


Three days I thought, no wonder why nobody was at the tower when I first arrived. I'm surprised king bell didn't warn me about the waiting period, it's a little weird…but whatever. I have to find Chem-vou. He's a hunter and there's some things he can teach me. Plus it's a bonus cause I get to test out this sword.


"We will give you a portion of our power, until you prove yourself further. Plus you already have that spirit sealed inside of you, so you won't need the full extent of our power."


I continued to walk to where Chem-vou and I first met. I knew it would be a long walk and the sun was setting, I had to move quick. I climbed to the roof tops and ran across them. It was faster plus there were no people blocking my way. It was getting cold as I leaped like a frog from rooftop to rooftop. It was freeing flying in the air, amazing I thought. The night life was cool, seeing everyone dancing, playing music, and enjoying one another was a sight to see. It was a feeling I wish I had back home.

I had finally reached the garden bar. I jumped down from the roof, the lights were still on so I assumed it was open. I grabbed ahold of the door Handel and pushed it open, and to my avail there was Chem-vou, but he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by 5 others. They filled all the seats except one which was beside Chen-vou on my right hand side. I called out onto him "Hey Chen-vou!" He turned and looked at me then he smiled. "Hey Obasi, pleasure seeing you here, come have a seat" he said. I walked over and sat down next to him. He order me a bottle of apple wine and a water. The bartender was someone different from the last time I visited. This time it was a girl, with a black pop cut, fair skin, bright red cheeks and lips, with brown hazel eyes.

"What are you doing here so late? I thought you would be in the tower?" Chem-vou said. I explained that the doors to the tower wouldn't open for another 3 days. He laughed took a big gulp of his drink and stated that he forgot the tower has set times and days the doors open. " I almost forgot, these are my buddies. They're apart of my hunting group. They group of them all wore the same get up as Chen-vou. There were four guys and one other girl amongst them. He introduced all of them to me. The girls name was Makya, she had silver grey hair with purple highlights. She has olive coloured skin with green eyes. She was very masculine in her mannerisms but she was very beautiful, a diamond in the rough forsure. The man sitting next to her was named Fowler. Fowler and Makya were twin siblings. Fowler had a more rugged look to him. He hand long black hair with a very pointy face and nose. He also had green eyes along with a 5 o'clock shadow. The next man name was Arawn. Now all I'm saying is, if I was a girl... Big Pause. He was very handsome he had a very clean cut appearance. He had short brown hair, with slim looking glasses, clean shaven face with brown eyes. He had very tan skin close to brown but not quite. Next to Arawn was Rundas. He looked the youngest out of the bunch. He has blonde hair with orange accents in his hair. He had blue eyes and a golden moustache, with dark blonde sideburns. He was also very pale.

And the last person name was named Chaser. He was leaning onto the bar standing up. He was closer to Chem-vou's age. He had black slicked back hair with white streaks at the side of them. He had olive coloured skin with a black goatee. It fitted his look well, but the features that stood out to me the most were his eyes. His left eyes was covered with bandages and had two scars from the top of his left eyebrow following downwards to the bottom of his left streak. His right eye was also two separate colours. Gold and this yellowish orange.

I leaned close to Chem-vou and asked him if he could take me hunting for the next three days. Chem-vou looked at me with suspicious eyes. He asked me why I needed to go hunting? I told him that the tower was closed and won't open for the next few days.

Then Makya and Fowler both drunk as a mug, walk over to Chem-vou and Obasi. "Hey you guys…let's take the kid hunting, it will be fine," Makya said budging and couching in between words. Fowler then puts his arm around Obasi, and leans in to where both Obasi and Chem-vou could hear.

"Come on now Chem…don't be such a hard ass. I remember back in the day you would go hunting at all times of the day. You didn't forget about that did you?"

He then looked toward me and lit a cigarette in front of me. "You wanna know a secret…there are two beasts in this world that hunters face against. Themselves, and the beasts around them. You are either The Hunter. Or. The Hunted."

Fowlers words gave me chills down my spine. They were haunting. Makya then jumped out into the air with joy and passion and proposed that they go on a night hunt to the Grim Rock Wood.

Chaser then looked at Makya and Fowler. "Enough Makya. That is enough. We will go tomorrow." Chaser said.

You could feel the tension in the room shift from positive upbeat, to extreme hostility.

"Assholes!" Makya shouted as she stormed out of the bar. Fowler quickly follows behind her, he said that they would catch up with us at the campsite.

Chem-vou grabs his face and apologizes for his colleagues actions, and suggests that they head out aswell. We all agreed, finished our drinks, and headed out.

We had been walking for about 15 minutes to wherever this campsite was. Nobody had said a word the whole time until Chem-vou had broke the silence. "One thing I noticed Obasi is your hair it changed from black to white."

"Yeah I went through a test of some sort at the tower and it had changed the colour of my hair" I replied.

"So it changed huh?!" Chaser went to draw his blade, I could see the rage in his eyes when I had said that.

Rundas and Arawn quickly jump in front of chaser holding him back from drawing the blade that was hidden behind his cloak. "Your Drunk Chaser" said Rundas. "Please Chaser, this is not him!" Yelled Arawn.

Chaser then snaps out of his rage and grabs his bandaged eye. He apologies and then he quickly walked off. I was confused and very scared. But I also had a blade and my hand ready to go. Chem-vou then patted my head and said "there's no need to worry my boy. I felt comfortable and completely safe around Chem-vou. Although I had just met this man not to long ago I felt like I've known him my whole life.

We had approached the camp grounds. Makya and Fowler still haven't arrived and Chaser was still missing as well. We just decided to set up camp here and chill out and wait for the others. Arawn and Rundas both were to drunk to stay up so they had gone to bed although occasionally Arawn would come outside the tent to throw up his guts. The sound was horrendous. We had set up a fire and sat down and roasted some leftovers that the others carried with them.

"Hey… I'm sorry about the guys, they're hard to get used to but they're good people, and mean well" chem-vou smiled. He then told me "Chaser had bad blood with a man with white hair just like yours. It makes me wonder…"

I then asked Chem-vou what he knew about the tower, and who are these descendants.

Things are getting interesting

Zaunacreators' thoughts