
God of the new Civilization

I have witnessed the end of my civilization. I've saw the billions of humans desperately trying to survive. i wanted to help but i couldn't do a thing, above the planet i observe all that was happening, filled with guilt as the last of the Humans die. for millions to Billions of year's after the extinction of Humans I've been Watching The planet until it's eventual end. All this Time i was simply watching But after billions of years I've realized that i have changed, able to interact with the world once again, now it is my mission to Bring forth new Life and restart Civilization. I will become The God of the new Civilization and Guide the path to advancement. Guiding life to Rule the stars! ------- this is my first time writing so mind the mistakes. i have many plans for this as this is the first I've been serious in writing it's going to be a long journey I hope u can stay to read it all. ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃

HighVoid · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

The way of the spear (2)

Over the next year, Nexus devoted himself fully to his training under his father's watchful eye, and slowly he got better and better.

The sounds of spears clashing echoed through the evenings as the two sparred...

*Clang! Bing! Chi! Ling!...*

Nexus attacked with a jab, aiming the wooden spear's point at his father's Midsection.

But Lorh deflected it aside with a brisk parry. Undeterred, Nexus pivoted and swept low, trying to catch his father's legs.

But Another skilled block redirected the strike harmlessly away.

Nexus fell back, reassessing, He launched a furious flurry of rapid strikes, putting everything into an all-out offensive.

His father met each blow with a tight angled parry, weathering the onslaught until Nexus's guard slipped for just a moment.

With blinding speed, Lorh's shaft tapped against the boy's neck...the fight was over.

They broke apart, both breathing heavily. Despite Nexus's best efforts, he had yet to land a single clean hit on his vastly more experienced father.

Finally, the ringing impacts ceased after a grueling hour.

Nexus collapsed onto the ground, winded, while his father sat calmly on a nearby rock, barely breaking a sweat even after their intense session.

Nexus stared at his blistered hands, "It had been a year but my body... My body just can't keep up" he said with a huff.

Nexus stared down at his blistered hands, calloused from gripping the practice spear's shaft almost every single day.

"It's been a year of dedicated training, but my body still can't keep up with my mind," he muttered in frustration.

Despite possessing physical abilities far beyond any other Vosari child his age, Nexus still couldn't bring out even half of his true potential.

He could perceive and analyze every combative movement and scenario with his mind, But his body couldn't respond the same way.

It was like playing a game while lagging, no matter what he did it always just end with more of this "Lag".

Making him incapable of doing the things he envision, just like with Lag the solution is obvious enough.

You just need to switch into a better internet, or body in this case or just Optimize it.

With nexus already in the best body there is the latter would be the way to go, but as of now there's still a way for it.

"Sigh, well there's no point stressing over it right now," nexus inwardly said, before pushing himself back up to his feet.

Until then, he would just continue to train, and hopefully find a way to fix his current predicament

Nexus is still six at the moment so he it's nothing to really worry about..for now at least.

His spearmanship skills is already that of an advanced beginner, capable of executing basic combat maneuvers.

Combined with his enhance physicality, and strength equivalent to an eleven-year-old Vosari, or a peak human athlete at eighteen years old, he was already up to a Good start.

A few minutes passed as Nexus caught his breath lying in the dirt. Finally, he pushed himself back up to his feet.

"Again," he demanded, raising his practice spear once more.

The ringing clamor resumed once again as the mismatched pair traded blows...

This time, Nexus remained patient and focused, allowing his father to initiate the attack first.

He blocked and evaded the measured strikes, closely watching Lorh's movements for any potential openings to exploit.

Nexus feinted left, then spun right as his father's spear thrust towards where he'd been a split-second before.

In a blur of motion, the boy managed to slip inside his father's guard, practice spear raised to strike.

But Lorh's instantly regained his defensive posture, deflecting the potential hit with a tight angled parry.

Nexus disengaged, nodding in grudging approval at his father quick defense.

"You really are the Chief, father" he exclaimed.

"Haha, of cour-", before lorh could even finish his words Nexus struck him, aiming his spear's point at his father's abdomen.

Lorh narrowly blocked it, before retreating a few steps backwards, catching his breath.

"oh you've done it now Gahr"

Undeterred, Nexus quickly pivoted and swept low, trying to catch his father's legs, but unfortunately it was block easily prompting him retreat backwards.

With a deep breath nexus ready his practice spear for another barrage of jabs.

His father only smiled at him, mere seconds later nexus Strike with all his might.

But before he could continue his barrage It was interrupted with a parry deflecting the strike harmlessly aside.

Before nexus could even react he was bombarded by his father attack, each strike becoming harder and harder to block by the minute.

Just as Nexus was about to lose a sudden current flowed through out his body, he immediately felt his strength doubled.

Warmth filled his body, in that moment for the first time in a billion years Nexus felt invincible.

Falling back for a second Nexus once again readied for a barrage.

With a sound comparable to breaking the sound barrier, He launched a blistering flurry of jabs, putting everything into an all-out attack.

Lohr eyes widen, seeing the sudden changes of nexus, with a slick jab his spear met each blow in turn,

In just a couple seconds a Boom can be heard through out the training grounds as the two traded blows

Each and every one of their attack hit the point of each others, creating a spectacle of two spear clashing

The friction was so Strong that the two pintrod the spear was charred almost to the point of combusting to flames.

But eventually Nexus's guard slipped as he got tired, a sign of his body unable hold much power anymore.

And for just an instant, his father managed to smack his spear away and rested the shaft of his spear against the Nexus's neck.

"That was Amazing Gahr!" Lohr exclaimed, sweat slidered down his head.

Just like that, the spar ended, Lorh reached down and lifted Nexus to his feet, handing him a waterskin half-full of water.

Nexus immediately drained it in big gulped, "Hah! That hit the spot," he said, refreshed.

"Impressive work, Gahr," Lorh said warmly, "If you keep this up, you may become the strongest warrior our tribe has ever seen."

"No.. you *will* become the strongest. Haha!" He added.

Nexus who was momentarily Shock by the sudden boost just now slowly regained his Composure and immediately replied.

He beamed at the high praise, "You really think so?, well It's nothing compared to you, Father."

Lorh chuckled and ruffled his son's sweat-damp hair, "For now, perhaps. But you are progressing faster than I could ever have imagined."

"We should return home, The evening meal will be served soon." He added

Nexus nodded eagerly, his stomach rumbling just from the thought of food.

He fetched a spare waterskin and filled it from the nearby stream as Lorh gathered their training gear.

Soon they were headed back towards the cave dwellings, side-by-side.

As they walked, Lorh continued assessing his son's growth with a critical but fond eye.

"You've mastered the basic strikes, parries, and footwork, Your speed and stamina have improved immensely as well, Your already ahead of me when I was at your age Gahr."

He paused, smile widening with paternal pride. "And your raw strength...well, I fear you'll surpass me sooner than I expected on that front too."

He added, his tone turning more instructional. "All you need now is a real opponent."

Nexus responded with a nod to his father's praises, his mind still stuck on the sudden boost he got.

"What the f*ck just happened" nexus inwardly exclaimed.

guess who forgot to upload this yesterday, meee

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