
God of Valyria

A Chad Grandpa died and found himself in the body of a son of Zeus, fated to overthrow the Heavens and take the throne for himself, ushering Ancient Greece into a new age. ~ Mc is the progenitor of Valyria. He will create his own kingdom and destroy everyone on his path to glory leaving destruction in its fullest wake. ~ AU Crossover. You will love it regardless.

_oinkchan · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


Athena scowled. Her face which was as perfect as the heavens seemed like a second-rate replica of fake jordans.

"Why has that idiot come over here?"

Before she could complain more, a huge tapping of shoes resounded in the hallway.


In came a tall man. His skin was a beautiful shade of bronze white in color and his body was clad in golden dawn armor.

Deep blood-red hair flowed from his back similar to a tapestry and a bushy black beard covered his overextended jawline.


The man pierced his spear into the marble ground with great might as if a nail that stuck up still. He removed his helm and gaped at Athena.

A disgusting smirk covered his face, full of arrogance before he spoke.

"Long time no see, sister."

A huge scar ran from his eyebrows to his lips and the eye in between was green while the other was blue.

Athena stared at him stoically as she spoke.

"How have you been, Ares."

Ares did not reply. Instead, he absorbed the surroundings, looking at the beautiful architecture before smiling maniacally.

Athena's eyebrows twitched.

"Don't you dare think of destroying my abode."

Ares stopped staring and instead directed his view at his sweet sister, or so he thought.

The chiton she was wearing was stuck to her body tightly, making her gigantic yet not, perfect boobs stick out like a wallflower.

He had not seen her turn around to see her ass but he was sure that even that was perky as fuck.

Meanwhile, Athena frowned glancing at the War God who was staring at her body with lust. She walked down the steps, each step graceful as she spoke.

"Why don't you go and gawk at your whore?"

The shit-stained smile on his face slowly slipped.

Ares instantly stopped staring and snapped. His expression was rather angry as he spoke.

"Aphrodite is not a whore."

Athena calmly raised her eyebrow and mocked disinterested.

"Are you sure? The fact that you knew I was speaking about her... even now she is probably fucking with some random mortal or her servants maybe even that fishdick, Poseidon."

Ares clutched his fists tightly and glared at the woman in front with unbridled fury. He wanted to unleash it at this instant and dominate the haughty woman, make the great arrogant Athena beg for his battle scorn cock.

Athena's brows snapped together. Her face turned colder than ice. A huge pressure emanated from her body as a storm raged in her grey eyes.

"Ares. Do not test my anger."

Instantly the red-haired man almost fell to his knees however his fury was still as strong as a volcanic eruption.

Soon a calming river flowed through his body, turning his wrath into an unpredictable ocean. He raised his head to look at Athena without lust this time.

The pressure diminished and Ares stood up. His knees were still a little shaky but that was nothing compared to the previous times Athena empowered him.

He had gained a little immunity. Athena gazed at the man, amused. Ares was a War God. Despite what others thought of him, he was not a complete muscle head.

Battle tactics, street smartness... these were all qualities of a general, and since he was their God... It was even more piled.

Simply saying Ares was a true prodigy. Unfortunately, lust and wrath were barriers that prevented him from unleashing into his utmost glory, a pity.

However, since he was a War God he was able to calm down his lust and wrath but that was simply calming down. They would not disappear, simply stack up.

He could control them but not forever. Ares was a time-ticking bomb. If one had to say, then he was the chained beast of Olympus, one of their greatest weapons and a double edged sword at the same moment.

Ares's expression was monotone and hollow as if all his emotions had been killed. He walked freely as he spoke.

"Sparta will go to war with Athens and this time we will devour you raw."

Athena pursed her lips and broke into a series of giggles.

"Haha hahaha...hahhahahahaha."

Tears shimmered in her eyes as she wiped them. Her pupils dilated and a charming smile remained on her visage.

"Ares that is the best joke you have ever made yet."

His nose crinkled but his expression remained stoic.

"I am serious."

Now, this was Athena's turn to press her lips together.


Ares walked towards the gazebo and picked up a biscuit from the tray. He almost put it in his mouth before looking at Athena and crushing it in his fingers with a snap.

"I am bored. Plus it is time we put an end to this matter."

Athena was silent, she simply peeked at Ares wondering what was going through his mind. The man of course noticed her gaze but ignored it.

"If I win. I will be Athen's patron but if you win you will be Sparta's patron. All in."

Athena crossed her arms, making her boobs prominent. A frozen grin ensnaring her visage.

"Well if that is what you wish. Let's play this game."

Both of them looked at each other as the tension in the room grew more and more. Nike who was ignored as if invisible had chills going down her spine.

She could barely control her impulse of 'Eeking'.

A deranged smile broke through Ares's face as he lowered his face lightly. His eyes contained a dangerous electricity in them.

He turned around and the atmosphere instantly broke off. With loud thumps he exited the room as Athena stared at his humongous monster back, lost in thought.

Spartans especially were dangerous enemies. Their skill in combat was unprecedented, taught by Ares himself. Females and males both were strong warriors that would readily give their lives on the battlefield.

Bloodlust ran through their veins. Many of the Spartans were demigod children of Ares himself. Along with that, he had the support of Aphrodite.

With the support of the whore, he had the support of Hephaestus to make world-class weapons and all the other gods she slept with. Aphrodite would not let go of a chance to humiliate her. This was the perfect opportunity.

Even the fish dick would jump at this opportunity, still bitter over losing the Patron God position for Athens to her.

Spartans were famous for enslaving the Helots and spreading their barbary with viciousness. Lust ran rampant for the soldiers doing sinful acts and moral degradation to the defeated population.

This would be interesting and extremely hard. A gamble with all reputation on the line.

The wisdom goddess had not felt so pressured in a long while. She loved challenges and this was one of the greatest challenges ever.

So many variables. Her brother... and Ares. She almost felt a little stressed out. Clutching her head tightly, she broke into a series of giggles.


She tilted her head to look at her maidservant. Nike poured some water into a cup, her fingers trembling and her legs shaking.

Athena raised an eyebrow.

"You can do it now."

Nike looked up at Athena with water in her eyes that kept streaming, expressing her fear.

"Thank you, Lady Athena."

Athena simply walked towards Nike and took the glass of water, drinking it all in a single gulp. Then she covered her ears.

That day, the entire of Ancient Greece heard a shrill sound similar to a dying old lady wailing.

Good chap imo

_oinkchancreators' thoughts