
God Of Reality

A mysterious man is appointed to a magic college named White Torch. The man starts teaching at the college as he plans different kinds of things involving reality and magic. In a world with monsters,ghosts,vampires and many more, our protagonist, Arden, the mysterious man in the eyes of others, will try to unravel the secrets of reality.

GoldFear · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Scale Tentacle - Chapter 9

Aviana looks at her back for one second, and her face turns soft and she calms down instantly.

"Leader Kromnar, I am sorry that you saw me like that."

The old man laughed and then shook his head, "It is not a problem."

The old man turns to look at Arden and then smiles at him, but the smile on his face is a fake one. Arden just smiles at the old man too.

"You must be Arden. "Come with me."

Arden says nothing as he follows the bald old man, not looking at Aviana for even one second.

Aviana, noticing this behavior, gets even angrier.

"I don't know who you are exactly, but you have no right to disrespect me."


Arden and Kromnarr walk side by side. Kromnar asks a question with his face without any emotion.

"So, Arden, is Black Island the same as ever?"

Arden shows a bored face and answers as he opens his hands.

"No, it is worse. There are many necromancer-based organizations founded in the last five years. "

Kromnar nodded and whispered,

"Necromancers, you say."

Arden just shook his head and kept talking.

"They learned about the Legend of Death Manifestation, and the ones who learned about it first taught it to others, most of whom are amateur mages who seek power as always."

Kromnar laughs this time and adds to it,

"Humans will always be seeking power and immortality."

"This thing never changes,"

as Kromnar ends his words.

They come to a big building made of white marble like other buildings.

But this building is bigger than others and has an even more stylish and ancient design.


Arden sat on a blue chair made of wood.

In front of him, Kromnar sits, putting some sugar in his tea on the table. He takes a sip of the tea as he speaks.

"So, Arden, you are here to teach "Practical Ways To Use Magic" and "The Complex Magic".

"I believe you know what to do."

Arden nodded, and Kromnar took a deep breath again and then whispered.

"You know about Indev Forest, just outside of Baran Town. Am I right?"

Kromnar's eyes turn serious as he puts the white porcelain tea cup on the table. Arden looks at the eyes of Kromnar and nods slowly.

"I know."

Kromnar takes a deep breath and puts his right hand on the back of his head and speaks.

"Three days ago, four students who are only Firstborn Level Students went to the forest to complete the simple mission of collecting Bluebear Grass."

Arden takes a sip of his black tea and listens patiently.

"The problem is we have found their corpses, mutilated, destroyed, and half-eaten."

Arden closes his eyes a little and then asks.

"I believe the college has a monster expert mage. Did he or she find out about the type of monster?"

Kromnar coughed a little and then answered, his face showing shame and disappointment when the matter of Monster Expert Mage was brought to the subject.

"Unfortunately, no, Lady Aviana, the woman you encountered today".

"She is our Monster Expert, after doing two days of research on the corpses of the students. She could not find anything. "

Arden furrows his brows and takes a sip again. Kromnar just waits in silence, saying nothing while waiting for Arden to speak.

"I can find it for a price."

Arden decides to look into the problem.

Kromnar showed a happy face as his old face was filled with hope.

"Of course, we will pay you 50 gold coins if you find out about the creature."

By the way, you will be paid 1 gold coin per month or 100 silver coins per month as you become a teacher here."

Arden gets up and smiles.

"We have a deal then."

He says his words and then leaves.

"Before we entered the building, He said to me that I needed to go to the Student Building-Classroom 3 "

Arden lit up a cigar as he walked towards the Student Building. "Being a teacher, huh?" he thought with a smirk on his face.

At that time, he encounters Aviana.

"She is still angry," Arden thinks, as he does not pay attention to her and casually goes on his way.

"You !" Aviana looks at the back of Arden and then whispers.

"Scale Tentacle"