
God of Valyria

A Chad Grandpa died and found himself in the body of a son of Zeus, fated to overthrow the Heavens and take the throne for himself, ushering Ancient Greece into a new age. ~ Mc is the progenitor of Valyria. He will create his own kingdom and destroy everyone on his path to glory leaving destruction in its fullest wake. ~ AU Crossover. You will love it regardless.

_oinkchan · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Testing Out

I waved back at the dragon girl. It was a little weird but nothing less than normal. What I was more interested in was the loss of divinity.

The second I named her, I felt my divinity halve but then regenerate instantly due to my Energy Domain.

Did this mean that I have infinite energy now? And does it mean I can control it? Or use any form of energy?

Holy... fuck. This was exciting. After all, energy is one of the prime concepts in the world. Without it, nothing can happen.

I wondered if it was possible.... could I create energy itself? That should be impossible right? The first law of thermodynamics itself is that Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

Does this apply to a God as well? One like me?


"Asgiri," I called out. The woman looked at me, confused. "Yes?"

"Block this."

She tilted her head, "Huh?"

I opened my fingers, pointing towards the dragon. To be honest, I wanted to test her. Will the first dragon be as strong as I expect it to be? If not... then it would bring shame to the name derived from... Asgorath.



Smoke and flames were everywhere. The blast had destroyed the waterfall and the area around it, turning it into a blackened shell that was still burning inside.

Oh. So I can indeed create energy. That's just... fucking amazing.

The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy.

So I wonder... can I convert energy? Theory wise it should be possible.

The debris suddenly cleared as a huge flame pillar burst through towards me with extreme heat razing everything in its way to bits and pieces.

Perfect. This is what I wanted.

As it neared my body, I held my palm forward and muttered under my breath.


Then held the other arm, pointing towards the dragon zooming through the dust.


Tendrils of electricity released from my fingers similar to Darth Vader himself. It was quite a scene to see come alive. It was a literal dream for a grandpa like me who grew up watching Star Wars.

The dragon roared loudly, a heaven-shaking wave as it wriggled around dealing with the electricity. The sound was going to pierce through the air and travel distances but I instantly began to absorb it.

I opened my palm and a small point of pressure began to form. It had no color, no particular shape nor did it have any heat.

However, the substance within my fingers at the moment was the concept of energy itself. Something incomprehensible even to me, a God with its domain.

Sure I gained lots of knowledge regarding 'Energy' when I found out it was my domain but I learned another thing, to become more proficient I need to find secrets about it and understand the concept more... similar to Chinese Daoists.

I walked towards the dancing dragon. By the Oink I swear, she was massive... covering a lot of the forest. It was scary to imagine that she had the potential for infinite growth due to being my familiar.

I touched her horn and closed my eyes. Instantly the concept entered her body. Asgiri looked at me with astonished eyes.

All the electricity entered me and then her. She was healed and better than peak health. In fact, she had too much energy at the moment and that was dangerous since a lot of energy does more harm than good.

Can I destroy energy? I wondered.


I can... it seems.


As if a shadow clone from Naruto had been released, the huge dragon transformed into her humanoid form... pouting angrily at me.

"Daddy... that was extremely rude."

A smirk crept across my face.

"Actually... as I see it... I warned you... did I ever allow you to strike back?"

Question marks floated over her head, she tapped her finger over her chin as if contemplating deeply.

"Uh... No?"

I nodded.

"Exactly. Hence... you deserve to be punished."

Her eyes widened, "Punished?" Her face turned pale. "You're not going to kill me are you?"

"Of course not. But I will make you suffer."

I smiled evilly. She pouted, huffing away in annoyance.

"You will pay for your actions. You shall be stripped of your powers until I believe you have regretted enough."

"But daddy..." she whined.

I said simply,

"Don't worry. It's a form of discipline used to punish children. You're young so I'll give you a light swat."

She glared at me, "You wouldn't hurt me. Right?"

I shook my head, "No. I won't."

"Umm... okay."

I placed both hands on her thighs, then lightly removed her black thong, letting her body rest on my lap.

Then I placed my hand lightly on her butt cheek. My palm glowed with the same energy I had released earlier, leaving all her defenses broken and stripped.


She gasped. "Owww!"

I slapped her butt again, this time harder.


Again, she groaned. "Ahhh!"

I smiled, "It's just the beginning."

I grabbed her ass cheeks roughly and spanked her hard once more. She squirmed in pain, trying to escape but I firmly held her down, keeping her legs open.



"Y-you can stop!"

I didn't, instead, I slapped her butt harder.



This continued for a while.

"Ah... Ahh! Daddy... Please stop!"

A long while.


I think I will add Marvel to this story. Any opinion upon that?

Next chapter we might have a fightish with a minor boss villain from Tensura... Can you guess who?

_oinkchancreators' thoughts