
God of Tricksters

"God of Mischief is interested in you and wants you to be his emissary. Do you accept?" With blood and wounds covered his entire body, the voice echoing inside his mind was like that of a hope shining upon him. In the glorious future era, mankind had discovered the bottom of the sea and conquered the sky, but they also accidentally opened the Pandora box that shouldn't be opened. They found a place where lived numerous unknown creatures. Here, humans will wrest their lives to step upon their greatest evolution and create their own myths, including Theodore. Faced with betrayals, surrounded by beasts, and faced with imminent death, he answered with resolve and tenacity. "Yes!" ------- Other works: 1. I Can Read People's Comment 2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World 3. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 4. The Magician of Sound (Completed) 5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed) ------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag

Fixten · Fantasy
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2135 Chs

Peak Battle Part 2

"Such an amazing team play." Sheira began her explanation. "Both teams are trying to defend their teammates while attacking their opponents at the same time. Seeing how both teams can react to each other just shows how high their level as an individual is.

"Still, what makes me curious is the blessing of Morgana Le Fay, a powerful sorcerer. In her legend, it's stated that she is also an excellent swordsman despite her extraordinary magic.

"It's stated that Zara is a Magician. So, this must mean she is trying to hide her real power! Even I am not sure who will win in this battle!"

And the one who experienced that power for the first time was Mo Ning. She also had heard about Morgana being an excellent swordsman.

"Hu…" Mo Ning took a deep breath while trying to get another surge of strength to push back Zara.

However, Zara already leaped first to avoid Mo Ning while glancing to the left.