
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs


"It's not a problem to wait, brother, I'll find you a seat first." There was a sound, and one of them came out and looked back and forth at the people on the first floor.

Fang Heng early in the moment to see the three people took off the hat to put on again, he recognized, this out to find the seat of the youth, is some time ago he held Murong Li, at the moment he was regarded as a thorn in the side, Murong Li know him, naturally to hide themselves.

Murong Li looked for a long time, eyes finally stopped on the Fang Heng, nothing else, Fang Heng a person accounted for a big table, want to eye-catching are difficult.


The dull sound came out, and a gold with five or two weights was thrown directly on the table in front of Fang Heng, so that the bottles on the table were shaking.

"Take the gold and leave, we use the table!" Murong Li coldly said a sentence, immediately let the seat of Fang Heng frown.

"Get out of here!

Faint word out, suddenly, a quiet restaurant.

All the diners opened their mouths wide and could not believe looking at Fang Heng with a bamboo hat, roll? This young man dares the Murong family to leave!

'What? Murong Li's face also changed, and his eyes were fixed on Fang Heng, "Do you know who I am!"

'I don't care who you are!

More severe words came out, with the words appeared, is the table flying gold, directly hit in front of Murong Li.

'You want to die!

Murong Li let out a loud drink, the figure shook, and in an instant came to Fang Heng, the hand was a punch!

The blow blew, the air buzz, all the guests in the restaurant face changed, a word will kill, Murong family people are really vicious!


The muffled sound came out, and the scene that surprised everyone appeared, I saw the fierce punch of Murong Li, which was directly seized by a white palm, and the fierce power disappeared without any time to play!

"For this skill, you dare to start?"

Faint words sounded, Fang Heng holding Murong Li hand, hand also do not forget to clip a piece of beef into the mouth, the state is very handsome.


Murong Li's face changed, his fist kept moving, but he could not earn Fang Heng's arm at all, this scene was like a child comparing strength with adults, which was very funny.

'Let go of my hand!

Finally, Murong Li knew his strength than Fang Heng, coldly said a sentence.

Fang Heng is ignoring, self-absorbed beef and drink, which makes Murong Li face gas twisted up, "let go of my hand, hurry up!" Or I'll kill you..."

"Badi, don't be rude!"

Before Murongli had finished his speech, the young man standing at the door interrupted Murongli's words, walked over directly, smiled and said to Fang Heng, "This elder brother, my brother is not sensible, and he collided with you, but I hope you will forgive me a lot."

"Oh, you this brother does not say a word to start, if not I have some strength, I am afraid that at this moment is dead, why do you say a word I will let go?"

The cold words came from under the hat, and the young man's face froze, as if he did not expect Fang Heng to give him face so badly.

"What do you want?"

"I haven't decided yet." Fang Heng took a sip of wine and said with a light smile, "I'll tell you when I think about it."

Hearing this, the people in the restaurant were completely stunned, and they could not understand how this young man with a bamboo hat had such great courage to play with the Murong family so much.

"Oh, good!" The young man suddenly laughed, "Brother, how dare you! But my time is limited, I will wait for you first!"


Between words, the young man directly started, a palm hit Murongli's arm, on the spot to let its arm deformation, screaming!

"Ah! Big brother..."

'Shut up! The young man gave a cold drink and looked at Fang Heng coldly, "How about this, Brother can be satisfied?"

The atmosphere in the restaurant was completely silent, and everyone looked at the young man's eyes, which were full of fear!

His own brother can break his arm, which shows how ruthless this man is!

'Oh? The Fang Heng under the bamboo hat is also an eyebrow pick, the palm of the hand directly loosened, Murong Li body immediately back, knocked down countless tables and chairs, extremely confused.

"It's fair of you to break an arm."

"Of course, my brother has made a mistake, and it will be punished!" 'said the young man coldly.' But I have punished him for his fault, but not yours. '

Hearing this, the people in the big Xuan building finally understood, looking at Fang Heng's eyes with a wave of compassion, this person is so cruel to his brothers, that outsiders will show mercy!

"The first heaven is a peak, the true strength in the palm is rich, it seems that you have all the skills in the palm, but this is nothing to me."

Faint words spit out, Fang Heng without any fear, "you can hand."

"A congenital weight! Murong family, my God, he is Murong Sheng!"

Hearing Fang Heng's words, someone in the restaurant suddenly exclaimed, suddenly, everyone was shocked!

Murong Sheng, just three words, but is already the pride of the big Xuancheng, recognized genius, in addition to the Fang family that a few terror figures, it is his most intense!

"Huh? You seem to have quite a reputation."

Aware of the change of everyone's look, Fang Heng light way, "That I but look forward to, I hope you are not a vain name."

"Can see my realm, you are also a bit of real ability, you are worth letting me shoot, take it!"


Between the words, Murong Sheng's palm suddenly beat out, the air inside the restaurant followed a blast, the power is extremely fierce, but did not let the surrounding seats shatter, only from this moment, it proves that Murong Sheng's control of the true force to what a terrible point.

"Good hand."

Three words came out, sitting in place Fang Heng suddenly rose, five fingers into a fist, internal strength, no moves, a fist on the palm of the past, looks very reckless, but let Murong Sheng's eyes are a change.

Boom, click, click!

Fists and palms intersect, the air shakes, invisible forces fly around, blowing all around the body are a little unstable, after a long time, before calm.

Fang Heng, half a step has not retreated, Murong Sheng, also half a step has not retreated.

Everyone stared at the two, no one knew who won the collision between the two.


A subtle sound came out, I saw the seat behind Fang Heng suddenly turned into dust, flying around, Murong Sheng's side, but there was no change.

Murong Sheng, win!

"Yes! You are the first person who can fight me and win!" Fang Heng nodded heavily, "Come, let's continue!"

As the words were spoken, Fang Heng's body began to shake, and a wave of terrible internal strength began to surge up, and the floor of the restaurant began to shake.

"No," he said. Murong Sheng suddenly waved his hand, "Your realm is but the peak of the martial arts, but you can solve me with a hard palm, which is very good, but I will not use the realm to crush you."

"Why?" Fang Heng frowned, it seemed that some did not expect.

"It's easy! I Murong Sheng never fight with low level people! If you want to fight me, when you break through the nature, we can continue." Murong Sheng waved his hand, "As for my brother's matter, you have proved your qualifications with strength, I will not care about it."

Words landed, Murong Li face ugly, but did not dare to say a word.

"I hope you can break through soon, and then, come to me." Murong Sheng nodded to Fang Heng, then found a corner to stand up quietly.

"Master Murong really lives up to his reputation! If you don't mind, how about sharing a table with us?"

A young man stood up at this time to speak, looking at Murong Sheng's eyes full of admiration.

"No, I'll just stand here." Murong Sheng shook his head and said that he stood and did not need to be pressed by his status, which made other guests admire him.

"It seems that I look down on this Murong Sheng, there is pride, but no pride, good, good, this person I must defeat!"

Looking at Murong Sheng standing in the corner, Fang Heng's excited blood all boiled up, the warrior, afraid that there is no opponent, now, he found one!

"Is Murong Brother down there? It is wrong of us to keep you waiting. Please come up quickly."

A voice suddenly came out from the second floor, Fang Heng a listen to raise eyebrows, did not expect Fang dream is also here.

"Brother Fang is welcome." Murong Sheng light said a sentence, then walked towards the stairs, Murong Li quickly follow, before leaving, also do not forget to stare Fang Heng a glance, eyes full of poison.

Fang Heng ignored Murong Li at all, his body moved, he picked up the gold that was still on the ground before, turned around, and went to a table of people.

This table people are also young people, see Fang Heng came, eyes are showing the color of tension, Fang Heng can and Murong Sheng do not fall wind, this kind of people not many people dare to provoke.

Aware of the nervous eyes of several people, Fang Heng smiled, the gold in his hands directly on the table, light way, "a few, make a friend?"


Several young people are a stay, one of the young people react quickly, quickly smile, "Brother, please sit down."

"HMM." Fang Heng sat down with a smile and asked the young man, "I just heard what you said about the Great Xuancheng Tournament, which made me very curious."

"This, well, I wonder what brother wants to know?" A group of young people were relieved and asked.

"All of them."

"Simple, this big Xuancheng tournament, every year is held by several big families in the city, this year is the Fang family." "Said the young man," but it is said that it is the Great Xuancheng Tournament, but in fact it is only a tournament between several big families, and the common people are basically unable to participate."

"Yeah." Fang Heng frown, originally thought you could find an opportunity to deal with Fang family in the tournament, now it seems useless.

"But this year is different."

"Why can I participate this year? Who is White Cloud Creek?" Fang Heng immediately asked.

"Well..." The young man looked at the gold on the table and hesitated to speak.

Fang Heng immediately smiled and added a piece of gold, the young man suddenly smiled, "This brother can be counted to find the right person, in previous years, the contest is several big family children to participate, which has long made many people in the city dissatisfied, the reason why civilians are allowed to participate this year, one is to appease the people, the second is for these big families convergence talent, civilians as long as they can get a good ranking, Then you can choose to become a guest of these families, which kills two birds with one stone, and no one will refuse."

"As for Baiyun Creek, he is my big Xuancheng genius, relying on his own at the age of 16 years to reach the first heaven, the four families agreed to him pick ten civilians to participate in the tournament, so want to participate, to go to him to sign up."

Heard these words, Fang Heng immediately understood, and wanted to ask about the details, just then, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside.