
Student and Master

"I can't believe that old geezer Charlemagne assigned me to work with you two pillocks." Akemi clambered, her head twisted away from Spaz and Maxwell snobbishly.

"Now, it can't be that bad. Charlemagne just said you were training us on the basics." Maxwell said.

"Yeah. But you don't have to worry about teaching me combat. I've already been trained on that since I was a boy. I'm not too sure about Riley here, though." Spaz added.

"Oh, he could definitely use some combat training. I'll be teaching you both some things about everything from fighting to stealth techniques and basic psychokinetic control."

"Psychokinetic? What the hell's that?" Spaz sneered, crossing his arms.

"Oh god...you blokes never found out what that was. Allow me to demonstrate." Akemi pressed her hand up to her temple, closing her eyes as she focused for a brief moment. Things went quiet, until her voice was heard yet again.

"Can you hear me? I connected to a pulse here…." Akemi's voice echoed, Riley jumping back in fear. It was his natural instinct to fling himself in Spaz's arms somehow, of which the black haired brawler didn't notice until a few seconds later when he embarrassedly dropped the boy to the floor.

"....scared of a little voice. I wonder what other minimal things scare you." Akemi went on, only her mouth didn't open to speak. She stood in the same position, her eyes shut, her body still, her finger pressed against her temple.

"The hell's got you so scared, Maxwell? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Spaz shouted.

"Akemi…she's talking to me!" Riley pointed, jittering in fear.

"No she's not you twit….she hasn't spoken a word!" Spaz stammered.

"You can't hear me, Spaz? I'm not getting a pulse from you. That's not good. Riley's pulse on the other hand is jittering like crazy. I've never seen such a frantic collection of wavelengths." Akemi observed.

"Explain to me what's going on, Akemi. You're keeping us in the dark too much." Riley pouted.

"Some humans in this day and age are born with a special modification in their mind that is the product of millions of years of evolution. It's called Psychokinesis, and it's a brainwave power that allows the human body to do things that aren't typically possible. This power emanates a 'pulse' from your brain, which signifies dormant psychokinesis. Think of it kind of like a heartbeat, but from your head. That pulse signifies whether you have this power or not. I'm not getting a pulse from Spaz, so that means you weren't born with it." Akemi explained.

"So, what does that mean?" Spaz poked.

"It means you'll be at a severe disadvantage. Having psychokinetic energy is a key part of being in this guild. Without it, you're cut off access to communication, special techniques, and much more."

"So? I'm an asset on my strength alone. I don't need any fancy powers. Would you like me to demonstrate?' Spaz mashed his knuckles together, giving a devilish grin.

"Fine. You seem too cocky in your skills, but I haven't seen what you can do yet. So, show me. Let's see this strength of yours." Akemi agreed.

"Really!? I've been itching for a fight! Let's get to it!"

"Not here. Let's go to the training room."


The training room was a large open field that featured a singular foam mat that stretched across the brick floor. It was well lit by a horde of gas lamps strung about the ceiling. Around the edges of the room, weight racks were scattered about, mostly for use by the more muscular members of Spectre. On the wall above the room laid a giant chalk board with names and numbers etched on it.


OXFORD (REIGNING CHAMPION) - 12,560 lbs, 25 reps, 5 sets (ALL HAIL THE KING, PLEBIANS!!!!! - Oxford)

FREED (RUNNER UP)- 1,320 lbs, 10 reps, 2 sets [Without fullbody] 2,460 lbs [With Fullbody]

ZATOICHI- 955 lbs,25 reps, 5 sets

RODGER- 710 lbs, 15 reps, 3 sets


AKEMI- 365 lbs, 10 reps, 2 sets (Who the hell got this tyke on protein?- Herrick)

TAKESHI- 355 lbs, 25 reps, 5 sets (UP FROM 250 lbs! GOOD SHIT, TANAKA!- Rodger)

HERRICK- 290 lbs, 15 reps, 3 sets (Stick to throwin' knives, bud.- Takeshi)

"No way...Oxford lifted 12,000 pounds!?" Riley jumped, observing the board above.

"He wasn't even really trying. I've seen him do more. That's the weight he trains at now, mostly." Akemi said.

"That Oxford is a beast! Oh what I'd pay to fight him…" Spaz laughed, only to notice a shadow casted over his body. Turning back slowly, Spaz was greeted to the sight that was the muscular monster himself, Oxford Cunningham.

"HELLO! YOU CALLED!?" Oxford barked, placing his hands on his hips, flexing his pecs as the bounced up and down.

"No...no way...that form….that muscle...IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!" Stars shot from Spaz's eyes as he further observed Cunningham.

Oxford, enjoying the glory, began to flex in various poses, showing off his magnificent arms to his toned legs.

"Take a good look, my boy. This is peak form! The height of the human body! A build rivaled by none!" Oxford bragged, steam shooting from his nostrils as he continued to flex in just about any position possible, from behind, upside down, on his head, on his side, and across the floor.

"I CAN'T FREAKING BELIEVE IT! I'VE NEVER SEEN SUCH A PERFECT FORM!" Spaz ogled, drooling from his mouth.

Their fit of indulgence came to an abrupt end as Akemi smacked both of them utop the head, leaving a giant bump on each of their scalps.

"OH GET A ROOM ALREADY!" Akemi shouted, tears rolling down both Spaz's and Oxford's eyes.

"Oxford-sama…please...I beg you...train me! I want to become as ungodly strong as you!" Spaz begged, on his knees worshiping him like christ incarnate.

"You see my boy, it takes much skill, determination, and a bit of luck to achieve what I have. To follow me on this path to dominance is a treacherous one, but if you do wish it upon yourself...you too can become a god among men. With that I accept you with open arms, if you are willing to die for this! You have to be committed to the very tee!" Oxford explained.


"VERY WELL! To begin, we must prepare our bodies for the torture we must endure. You seem to be in good standing thus far, but you need bulk! You are far too skinny to be lifting serious weight! Follow me, my boy! We will indulge in a meal fit for ripped beast!" Oxford stomped out of the room, Spaz happily trailing behind him.

"Bloody idiots I tell you…" Akemi hung her head in disappointment.

"I wonder why that kid is so obsessed with getting strong and fighting...I've never met anyone like him." Riley noted.

"I've seen a few people like him. In this guild, they're not all that rare. Like...Sal-" Akemi cut herself off, a distressed look on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?" Riley asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just...thought of someone. Look, since he's gone, I guess I'll just train you myself. So, let's get to it. Why don't you show me what you can do?"

"Like, in a fight? Right now?"

"Yes, right now. Put up your dukes. Don't hold back because I'm a girl."

"Uh...I don't have much to hold back in the first place. I've never fought in my life."

"Well, you're in Spectre now. You're going to have to fight every day of your life. So get a move on, I'll teach you as we go. Try to keep up."

"I guess…" Riley said worriedly, rubbing the back of his head as he took a makeshift fighting stance.