
God of the world

The walk between life and death, the killing of good and evil, the throne of blood and bone, only the strong, can reach the summit! Fang Heng on the earth crossed to a thin blood of the young body, against the blood of heaven, the true meaning of martial arts, the battle of the mainland strong, on the mainland, a hand to cover the sky! "Fight, only fight, can become stronger!"

mchui · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Black wind Monster


The scene of the youth's imagination did not appear, only to fall the body of Fang Heng, the body twisted into a strange shape, in the moment of the collision with the long knife, the point of the toe to the blade of the long knife, volley played a spin, and returned to the same place.

"This..." The young man's eyes shrank, how can he not think of Fang Heng in the face of this kind of death situation can escape safely, suddenly shouted, "Don't move, once again display chaos army kill!"

Hundreds of long knives once again cut towards Fang Heng on the ground. Fang Heng bent his legs and seemed to jump again.

"The iron rope seals the sky!"

The young man immediately gave the order, and at once hundreds of people pulled up the chains in their hands at the same time as the long knives were cut out, and the sun in the sky was covered, leaving only darkness.

The long knife fell in the dark, Fang Heng's body kept spinning and twisting, and when the iron chain that sealed the sky fell down, the people in the field were all frozen.

Fang Heng, just some wounds on the limbs of the flesh, the rest, all fine!

"Damn it, kill me again!"

Long knife raised, Fang Heng at this time showed a sneer.

"One blow, then fade, three and exhausted, you hundred people attacked, the first time did not hurt me, the second time only scratched my fur, and now the third time, you still have strength?"

The words came out, the young man's face immediately changed greatly, and sure enough, the speed of the people around the knife has slowed down, and there is a weak state, and even the knife has not had time to lift.

The method of formation, pay attention to neat and uniform, there is a failure to meet the requirements, the whole will have flaws, Fang Heng's perfect blood insight into everything, there is a flaw, for him is a chance!

Figure twisting again and again, Fang Heng like the wind came to the person who did not have time to lift the knife, a clap of the palm of the hand, let the person's body shock on the spot, crashed into the others around.

'No good! The young man shouted loudly, "Change the array, quickly change the defensive array!"

'Too late!

Fang Heng kept laughing coldly, caught the gap that a person knocked out, and rushed into the crowd, with fists and feet, true force rolling, there were more than ten people's bodies flying in an instant, people in the air have been spraying blood, breathing stopped!

'Rubbish! It's all rubbish!" Youth cheek gas has been deformed, "martial arts environment all give me scattered escape, congenital stay in place, block him!"

All around the people suddenly crash away, Fang Heng at this time sneer even more, not afraid of congenital resistance, afraid of congenital not resist! The center of this iron line is in these congenital body, he is looking for an opportunity to kill.

Figure rushed out, the wind in Fang Heng's body all issued a roar, in a moment, he came to a congenital strong in front of the hand is a catch.

This strong is congenital dual realm, reaction is not slow, see Fang Heng attack hand up, want to block.

"Hey hey, the first style of the Great famine, breaking the tendons and pulling the bones!"

Fang Heng's hand suddenly accelerated, instantly pinched the man's wrist, violently twisted, clicked out, the man's body automatically twisted up, like a twist, the body also kept rattling, directly fell to the ground, completely dead.

"Type two, ripping people off!"

Soon Fang Heng arrived in front of the second person, the person's eyes were dull, did not react to Fang Heng palm touched the top of the head, only to hear a thorn, the person from the top of the head to the ankle skin was pulled off by Fang Heng, it looked like a lump of raw meat.

"The third type, the bone is whipped!"

Cold drink sounded, Fang Heng figure once again came to a congenital front, the man has reacted, the hand is a punch, Fang Heng is under the figure, like a ghost came behind the man, the fist played, bang, the man's backbone was directly hit out, Fang Heng palm grasp, hard smoke, blood and blood fly, the man immediately lost the human form, into a mass of rotten meat.

Just three moves, take away three congenital life, see this scene, the young man's eyes frightened up.

It is not the number of people killed by Fang Heng that scares him, it is the method of killing by Fang Heng that makes him unable to withstand, pulling tendons, pickling skin, drawing bones, these scenes that can only appear in torture are shown by Fang Heng in the battle, which is too terrible, even if the killing veteran around him shows a touch of fear.

"Young master, now the battle tactics have failed, although there is still a lot of nature, but has lost the will to fight, this encirclement has failed, hurry!"

At this time, a middle-aged man beside the young man said, immediately let the young man react, suddenly shouted, "No, can't go!" If I fail, how can I become the next master of the house? Give me all of you. I don't believe that so many people can't kill him!"

Words out, those congenital faces are also showing a ruthless color, they are the young personal guards, the young do not go, they go will be executed by the Liu family, can only fight to the death.

"Ha ha, what a stupid fellow, since you will not go, then all stay!"


Fang Heng's figure rushed out like the wind, and he pulled out a long string of figures in the air, several congenital roaring attacks, but could not catch his fur, only to hear a few bangs, those congenital were either punched through the chest, or were scratched by the palm of the neck, and the head was kicked, the field was extremely bloody, like hell on earth.

The young man looked dumbstruck, and when the last middle-aged man in front of him was crushed by Fang Heng's slap, he was really afraid.

He could not figure out how Fang Heng, who was born with one weight, could do such a thing.

"Like I said, you didn't pay enough."

The cold words came out, and Fang Heng's hand grasped the young man's neck and lifted him up.

"Ehhhhh... How can you be so strong!"

The young man, blushing, asked with difficulty.

"I am not strong, you are weak." Fang Heng said, "There are too many idiots like you who don't understand power but think you have it. I will not have any sense of accomplishment if I kill you."

Hearing this, the young man's heart finally appeared a wave of regret, he was full of confidence, thought that all calculations, now realize that all calculations in absolute power, are crumbs.

"Go to hell."


The young man's neck was broken and completely silent!

Dead, the young master of the Liu family, who had 20 congenital protections with him, died so, and did not even have time to say his name.

Throw the body out casually, Fang Heng looked at the rest of the people around.

There are only a few martial arts people left.

"If you want to kill me, I can't keep you."

Cold words out, Fang Heng's body a shock, will kill again.


At that moment, the earth shook, the evil air filled the sky, and countless strange roars were heard at that moment.

There is no need to kill Fang Heng, I saw on the plain, countless monsters appeared, it seems still far away, the next moment hit these people's bodies, not trampled to death, is to bite to death!

'What's going on!

Fang Heng figure flash, quickly ran towards the distance, then only listen to a few loud roar out.

"No, someone accidentally entered the territory of the black wind monster, the monster went crazy, and the monsters outside were all messed up!"

"Go, let the elder help!"

Heard here, Fang Heng heart solemn up. Flying in the direction of where you came from.

King demon beast black wind monster, the lowest is six, which is equivalent to a congenital six heavy master, plus demon beast itself will be stronger than the same level of the martial arts a lot, he is not an opponent.

At this time, standing in the outer height of the Liu Tian several people's faces also changed, that rushed over the demon herd is nothing, the key is the black cloud behind!

"It's the Black wind! The body is invisible and extremely difficult to kill, unless it is overcome by a strong person who has crossed the great realm, we cannot stop it!" Xiao Yuan trembled and said at this time.

"Send the message quickly and let the master in the door help!" Liu Tian coldly said that an elder immediately took out a short arrow from his arms and threw it into the sky, which suddenly exploded with a bang.

"Well, when the order is issued, the master in the door will take care of it." Liu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, "We just need to take care of the disciples."

"Elder Liu, look!"

At this time, Xiao Yuan suddenly reached out a finger, Fang Heng's figure, immediately appeared in the eyes of the elders.

"It's... How is this possible!" Liu Tian a leng, face immediately cold down, from those people in to now has been for some time, he thought Fang Heng dead has been disabled, but did not expect Fang Heng alive and running out!

"Elder Liu, I have a plan!" Xiao Yuan said fiercely, "At this time, the black wind beast comes, a chaos, as long as we hand, block this boy, then the things after, not logical?"

Hearing this, Liu Tian's eyes brightened and suddenly said, "Good! Elder Xiao's amazing strategy, I appreciate it, this matter is left to you, as long as it is done well, I will never forget you as a friend."

"What?" Xiao Yuan eyes a stay, didnt think Liu Tian gave it to him to do, he had just wanted to come up with ideas.

"Why, Elder Xiao is not willing?" Liu Tian's voice cooled.

'I do! Xiao Yuan's eyes were fierce, "I hope Elder Liu will remember that I am doing this for you!"

The words landed, Xiao Yuan rushed to Fang Heng, his talent is good, but not enough resources, the age of forty to reach the state of the innate five, the force behind the elder Liu is a chance for him to become strong again, he certainly will not easily let go.

Fang Heng is running, see will return to a safe place, at this time, his eyes suddenly appeared a figure, it is before Xiao Yuan.

"HMMM! Fang Heng's eyes changed, "Elder Xiao, what do you want to do?"

"Send you on your way! Xiao Yuan cold hum, the body suddenly rushed out, the mighty true force boom, a palm, directly to the chest of Fang Heng.

Fang Heng again strong is also a congenital heavy, where can have time to react, can only be forced to side open the heart, then directly fly upside down, mouth and nose spray blood, then the black wind swept behind, directly wrapped him in, disappeared.

"How dare you!

At the same time, the sky, there was a roar, I saw an old man dive directly, the air is the old man's body friction out of a raging flame, boom, the old man landed on the ground, the strong horizontal wave of gas impact out, instantly let those chaotic demon beast body burst, a thousand ordinary demon beasts, instantly die!

The black wind also seemed to feel the terror of this person, whirring a volume, but toward the back of the fast away, the old man's eyes changed, "the animal is gone!"


A towering flame rose out of thin air, directly toward the black wind rushed in the past, but the black wind spread out, into many strands, scattered, the old man was furious, the figure caught up with more than ten strands of black wind, the blow, but did not find any figure.

'Damn it!

Looking at the disappearing black wind, the old man's eyes were full of anger, at this time, some people saw the old man's face, could not help but exclaim.

They all recognized that this old man was the High elder who guarded the Zenmu Pavilion!