he could muster to swipe horizontally towards the goblins. Making them stops on their tracks. Luckily for him, Lucky who still got stuck into his spear got thrown by his swing and yell another loud dying scream. Then with a thud, it landed on a tree with an uneven trunk and pointy branch-- piercing its body and stuck yet again. On its last moment of life, Lucky put an end to its scream with a cough and spurts of green substances out of its mouth.

One goblin that stands farther from the rest of the group look at its friend last moment. Clearly distracted by its friend dying moment full of anguish and pain.

Taking his given chance, Xion throws his spear at the body of the distracted goblin stabbing through its underbelly. With his sole weapon thrown and out of reach Xion is armless. At least that's what the three surviving goblins thought.

Xion gathers all the energy he could use as fast as he can on his left palm creating a sharp little spike made of bone at the center of his palm while he sprints toward his spear which already been drizzled by the green blood of the goblin as it struggles to pull-out the spear out of its body.

Not even six-step passes and he already got blocked by the closest goblin with a rusty, chipped, and broken tip dagger. Xion with his sprinting positions knows that he can't avoid the danger of the dagger hold by the green ugly creature. So, he reaches out his right hand in an attempt to catch the goblin's wrist and push it out of his way.

Yet, reality kicks his asses again and again. The goblin stumbles and the course of its dagger in its hand follow its fallen body. Xion who caught off guard got his brachioradialis muscle cut and rip by the chipped dagger which looks like an abstract saw instead of a dagger.

Despite his plan and arm got wrecked he still catches the goblin wrist and squishes it hard so it won't be able to control the dagger in its hands. Xion didn't just stop there nor the goblin, the goblin know that its hands and weapon aren't in its control anymore open its mouth attempting to bite into Xion's flesh or whatever bodyparts it can sink its fangs into.

Xion at his current posture will be on the losing side if he didn't do anything to prevent the goblin from taking a bite of his flesh. Xion uses the last bit of energy that he had gathered into the sharp object growing on his palm and strikes the goblin at its frontal cranium. After the bone penetrates the bone of the goblin, he shouts and will's his energy at the same time to make it explode. And…

"Bam!' the goblin head explodes launching shrapnels and brain matter alike everywhere at high speed. Xion whose body is less than a meter from the explosions received most of the shrapnel into his body, thankfully with his fast reaction, he released the goblin wrist and put his arm as a shield for his eyes. But, he wasn't the only one at the receiving ends, one goblin at the distant got its eye pierced and flung its body around on the ground.

Unnoticed by Xion there is one goblin unharmed and ready to attack him from behind.

The goblin armed with a stick as thick as it thigh aim at Xion left wide-open ribs and swing its stick madly. Subjected to the goblin full power strike makes Xion loses his footing and falls to the green muddy ground.

All the pain he had accumulated jolted through his body at the same time, coursing from his nerves to his spinal cord and brainstem and then onto the brain, when the information is processed and the pain is perceived it turns into a shock-like state for Xion.

Seeing its enemy down and can't retaliate gives the sole survivor goblin joy and excitement. The goblin knows that if it can kill this strong enemy, it may evolve into a hobgoblin, a tier higher than a goblin.

As a tier higher than the goblin, the hobgoblin is smarter than goblin by a lot and some of them could even do magic. Hobgoblin can reach up to one and a half meters high with a pair of small horns on their forehead which can store energy and targeted by intelligent species alike because of their versatile use. But it is not like a super valuable item or something but just an easy, cheap, and accessible thing to get. And they still procure like crazy as their lower-tier species.

Its distinct feature is the goblin female had breast they didn't bulge out like another land mammals. So it's hard to differentiate if a goblin male or female if their genital organ hidden by something. Whilst the hobgoblin female had a normal breast, like the other land mammals but they didn't breast-feed their gollings. Even if they did, the gollings (1 day for goblin and 3 or 5 days for hobgoblin) fangs and teeth already strong enough to chew meat. With how ungrateful they were as a race the gollings would probably bite-off their mother nipples whilst suckling.

If hobgoblin mate with another hobgoblin then their offspring would be hobgoblin as well but if it is procuring with another goblin then the offspring would be a goblin. Although the chance of it evolving would be higher and easier than a normal goblin, it is still a retarded goblin to boot.

Hobgoblin danger rating is equal to a group or two of goblins with 5 to 8 members. Hobgoblin still classified as a pest because of its similar fast-breeding rate as the goblin. Their pregnancy will last from 40 to 60 days and the gollings (offspring of goblins or hobgoblins) will mature in 20 to 25 days, but they always come out in pairs, it either twins or triplets.

Even though the goblin could only bear one golling at once and loses in power and quantity compare to a hobgoblin, they still had a larger number and a majority of their species could leave behind six to ten (maybe more) gollings and those gollings could leave another gollings whilst compare against its parents who could leave more gollings by the year.

Imagine, a group of goblins (3 males and 7 females) leave 7 healthy green ugly baby goblin (let's just say, 2 males and 5 females). In 15 days of their life, they are ready to procure more green ugly gollings. A month later there would be 12 ugly gollings around. So, they had a total of 29 members in their community in under 3 months. And goblins aren't known as a picky eater they see it, put it into their mouth, chew it, and swallow. Wherever goblins stay they would wreck the ecosystem around them. Thankfully, they're an easy snack for the most predator in the forest and their retardedness could easily kill them.

They're a being with high curiosity but low intelligence to cope with their curiosity that may end up like a guillotine over their head that could drop at any moment.

The goblin raises its stick higher and aims it at Xion head. It knows that whatever creature that had a head will stop moving if their head got crushed. So trusting its own instinct the goblin hit its target head as hard as he could muster in his dirty little hands.

how are you guys? anyway, I'm thinking of changing the current title with a new one because I think it won't be in line with what I had in mind for the future of the series.

no matter how bad or good your days were, lemme say this, have a good day and fun reading. cheers~

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