
God of the Multiverse: A Shinobi's Destiny

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xXDarkNinjaXx · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 5

As the sun began to rise over the vibrant village of Konoha, Akame Uzumaki stood outside the inn's door. Her heart was filled with determination, but her mind was plagued by the vivid nightmare she had the night before.

Seeing Ruri defiled right before her and unable to even save her own mother, Akame couldn't fall asleep nor face Ruri the following morning, so she promptly left before either Ruri or Eto had awoken.

'Now, now. Stop feeling so glum. And why are you suddenly second-guessing our work? Our baby boy would never harm us or that we love.' Akame's other self whispered as Akame stared Idly at an alleyway where a dark skinned muscular man stood briefly before vanishing like he was naver there.

"Right. I followed your advice till now, and it was never wrong. It's all in my head, I know this. But for the sake of my sanity, I'll still ask Lady Mito if there's anything we haven't considered."

Clearing her head, Akame released a heavy sigh before making her way toward the Senju Clan compound, the home of Mito Uzumaki, former princess of the Uzu clan and widow of Hashirama Senju

The bustling streets of Konoha welcomed Akame with a lively atmosphere. Since she and her family arrived in the middle of the night, the streets were rather dull compared to now.

People hurried about their daily activities, each engrossed in their own missions and goals. The air carried a sense of excitement, and Akame couldn't help but feel a surge of energy coursing through her veins.

Venturing deeper into the village, Akame followed the directions she remembered from her memories as a little girl whenever she would visit.

As she approached the Senju Clan district, Akame's eyes widened with awe. The district was filled with vibrant red buildings adorned with intricate seals, symbols, and statues showcasing the Senju's heritage.

Upon reaching the only mansion with a Uzumaki seal, Akame's heart fluttered with a mix of nervousness and determination. She knew that Mito Uzumaki wouldn't make it easy and just teach the girl her greatest and most intricate seals or techniques.

Akame steadied herself and approached the mansion's door.

The moment she stepped inside, Akame found herself in a world of ancient scrolls, dusty tomes, and sealed artifacts. The room was filled with the unmistakable scent of old parchment and ink, igniting a deep sense of reverence within her. At the end of the chamber, Mito Uzumaki sat, surrounded by a collection of scrolls, her eyes focused intently on a particularly intricate seal.

The greatest Shinobi in the field of Fūinjutsu, Mito Uzumaki. Her once bright red hair was now Maroon, almost turning a brown color, Emerald green eyes, with pale wrinkling skin, with a violet colored diamond mark on her forehead.

Akame's heart raced as she mustered the courage to speak. "Lady Mito, do you remember me? I am Akame Uzumaki, i used to play with Tsunade when we were kids."

Mito Uzumaki slowly raised her gaze from the scroll, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and wisdom. She studied Akame intently, as if trying to recall who the girl was. After a brief pause, Mito spoke, her voice carrying the weight of years of experience.

"Akame Uzumaki... Ah yes, yes. The little girl that had outstanding potential in Fūinjutsu. How is your mother Ruri?"

"Mother is well, recently we have managed to create the Uzumaki guardian. While I was born with our clans' strongest sealing chains, my grandfather fears that I would fail in controlling him. Not only that, a seed of doubt had recently taken root in my heart."

Hearing the girls' words, Mito already understood what brought the girl to her.

"The answer is no."

Akame gritted her teeth at being turned down before she could even voice her request.

"Please, Lady Mito. I may be confident in my skills, but I can't erase the doubt in my heart unless I know for certain that it will work."

Sighing, Mito lowered her brush and clasped her hands together under her chin, "Your desire for Fūinjutsu is commendable. However, I'm aware your mother taught you Fūinjutsu and I taught her, so there's nothing left."

"Please! I know there's more you kept hidden away from Mother! I don't know what else there is for me to do. It's eating at my heart and telling me it's not enough."


Mito watched as tears threatened to burst from Akame's eyes, a brief silence filling the hall as she confirmed the determination held in the girl's gaze.

"Akame. If I teach you, you must start over from the beginning and strengthen your roots. Only when you truly have a deep understanding of the intricate world of seals would I teach you my forbidden seals. Are you sure you are willing to take it on?"

Akame's heart swelled with determination as she looked into Mito's eyes. "I am. I'll start over and uncover the depths of Fūinjutsu, I'll protect those that i love and ensure the Uzumaki guardian is under my absolute control."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Mito's lips. She rose from her seat and approached Akame, placing a gentle hand on her head. "Very well, Akame. I sense that our clans stubborn fire burns within you, the determination that fuels your spirit. I will be your guide on this path, but remember, the journey is yours to take. Training will be far more arduous than you think, but I have faith that you possess the strength to overcome any obstacle."

. . .

. .


~Eto's POV~

"Haa~" Arising from my sleep, I released a yawn and stretched the remnants of exhaustion out of my system before sitting up from my futon.

'Hmm? Did Akame already head out towards Mito's?' I wonder as I notice my daughter wasn't in her bed, nor could I sense her chakra signature in the room.

'Sigh. I wish I could do more for the girl. I mean, I'm her mother, and yet she's been hiding her worries behind a false sense of control. I wonder where she gets it from?'

Standing up, I notice my little sister is sleeping soundly, her skin's complexion filled with more life than before. As her sister, I should have noticed how pale her skin was.


It didn't take long for me to realize Kushina wasn't beside Eto.


I began searching around the bed for my niece. Under the blanket, under the bed, even under Eto...

"The hell..."

I bite the inside of my cheek before closing my eyes and concentrating on sensing the chakra signatures around me. It didn't take long to pinpoint where Kushina was as I released a sigh and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

I could sense a familiar chakra beside Kushina, so I wasn't worried about her safety, though how they managed to come and go from our room was somewhat concerning.

Slidding my nightgown off my shoulders, I started running the hot water for a shower and stepping in.

Feeling the waters warmth helped to relax my body and mind, as my thoughts began to wander off to what Akame had expressed to me last night.

. . .

. .


Running up the side of the Inn's wall, I leaped onto the roof and stared at Kusihina, who giggled happily in the arms of a buxom blonde teen dressed in a short white shirt over chain male, with a red skirt.

"Tsunade... It's been quite a while since I've seen you, kid."

I smiled at the sight of my daughters closest friend and the granddaughter of Mito Uzumaki.

"Aunty! Why didn't any of you notify me that you had arrived in the village? I had to find out through Jiraya, who was placed in charge of monitoring you all."

Tsunade stood from her position holding Kushina I her arms and gazed sternly at me.

"Hmm. We only arrived last night, Hime. We would have contacted you sometime later today, I'm sure."

Tsunade sighed as Kushina placed her palm against her cheek.

"Though to think your abilities as a Shinobi has increased to the point where you could sneak past even me."

"Of course, I've trained my ass off under the Hokage. It's only natural I outclass somebody whose sole focus is Fūinjutsu." Tsunade rolled her eyes at me before stepping towards me.

'Well, I'm focused on creating a god more than I am training my skills.'

"Sure, Hime. Come inside for a drink before Eto awakes and doesn't see her baby by her side." I suggested before stepping off the side of the roof, with Tsunade following behind me.

. . .

. .


"Ahh! That hit the spot." Tsunade sighed in satisfaction as she slammed down the jade bottle of Sake.

"Careful now. My sister is still asleep."

"Sorry, Aunty. Where is Akame, by the way? I was looking forward to seeing her again." Tsunade asked, looking around the room.

"Akame went to see your grandmother. She wishes to learn stronger Fūinjutsu in order to protect that which she holds dear."

I responded vaguely enough not to give away just why Akame is out learning how to seal a god if her chains ever fail.

"What?! If she's with granny, then I'll never get to see her unless I go myself." Tsunade groaned in annoyance, and I could tell she didn't wish to pay Mito a visit anytime soon.

. . .

. .


~Normal POV~

Akame was forced to stay in the Uzumaki mansion while training under Mito.

Currently, she was in another room not far from Mito's as she was made to practice the most basic of seals to start relearning Fūinjutsu down to the most intricate detail.

With a paint brush in hand, Akame drew out the Kanji for Explosion on a sheet of chakra paper before placing it in a pile of a hundred others, just like it.

Soon, days turned to weeks, and Akame hadn't left her assigned room since she arrived. According to Mito, her mother had visited several times but refused to disturb her training and only came to check up on her.

Moving from the most basic explosion seal, Akame moved on to simple seals, designed to store objects or temporarily immobilize a target. Practicing diligently, she refined her chakra control and memorized the intricate patterns of seals, as well as the several different ways to write the same seal.

Eventually, a month came, and Akame had already refined her Chakra control to monstrous levels thanks to the training, and was allowed to progress onto complex seals, ones designed for long-term storage or even transportation across great distances.

And like that, with time, Akame delved into the deepest understandings of Fūinjutsu. And just as she wanted, Mito allowed the girl to study their clans forbidden seals, as well as the seals Mito herself developed and proclaimed as forbidden.