
God of Sabers

Five thousand years ago, at a barren mountain from a distant land, there was once a grand city was built at the peak of that very mountain, but that city had been lost to the corrosion of time, turning into nothing more than rumours and whispers that was passed from ear to ear.

During the era when the city stood tall, legends emerged from that city, whether those people are good or evil, they are regarded as legends that will never fade from the hearts of the people, and today the grand finals of the Tournament of Gods were starting. Within the heart of the city, where the arena was located, cheers that are as loud as thunder echoed into every single corner of the city, causing the ground to shook and trembled as the deafening roars continued non-stop.

There wasn't a single empty seat left within the arena as the crowd continued to pour their hearts and souls with every single cheer even though the sun shone brightly above their heads as it hung up high on the clear blue sky. Then the crowd started to chat among themselves as they tried to predict who will win this battle. In the end, the crowd favoured the genius who wielded a golden sword that was given to him by the emperor, Wang Ao Jian instead of giving their support to the untalented yet hardworking young man who used a saber as his weapon of choice, Li Dao Shen.

Finally, the promised time had arrived. Two large iron gates that were located at the north and south side of the arena slowly lift up, the gates produced a loud creaking sound that annoyed the viewers, but the sound was soon drowned within the sea of cheers as the two fighters walked out from their respective gates and towards the spacious arena.

"Coming from the north side is Wang Ao Jian and from the south side is Li Dao Shen!" The referee shouted as his voice is filled with vigour as he introduced the two contestants to the crowd. Wang Ao Jian, who was dressed in golden colour clothes walked towards Li Dao Shen, who doesn't wear something as flashy as his rival; instead, the young man only wore plain white clothes as he strode closer and closer to the middle of the arena where the referee was standing.

When the two of them finally met with each other, the atmosphere in the arena reached its peak. As the eyes of the Wang Ao Jian and Li Dao Shen crossed path with each other, sparks flew around as they wanted to decide once and for all who is the strongest. Yet at this very moment, Wang Ao Jian coldly told the poor Li Dao Shen that he was favoured by the Gods, the emperor, the crowd and everyone under the sky that he will win this tournament, so it is best for someone like him had no talent to give up before he gets himself killed by accident. The crowd heard what Wang Ao Jian said and started mocking Li Dao Shen for being not talented, even though the latter had proven that he was worthy to stand on this stage.

Even after being mocked by everyone, Li Dao Shen still managed to smile as he told the prideful Wang Ao Jian that this was the very reason he had chosen to participate in the Tournament of Gods.

"Since young, I had been mocked for being not talented, today I want to prove to everyone that hard work can surpass talent."

Li Dao Shen said as he drew his ordinary saber from its scabbard, Wang Ao Jian also promptly drew his golden sword and prepared to fight it out with his rival.

Orange sparks flew round the both of them as their weapons clashed against each other, the loud sound of metal striking resounded in the ears of the crowd. On the other hand, the referee quickly jumped away from the epic battle that was happening before his very eyes due to the fear of getting caught within the crossfire.

Wang Ao Jian sword techniques could be described as gentle and refined that signified his flawless technique like a painting which gave its viewers a peaceful feeling when admiring it from a distance, but once you got close enough the beauty of the painting is enough to overwhelm you which signified the danger hidden within his gentle and peaceful movements.

If Wang Ao Jian techniques are like a delicate lady, then Li Dao Shen techniques could be described as a brutish uncle who has no manners. Li Dao Shen's movements are simple, unrefined and in some cases, it looked foolish, yet effective as he hacked again and again towards his rival as he embodied the true meaning of wielding a saber, a true contrast between the pair of fighters.

Slowly but surely, Li Dao Jian was losing as slash marks and stab wounds started to appear on his body. Then Wang Ao Jian broke his opponent's saber and caught an opening within Li Dao Jian's movements. He thrust his sword forward into his opponent's chest creating a blossom of blood to gush out from Li Dao Jian's chest.

The crimson blood stained the white clothes of Li Dao Jian, dyeing it red with his own blood as a loud shout came out from his mouth. He then fell down onto the ground in pain as he lied on a puddle of blood, the dirt also added to his pathetic look. The light in his eyes started to fade as the crowd quiets down, Wang Ao Jian merely sneered at his opponent and prepared to claim his title.


Suddenly, Li Dao Jian stood back up on his feet and glared at Wang Ao Jian, his voice weak and soft, yet he pushed himself to tell Wang Ao Jian something that shocked everyone. "I had no talent and I know that, but I worked hard every day to get to this stage and people who worked hard never give up!"

Li Dao Jian picked up the broken saber and hurled it at Wang Ao Jian, which caught him off guard. He then dashed forward and punched his opponent right in the face causing him to trip over. Li Dao Jian then picked up his broken saber and looked at Wang Ao Jian who is on the ground, the latter felt humiliated and asked his opponent to finish him now.

"This isn't a battle to the death, why should I kill an innocent person?" Li Dao Jian asked as he threw what was once his prized saber to the side and helped his rival to stand back up. When the both of them are standing side by side, Wang Ao Jian raised Li Dao Jian's hand up into the sky and proclaimed that he was the winner of the Tournament of Gods as the crowd cheered for the birth of the legend of the God of Sabers.

Wang Ao Jian then whispers "Looks like hard work can overcome talent, so I will also work hard to surpass you one day."

"Then I will work even harder!"