
God of the Multiverse: A Shinobi's Destiny

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xXDarkNinjaXx · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 4

Four weeks.

Four long, boring weeks. After departing for Konoha, Iroh suggested they avoid any and all villages while escorting the Namikaze. Leaving the three girls with no entertainment but themselves for four entire weeks.

'At least it's over now.'

Walking in front, Akame yawned, the village lights of Konoha in the distance illuminating the evening sky, as she held a sleeping Kushina in her arms.

"Damn you, Iroh..." Ruri grumbled as she carried a weak and exhausted Eto on her back, her sandles scraped and dug up the grass.

Despite Eto's enthusiasm and unyielding will, it still hadn't been all that long since she had given birth to Kushina, and her body still needed some time to recover. In less than a week, Eto was already feeling lightheaded and weak in her legs.

Since Iroh had to be on watch for ambushes and attempted escapes of the Namikaze, he couldn't spare his wife any worry and let her sister take care of her.

"I'm sorry, Nee-Chan..." Eto whispered weakly, sweat dripping down her forehead as she wrapped her arms around Ruri. The woman had lost the will to joke or mess with the woman who was going out her way to help.

"Shut up. It's not your fault, Eto. Nobody could have known you, who was so cheerful and energetic after giving birth would have been physically weakened." With a sigh, Ruri whispered, easing the worry and guilt in Eto's heart.

'Though your husband should have paid you more attention.'

In the back of their caravan, despite being abused by Iroh's crew, the Namikaze was smirking at the ignorance of each and every Uzumaki around him.

Naturally, as a Shinobi, that could escape the clutches of the five Shinobi villages, avoiding the pursuit of the Uzumaki clan would prove to be child's play.

Iroh starred daggers into the back of the smirking prisoner as an uneasy feeling filled his bones the moment they departed from Uzu, and not once did the man show any resistance.

'What is your game?'

Finally, arriving at the entrance to the Hidden Leaf village, Iroh lifted his gaze and moved to the front of the caravan to provide the two gate guards with their entry passes.

The two guards skeptically looked over the paperwork. It was unnatural for anyone to visit their village during the night, and any sane person would arrive during the day since everyone should know the village gates are closed at this time.

"Please wait here while we inform Lord Hokage." One of the guards said before flickering away a moment later. Iroh nodded as the remaining guard handed him their papers.

The guard didn't speak and just starred at the caravan trying to enter the village. The papers said they were merchants and authorized Shinobi from Uzushiogakure the leafs allies.

Just as the man's gaze landed on the blond haired prisoner, his partner returned with orders from the Sandaime Hokage.

"On Lord Thirds orders, let them in, and take the prisoner to T&I. Sir Iroh Uzumaki, You are to report to Lord Hokage immediately to file your report. The rest of you are to be placed under surveillance temporarily to clear any suspension." The guard relayed the Hokage's orders and immediately began opening the gate so Iroh snorted the rest could enter.

Akame and Ruri visibly scowled when they were basically told, "We don't trust you" by their clan's long-standing allies.

"Let's just go." Iroh gave the two a smile before heading into the village, the vibrant light filling their gaze. Many stared in awe of the new scenery after coming to Konoha for the first time, others who have seen the village before like Akame and Ruri couldn't care less when comparing the architecture to their home village.

. . .

. .



Akame growled as she slammed the door to the inn they were staying in for the night. Ruri sighed, gently laying Eto on one of the beds so she could rest.


Akame bit her lip hearing a wine escape from Kushina's lips after the commotion caused.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Lay her down on the bed with your aunt, then we'll drink to end our night." Ruri said as she moved to a free table in the rather spacious room. Activating a seal on her left palm, Ruri let a large jade bottle escape the seal.

"Yes, ma'am." Nodding Akame placed the thankfully still sleeping Kushina onto the bed beside Eto, before moving to the table her mother was now sitting at.

"Now. What is the real reason you dragged me out here, Akame?" Ruri poured two glasses of sake for her and the girl as she waited for Akame to sit across from her to ask the question that plagued her mind.


"I told you to rest. Why are you so hell-bent on being active?" After not being answered, Ruri downed her glass and sighed. It wasn't hard for the mother to tell what Akame was thinking.

Well, almost, the woman would only admit that anything pertaining to her daughter's thoughts on creating an artificial god was impossible to understand.

"Since I was young, I always had my abilities. Chains said to seal gods, the ability to travel through so many worlds, and a talent for Fūinjutsu. But... what if it's not enough? What if I can't control subject g.o.d? I... I just want to make sure I'm ready for everything. So I was hoping lady Mito would provide me a Fūinjutsu seal that would work even if all else fails." Instead of taking the glass, Akame grabbed the jade bottle and drank several mouthfuls of Sake before explaining herself.

Ruri sighed, seeing her daughter behavior.

"Don't worry, Akame. He lacks a consciousness and still lacks the stabilizer, which can only be found in the infinite void. The most you would have to worry about is only having a husk for a month or two. As for if you can control that damn thing, does it matter?" Ruri lifted Akame's chin to sonthe girl to meet her gaze.

The worry filled golden eyes met her mother's violet.


"I've practically lived in the lab for years with that thing, I carefully crafted it and made many alterations. Even going as far as using your genetic materials, if you can't control it, then it should still recognize you as its family. I hope..." Ruri said, lifting a weight from Akame, though the mother was also uncertain if using the girl's dna would do such a thing.

"Right. Thank you, Mother. But I would still like to see Lady Mito." Akame smilled while leaning into her mother's warm and comforting touch.

"Sure. Just don't overwork yourself." Ruri nodded before downing some more Sake.

. . .

. .


Having a few more shots of Sake, the mother and daughter duo headed off to bed, changing into nightgowns, with Ruri rolling out a futon between the two beds, letting Akame take the last bed.


Unable to sleep, Akame whispered weakly as she turned to face Ruri.

"Shhh~ Ruri's sleeping~" A man whispered as he lied beside the red-haired milf, his appearance hidden by the rooms darkness, though akame could make out his siloet twirling strands of Ruri's hair around his fingers.


Akame attempted to lunge at the man but found herself paralyzed.

"Ah Ah Ah. You know who I am, Akame. Your actions have brought chaos to many worlds, and you deserve to be punished." The man whispered as he moved to grope Ruri's breasts that were spilling out of her black nightgown. "She's got a nice rack, don't you think."

"Don't touch her!" Akame gritted her teeth, channeling her chakra to dispel any Genjutsu placed on her but was still left paralyzed, only able to watch as the man roughly groped her mother's breast.

"Oh. And who is gonna stop me?" The man chuckled, his voice filled with mockery as he lowered his head and nibbled on Ruri's earlobe. A weak but aroused moan escaped the unconscious woman's lips.

"Don't move, Akame, just watch as I defile this woman." With his right hand still groping Ruri's breasts, the man lifted the woman and sat her up, her delicate back pressing against his chest.

The man snaked had left hand down to Ruri's panties as he teased the woman's clit over the thin black cloth.

"Stop it."

"Why would I do that?" The man asked, sliding his fingers under Ruri's panties, shoving his index finger into her opening.


Ruri's eyes shot open at the sudden intrusion. The woman's eyes immediately landed on her daughter's paralyzed form before sensing the physical touches on her breasts and inside her pussy.

"Oh. You're finally awake, Ruri. I would have been disappointed if you weren't up for the main course." Ruri shuddered at the unfamiliar man's voice behind her, but just like Akame, Ruri was left paralyzed and at the mercy of the unknown man.

"Coward. If you had some balls, you wouldn't need to paralyze me to do any of this!"

"Oh, contrare. Even if you weren't paralyzed, I wouldn't have anything to fear. No, no. I'm just gonna make Akame suffer." The man said, wrapping his large right hand around Ruri's throat. It was then Ruri felt the paralysis wear off, but the sheer strength of the man behind her made it so she could not move.

"Now watch closely."

Ruri's mind went blank as she felt something monstrous pierce past her pussy lips, stretching out her inner walls, and slamming at the entrance of her womb.

"Oh fucking Kami!" Screamng out in pain, blood leaked from Ruri's mouth as she bit her tongue. The sudden entrance of the man's dick made her feel extreme pain and disgust.

"Damn bitch you're tight." The man grunted feeling Ruri's insides squeeze amd wrap around his cock, a warm red liquid trickled down its side as he stretched her out.

"Get out of me/her!"

"Not gonna happen!" Hearing Akame and Ruri shout at him, the man smirked and slammed the remaining 4 inches of his cock into Ruri's pussy, tearing past her cervix and into her uterus.

"Fuck! It hurts! Please stop!" Ruri screamed out in pain, feeling the main slide his cock half way out before burying himself balls deep into her bleeding pussy, thrust after thrust.

"Shut up damn bitch! You helped the whore create this mess!" The man bit into Ruri's shoulder drawing blood as he choked the milf with his right hand and groped her breasts with his left.

"No! Please let her go!" Akame could only watch on with tear filled eyes as her mother was defiled right before her.


With tears rolling down her cheeks, Chains erupted from behind Akame and stabbed forward, stopping only a centimeter from her mother's sleeping face.

"Wh-what?" Akame stared at her mother perplexed, sweat dripping down her face as Ruri slept peacefully on her futon.