
Chapter 5 – The New Regime

The next day, Matthaios woke up earlier as he thought he's going to be. He wore his armor back on, equipping the Blades of Athena afterward. He was up so early because of what Athena said last night and that makes his way to Mount Olympus before dawn, so he woke up before the sun could even rise.

It gave him plenty of time to prepare for his first-ever solo flight, going to the Queen's lair to ask permission from her. Queen Colubra was lying naked beside Heiron who was rather worn out from sleeping with her brought by Aphrodite and her mischievous intent.

The Spartan Queen woke up because of the Demi-god's presence, caressing the warrior that shared a bed with her before sitting up and putting her garments back on. "What brings you here so early, Matthaios? And why are you geared up?"

"I need to ask permission from you, my Queen." Matthaios stood in front of the Queen.

"And what is the cover of my permission?" Queen Colubra asked while getting her hair done.

"Athena spoke to me before I went to bed last night, telling me that I should head to Mount Olympus before dawn." It is about Athena, and the Demi-god was so curious about why the Goddess of Wisdom needs him.

"…This is it, Matthaios. I'm afraid that you have to leave Sparta." The Queen knew that this date would come.

"I'll be gone for a day or two, this wouldn't be a hassle." He calculated it.

"It would be, it's too dangerous out there but I know you'll reach Mount Olympus in no time. Here, you might need this." Queen Colubra goes to her throne, having the lion-patterned gauntlets that are the Nemean Cestus.

"The gauntlets." Matthaios stared at the weapon that was once wielded by his father Kratos and his uncle Heracles.

"When you need to fight your way in, use the blades and the gauntlets." She handed him the gauntlets, which he accepted and equipped.

"Thank you, my Queen. And I think I should go now." The Demi-god left the Queen's throne room with the weapons he needed for his journey that is about to get unfolded.

"May the Gods guide your path, Champion of Sparta." Queen Colubra watched him march alone as he leaves the city of Sparta without any army by his side.

Once he exits the gates of Sparta, he walked his way into the plains and forests infested with beasts and some other creatures, but the word 'bother' isn't in his vocabulary as he kept on walking until he encounters some cursed Wretches. While slaying them one-by-one, he gains annoyance from it. He knew this is going to be a long walk.

The spiders were an easy task for him, but he was challenged when he entered Argos just to encounter these Hoplite troops. He began battling with them using the flaming Blades of Athena, but their guards were quite unbreakable. So, he forced his way in just to fight these armored beasts until he saw an opening to neutralize them.

He took the Hoplite soldiers down, coming across Argos before exiting it with a shortcut he saw. This shortcut wasn't advisable for him to go through as it is manifested with more Hoplite soldiers, and he has to fight them before stepping in the gates of Athens. After defeating more Hoplite troops, he finally reached Athens and its gate.

He has full access to it using Automaton Gears, opening the gates of Athens before entering a portal that sends him to Mount Olympus. He still has to climb his way in, so he did out of patience. Now that he's almost at the top, he is hoping that he could see both of his aunt Athena and his mother Aphrodite. It serves as his motivation, and he finally reached Mount Olympus in time.

It seems like Athena and Aphrodite held up a truce to refrain from ending up in an argument, and the Goddess of Wisdom in her new form appeared in front of the Demi-god. "You made it, Matthaios."

"I just did what you told me, Athena. Now, what do you need from me?" He stood right in front of Athena.

Athena sighed, remembering Kratos from his tone. "Now's the time, Matthaios. Your journey begins here in Olympus."

"Journey? Do you mean the remaining Gods need me for their selfish intentions? No, I am not making the same mistake as my father did." The Spartan Demi-god knew that he'll get used by the Gods.

"You aren't miserable as your father, and I assure you that you won't lose anything." Athena tries to convince him.

"Vengeful is more like it, Athena." Matthaios corrected the Goddess of Wisdom.

"And it brought us to this situation where I led Olympus for years until Atlantis and the Underworld have also elected their leaders recently," Athena reveals that the other domains have its new rulers.

"I'm guessing… The ones that the Gods left before my father murdered them?" He guessed, and he had it right.

"Something like that." Athena's hands glowed, showing who the new executives are.

Matthaios watched the images that Athena is trying to project using her powers, seeing Atlantis being ruled by a familiar being. Next of, the Underworld. This, he knows a little. And the last one, the Domain of Death which is being reigned by yet another unprecedented figure.

Athena comes up with her explanation of who they are and how did they get their position on leading each region, starting it with the context of the death of the Olympian Gods. "We are truly aware that your father has killed the Gods… And lasted a decade before I decided to be the Queen of the Gods, here are they… Triton, the rightful heir for the position as the next King of Atlantis. Melinoe, Persephone's daughter who is now ruling Death's Domain. And lastly, Zagreus. Yet another child of Persephone who took the responsibility to become the new King of the Underworld."

Matthaios needs to learn some more about Melinoe and Zagreus, asking who they are and how did Persephone conceives them. "Tell me more about Zagreus and Melinoe."

Athena circled the Demi-god, telling who they are. ��They say that they were Persephone's children from Hades, and some others say that they were from Zeus. There are also rumors scattering that Zagreus is the first-born Dionysus, but no, Dionysus is here in Olympus."

"Now, tell me what I should do with these new rulers of each realm…" He wanted to be enlightened about his goal for the Gods who are governing in Greece.

"Go to Atlantis and see Triton, I ensure you that he would be invigorated upon seeing you. You wield the Triton's Lance, and he has the Trident of Poseidon. Be in a guise of an Atlantean, and think like an Atlantean." Athena pinpoints Atlantis and its King Triton.

"A conversation with him would be an honor, but my history between me and the Atlanteans isn't that too well." He thought of his background in dealing with the citizens of Atlantis.

"That is why I suggest you go incognito and hide in the guise of an Atlantean." The Goddess of Wisdom reminded him.

"I need to sail, just in case. This is going to be my second time going to Atlantis." He walked to the cliff, peeking at the sea down below.

Athena walked behind Matthaios, telling him that swimming would suffice his traveling needs. "Diving in would be enough."

"This is where I find out if King Triton is with us or against us." Triton might play both sides, and Matthaios considers bringing his weapons in case his guise is compromised.

He was about to take the dive and land on the sea, but then his mother Aphrodite and her handmaidens decided to come out from the chamber. The Goddess of Love finally gets to see her son all grown up, resting her hand on her son's broad shoulder. "It is I, my son. Nothing to worry about."

"Mother…" The tension between him and the environment he's about to adapt and encounter lessens after seeing Aphrodite.

"The Spartans have raised you so well, I see." Aphrodite held his cheeks softly.

Matthaios held his mother's wrist and seeing her made him smile brightly. "Yes, mother. They did a good job of raising me."

"You are as tall as your father… Hell, you even sound like him." She sees Kratos in her son exactly.

"I do not expect that I would follow the footsteps of the Ghost of Sparta…" Matthaios couldn't believe that he is resuming his father's path.

"How are the Queen and your friend Heiron? I see that they have enjoyed themselves." She then reminded him of how the Queen and his friend shared a bed.

"Let's not talk about that, mother. All that matters right now is my first step in becoming the Champion of Sparta." He doesn't want to talk about it, getting himself focused on his mission.

It made Aphrodite chuckle lightly, embracing her son for him to lessen the tension in his body. "Do not let your rage consume your performance, my beloved son. And be grateful that I haven't interfered with the wars that you have gone through."

"Mother… You don't need to. Though I might need a hand… Occasionally.�� He asked if he could seek help from her if needed.

"Of course, my dear. Why would I ever neglect you? Take it from me." Aphrodite agreed on her son's wish.

"Well, it was nice to see you again, mother." Matthaios looked at the ocean once again, but Aphrodite doesn't him to leave without doing her part.

"Wait, before you go… Have this." Aphrodite stepped closer, kissing Matthaios' forehead to wish him good luck.

The Demi-god wasn't feeling that vengeful anymore, reverting his insights for his mission positively. He couldn't help but smile from his mother's touch, and he is motivated enough to make the jump and dive into the deep waters of Atlantis to see King Triton. And besides his mother Aphrodite, Athena also blessed him from his adventure.

"The Gods are always by your side, Champion of Sparta."

To be continued…