
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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Fierce wind

Heavy rain pouring, deep in the forest outside the big Xuan city, Fang Heng is hiding in a lush place to sit and cultivate.

Experienced just the battle, Fang Heng sentiment is not small, at this moment his body blood surging, internal strength mania, this kind of signs show that he is about to break through.

"Internal strength return, return congenital!"


Pan sat Fang Heng roar, centered on him, countless green reiki in the air began to gather crazy, pouring rain at this time are blocked by the green Reiki, wrapped in the green Reiki Fang Heng, but like a hungry beast, crazy devour around the Reiki.

A strong feeling from his heart, the inner strength in this reiki transformation, quickly into a thick true force, on the body, there are countless black juice out, Fang Heng noticed, suddenly smile on his face.

"Ha ha, this is a sign of pulp washing! Can eliminate all dirt in the flesh! I didn't think I could get to this point in my first break."

Flesh washing pulp, is a privilege of the first heaven, you can always keep your body clean, absorb reiki faster, ordinary fighters can only break through to the congenital triple time to control, Fang Heng has just broken through the automatic understanding, how can this make him not happy!

"But the better the talent, the greater the difficulty of breakthrough, the next blood evolution, I do not know what pain will be."

Fang Heng secretly thought that blood is the foundation of martial, every martial will get an evolutionary opportunity when breaking through the first heaven, evolution success, you can let the blood form in vitro, play a powerful effect, evolution failure, the previous achievements are abandoned, can never be promoted congenital!

"Between ancient and modern times, many martial artists have failed because they could not withstand the pain of blood evolution, and lost the future of martial arts, I do not know whether my new blood can succeed?"

A question crossed my mind, at this time, his body shook, countless black juices all disappeared, the skin as white as jade, water is very tender, the meridians, viscera, are also refreshed, a sense of comfort that has never been.

Fang Heng but dare not be careless, eyes dead staring at their own body inside, blood has not evolved, everything is useless.

"Huh? Why don't I feel any pain?"

After staring for a long time, the dark red blood line in his body began to flow, but it did not bring him any pain, which made him somewhat puzzled.


When the dark red blood line surged to an extreme, Fang Heng felt a shock in his head, his eyes opened, and the world in front of him suddenly stopped!

'I've seen this before!

Fang Heng was shocked in his heart, every time before his death, the world in his eyes will become like this, there will be countless ways in his mind, he has always thought that it is the potential of people between life and death, this time only to know that this is not the potential between life and death, is the potential of blood!

When the eyes turn, the aura in the air becomes a particle in his eyes, there is no secret at all. When the eyes turn again, the veins inside the trees appear in his eyes, and everything seems to be seen through by him!

The body moves, Fang Heng fist out, the true force in the body rolling, instantly let the air explode, with his fist strength as the center, countless rain around are swept dry!

This punch, except for the congenital high level of the character, no one can bear!

Fang Heng was frowning, in his eyes, the true force of his punch, some places did not operate in place.

According to the calculation in the brain, Fang Heng's fist swung out again, this time, the fist was slower than before, but it seemed more stable, the fist strength was no longer dominating, and the rain around him, but centered on him, became a vacuum!


Mouth gently spit out two words, Fang Heng eyes change, seems to understand a martial arts to reason.

"Fast, ruthless, accurate, just basic, control, is the strongest!" And the power of perfect control is the power that truly belongs to me!"

His eyes suddenly lit up, Fang Heng laughed, his face was ecstatic, "Good! My new blood has given me such terrible insight and calculation! So whether it is cultivation, formation, alchemy, it is not difficult for me! I can solve the difficulties in the eyes of ordinary people through insight and calculation!"

Phalanx depends on azimuth calculation, alchemy depends on internal strength control, martial arts depends on perception, Fang Heng's new blood, but can complete all these requirements, this blood, terror to the extreme!

"You can calculate everything perfectly, so from now on you will be called perfect blood."

Fang Heng smile soliloquy, perfect blood, calculate everything, worthy of the name!

Happy for a while, Fang Heng looked up at the day, "The breakthrough has been completed, next, is the..."


Before the words were finished, blood suddenly burst out of his mouth and nose, and a sharp pain appeared in his abdomen and soon spread all over his body!

Fang Heng fell to the ground, his eyes were shocked, frantically scanned his body, and found another blood in his body, which was constantly rolling!

"This is my original thin blood! How can this be!"

Shocked in the heart, Fang Heng clenched his teeth to straighten his body, sat down, perfect blood all running, and finally, he saw his original thin blood, there is a dark green energy in crazy collision!

"What, come out!"

Fang Heng spirit condensed, the true power of the body full operation, squeezed into the original blood, to the dark blue energy hit the past.


Just contact, Fang Heng let out a roar, head like a needle in general sharp pain!

"I don't believe it, I can't force you out!"

A strong surge, finally broke through the congenital, martial arts road into a smooth road, Fang Heng how to allow to be hindered by such things!

True force rolling movement, the air around him formed a whirlwind, endless rain mixed in it, like an ocean vortex, the scene is very spectacular, Fang Heng is not paying attention to, just little by little let true force into the blood, constantly forcing the dark green light.

Extremely intense pain poured up, Fang Heng's body suddenly trembled, and his head began to chaos, but the dark green light also gradually left his body, until the last touch of dark green light disappeared, Fang Heng gave a breath, his eyes turned, and directly fainted.

After a long time, the rain stopped, the sun rose, Fang Heng began to wake up.

His eyes were blank for a moment, and then, with a flash of brilliance, Fang Heng jumped up and checked his body.

Everything is normal, skin, bones, internal strength, have been metamorphosed, which makes Fang Heng deep breath, finally put down the heart.

"Fortunately, my realm is stable, my blood has evolved, and there is no problem, but what is this?"

Soon, Fang Heng found that his original thin blood turned into lacquer black, a little operation, you felt an unspeakable sense of heaviness.

"Blood display!"

A low drink, the paint black blood surging up, the air buzzing, Fang Heng in front of the body, there appeared a paint black portal.

"This is the power my original bloodline evolved to have? Heavy enough, but it's no use."

Fang Heng's brow stirred, even the perfect bloodline insight, let him see what is magical about this black gate, eyes flashed, Fang Heng secretly, "This black bloodline is passed to me by my father, my father was the first Zhenwu gate, in the northern mainland after being injured, and when I broke through this black bloodline has a force to obstruct me, There must be some connection between these things."

Thinking in his heart, Fang Heng shook his fist, looked to the north, and murmured, "Dad, I don't know what you suffered at that time, but you can rest assured that your son is different, and one day, I will wipe out all the enemies for you!"

After the words were finished, Fang Heng closed the black gate, turned his head, and looked at the big black city.

"Well, Fang family, Murong family, Liu family, in two days, it will be the day of your regret."

When the words landed, Fang Heng moved in the direction of the big Xuancheng.

Big Xuancheng, White cloud House.

Millions of young people are around here, talking to each other.

"Damn it! There's only one place left! I must have this place!" In the crowd, a young man looked at the second floor of Baiyun House and said fiercely.

"You're the only one who wants a place?" A man next to the young man spoke, pointing his palm to a black-clad young man next to the stairs on the second floor, "Do you think you are the opponent of Wuding?"

"I..." The young man's face was red, but he could not say a word, Wuding has a reputation in the big Xuancheng, but the age of sixteen, it has reached the peak of the nine heavy Wu, but also the civilian, if the Baiyun Creek reached the birth, the first day of the civilian title, it is his.

At this moment, Wuding coldly scanned the young people around him and said, "Is there anyone who wants to exchange ideas with me?" If not, I'll take the last spot."

When the words came out, the crowd was in a commotion, but no one dared to come out. Wu Ding shook his head, "Wu is a fighting technique, a fighter, and a person who loves fighting. You dare not even fight, which is really worthy of the name of a fighter."

Hearing this, some people disdain, some people show guilt on their faces, but no matter how much Wu Ding, the body turns, will go upstairs.

"Wait a minute."

A word came from far away, Wuding's footsteps immediately a meal, all around the people also quickly scattered, at this time, a young man wearing a blue shirt, wearing a bamboo hat came out.

"You want me to wait?" Wuding looked at this young man, his eyes revealed a curiosity, with his realm, can not see the depth of this young man.

"Yes, I will participate in the Great Xuancheng Tournament, so I will take this place."

As soon as these words came out, the people around immediately began to talk.

"Who is this boy? So crazy! Dare to take Wuding's place!"

"How unworldly! Wuding is the nine peaks of the martial arts! He's asking for death!"

All the people looked at the young man with a sneer in their eyes. They thought that the young man was simply crazy.

"Well, if you want a place, you have to beat me first." Wu Ding smiled, "Do you think it is possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" The faint words came out, the figure of the young man suddenly forward, grabbed out of one hand, and immediately let Wuding face change, quickly back.

"It's too slow."


Just a moment, the young man picked Wuding up and threw him out at will, so that Wuding's body flew out, knocking over numerous tables and chairs along the way.

"You don't fight by talking, you fight."

Leave a word, the young man will regardless of the stunned eyes, will go to the second floor.

'Wait a minute!

In the corner, Wu Ding suddenly shouted, "Tell me who you are!"

The young man paused, and after a moment said, "I call the wind laugh, the wind of the wind, the laugh of the guffaws."