
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Let's see who kills who

"There is nothing to teach, I will not punish people who do not attack me, if these people do not want to kill my son, how can my son kill them?" Fang Xiaotian said faintly, glancing at others, "In the future, my son is also like this, who wants to kill him, he will kill who!"

Words landed, the hall was silent, Fang Zhenglong eyes changed, after a long time nodded, "In this case, that I have nothing to say."

Fang Xiao day ignored, eyes looking at the water mirror in the Fang Heng, revealed a hope.

"Henger, I don't know what happened to you, but no matter what, I am your father, and anyone who wants to use me to contain you is dreaming!"

At the same time, in the outside of the chaotic demon mountains, Fang Heng looked at the flying ash all over the sky, and his eyes showed a sneer.

"The people of the Fang family are really a group of waste, and they dare not fight, but I still think that I can break through the realm through them, which is really ridiculous."

Shook his head, Fang Heng each other dream hatred has no expectations, and their entanglement, it is better to use the time in and demon beast battle.

Blood surging, the force of the nine-fold induction began to spread quickly, countless traces of monsters, are flashing in his mind.

After observing for a while, finally, Fang Heng shook his body and ran quickly toward the south.

In his induction, the south has a nine-level peak demon beast, extremely strong, for Fang Heng, can let him feel the death of the fight is what he wants most.

Stride, the road Fang Heng also did not cover up his whereabouts, countless young people have seen him, some mouth drink, some hands to block, Fang Heng this is just a sneer, not entangled with them, the figure flashed, they passed over them, came to a dark woods.

"Yes! This monster is not simple!"

Just came here, Fang Heng's eyes is a condensation, through his induction, the trees around dark, Reiki manic, there is a faint breath into the body, fortunately, he can resist the strength of the strong, otherwise he has lost his sanity at this moment!

"Strong enough to change the environment of one side, what kind of monster is this?" Fang Heng heart secretly chanting, the pace to the woods.

Just three steps, Fang Heng felt the air in the air more intense, like the ocean, as if to drown themselves, immediately run the inner strength, just at this time, a strange wind came out, a pink, long and short feet of three zhangs of the giant snake pounce on him!

"Keelback, level nine!" Fang Heng in the heart of a surprise, the footsteps of the ground, the figure quickly retreated, but like tarsal bone maggot, and Fang Heng distance is only one inch!

"Fire Lord!"

In the face of such danger, Fang Heng let out a loud roar, his whole body was rolling, and his fist was suddenly punched up, directly hitting the mouth of the Keelback, only to hear the bang, the tall body of the keelback immediately flew, and the snake's body swung, it would disappear without a trace!

Fang Heng at this moment, the pupil shrank, the palm suddenly out, one caught the tail of the keelback, hard pull down!


The black leaves were flying, and the keelback, which was about to disappear, was pulled out, its body turned over, and its bloody mouth once again bit down on Fang Heng.

"Hum! Fang Heng cold hum, all the internal strength burst out, the arm was thrown out, the head of the teal snake was directly thrown out, smashing countless trees!

"Roar! The angry roar sounded, and the body of the Keelback twisted wildly, trying to free its tail from Fang Heng's hands, but Fang Heng kept laughing sneer, directly regarded the keelback as a whip, and quickly shook it, only to hear a series of dull sounds, all the black trees around broke, and the ground was drawn out countless cracks!

The keelback, at this moment also completely silent, was shocked to death!

"Is this dead?" Fang Heng looked at the motionless keelback, his eyes showed a touch of disappointment, "It seems that the existence of the martial level can no longer threaten me."

Shaking his head, Fang Heng broke open the red chain snake's head and reached in. Soon, a smile appeared on his face.

"The core of a Class nine keelback! Ha ha, it seems that this time did not come in vain, with this, I am not afraid of no energy after promotion." Fang Heng heart secretly happy, this a demon core, do not know how much can change Dan medicine.

Just put the demon core in his hand into his arms, there were already a lot of people around him, all of whom were from the Fang family.

These people have traces of the battle, a look to know that they also killed a lot of monsters, at the moment, their eyes are very hot looking at Fang Heng into the arms of the hand.

The dead keelback on the ground, as well as the traces of fighting around it, all show that Fang Heng has obtained a demon core of a nine-level demon beast, which alone is enough to make them move evil thoughts!

As if not aware of the eyes around the people, Fang Heng shook off the blood on his hands, to leave.

'Wait a minute! Just then, a voice came out, and a young man came out and looked at Fang Heng and said, "I am Fang Xia, Wu Tu nine, originally Fang Meng promised to give me three six-level demon cores for me to deal with you, but now it seems that the situation has changed, you are not so easy to deal with, now you just give me the demon core you got, I will not mess with you from now on, how about that?"

'Oh? Fang Heng raised his eyebrows and said faintly, "You think I can kill this keelback, but not you?"

"Kill me? Look how many people are around you?" Fang Xia smiled, "If you are willing to give me the things, I can let them all leave, you do not give me, then they will kill you."

"Hey, yeah?"


Fang Heng figure suddenly flashed, the palm of his hand caught Fang Xia's neck in an instant, sneer and said, "Now you tell them, let them leave the demon core in their hands, and then roll, so that I can spare your life."

'You! Fang Xia, who was holding his neck, looked horrified, how could he not think of himself so simple to be stopped, struggling to say, "All put down the demon core!" I will accompany you in your loss!"

The young people around looked at each other, but no one moved, and there was a sneer in their faces.

"Fang Xia, who do you think you are? Let us put down the demon core, your father said this may not work!"

"We are all equal, and you just tell us to hand things over, why?"

A series of words, Fang Xia's face is very ugly, just want to say something, Fang Heng shook his head, "it seems that you are also a waste."


When the words landed, Fang Heng punched the Fang Xia in his hand, turned his head, looked at the people around him and said, "Now, put the demon core side down, and then roll."

"Ha ha, arrogance! We don't listen to Fang Xia, let alone you!"

"Do not know the dead or alive waste, you do not see how many people here, brothers, everyone together, kill him first, the demon core behind, who grabs who!"

A few words came out, the young people around suddenly sneer, the pace slowly toward Fang Heng forced the past.

"It's a bunch of stupid things. Don't give you a chance." See this scene, Fang Heng sneer, no longer nonsense, figure like the wind, on the spot to all around the people rushed past.

Inside the operation, the fists and feet with, the world around as if into the world of fire, just listen to a bang bang bang bang bang bang, these young people did not react, there are close to five people flew out, people in the air has been spit blood, coma on the spot.

"Don't you want to kill me? Come and see who kills who!"

Cold drink out, I saw people in the crowd fly up one after another, Fang Heng every punch, will hit a person, its speed is fast as ghosts, fierce as overlord, who was hit, all are seriously injured!

While playing, Fang Heng also snatch the ground of the fall of the demon core, the assessment of the party is in an hour who hunt the demon beast most who will be promoted, the demon core is the best certificate, Fang Heng directly all robbed!

Party family ancestral hall, looking at the water mirror on the performance of Fang Heng, everyone's face are gloomy.

"How dare you! This is nonsense! Our family has always assessed, where there has been such a scandal!"

"Sixth brother, you say something! If we let this boy rob us like this, our family will lose face!"

A series of words sounded, Fang Zhenglong's face also looked bad, suddenly said, "OK! The first examination is here, ask the elders to bring them back."

"So what happens next?" The elder said faintly, "The first assessment is to kill the number of monsters to determine the order of the second assessment, now they have been robbed almost."

"Just calculate it according to the realm!" Fang Zhenglong immediately said, "Who's realm is high, internal strength is strong, who is in front, this year's assessment, can't just stop."

"All right." Elder nod, palm wave, see ancestral temple vibration, a green channel began to take shape, soon, chaotic demon mountain Fang Heng will feel the scenery around the change, the next moment, he returned to the ancestral temple again.

Looking at the gloomy faces of those in the ancestral hall, Fang Heng immediately sneered and said directly, "A bunch of waste!"

When the words landed, the bodies of everyone in the hall were shaken and their faces were liven, especially Fang Meng. When he saw the unconscious people all over the ground and the demon core in Fang Heng's hand, his breath began to rush up.

How did he not expect, Fang Heng, a son of Fang family abandoned son, has such a strong power, a person down so many people of the family!

"How strong is my son! Fang Xiao day stood up at this time, laughing, Fang Heng also smiled, his eyes turned, looking at Fang Zheng Long way, "six uncles, with my strength, do you think I still use to continue to participate in the assessment?"

Fang Zhenglong eyes complicated, with Fang Heng this series of performance, Fang family of young people, in addition to those special talents, but also really failed to deal with him, this assessment, Fang Heng participate in does not participate has no meaning.

"With your strength, you really don't need to take the second test..."

'I don't agree! At this time, a voice suddenly came out, speaking is not others, it is Fang Meng.

"Dream, don't be impulsive!" Fang's fifth immediately spoke, but Fang Meng said coldly, "I want to fight him!"

"Huh?" Fang Heng turned around at this time, looked at Fang dream, he did not expect Fang dream have the courage to challenge him.

The induction force was released, and Fang Heng suddenly jumped in his heart, "I have underestimated this dream, the surface of the nine-fold realm of martial arts, but there is an extremely powerful energy in the body, if this energy bursts, at least he can break through to a congenital heavy!"

"Ok, I'll fight you!" Fang Heng immediately nodded, he needs to fight with this kind of people, so as to force the potential in his body and break through the realm.

'Wait a minute! At this time, Fang Jia Lao five cold drink loudly, "want to fight can, but before this, you have to give the demon core!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an immediate chorus of approval.

"Yes! Hand over the demon core, Fang's assessment over the years is like this!"

"Not to mention he robbed us!"

Fang Xiao day's face suddenly Yin down, Fang Heng at the moment patted his father on the shoulder, sneer, "Want to demon core, well, as long as one of you can beat me, I will pay!"