
God Of Necromancy

WSA 24 entry What good is necromancy in a world where Knights and Mages reign supreme? *** Zemfry Klassen was bestowed with a gift that seemed like a curse, he was a Necromancer. In a world where Mages could cast cool spells and Knights could shatter mountains with a fist, talking to spirits didn't exactly seem impressive. As such, Necromancers were often bullied and discriminated against. Zemfry was set to live his life as an average Necromancer, coping with the prejudice and hate from society until he finds a treasure that suddenly makes the Knights and Mages seem like thrash. Filled with nothing but hate for the other classes, Zemfry walks a path filled with chaos, destruction, and murder. ... "I'm sorry Brendnecker, but I'm not just an ordinary Necromancer, I'll become the God of Necromancy!"

Heavenmonarch_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Magic Core

"You're so… Kinky! This daddy likes it!" The Scarlet Winged Tiger reached Tiana and raised its hand. As soon as it was about to touch Tiana however, he felt a sharp pain coming from its wings.

The illusion around him crumbled and it saw Tiana in front of it.

Sensing that the illusion had crumbled, Tiana immediately retreated a safe distance away from the Scarlet Winged Tiger. She had no idea whether it was going to focus on her who had seduced it or Zemfry who had cut off one of its wings but she had no plans to wait and find out.

The Scarlet Winged Tiger seemed to be oblivious to what happened to its wings. It turned towards Zemfry and swung one of its claws at him.

Zemfry already anticipated the action and jumped away. The claw grazed the clothes he was wearing and tore it.

Fire Elemental Magic: Fireball Scattershot!

Alder was standing a few meters away from where Tiana retreated to. He stretched out his hands and five fireballs hovered over his palms that were outstretched. He made a throwing motion and the five fireballs all flew towards the tiger.

The scattershot that he used this time was different than what he used to fight Zemfry. When he fought Zemfry, he used two fireballs so although the trajectory was a bit messed up, it was obvious that it was going for Zemfry.

This time, no one knew where it was headed. At the end of the day, thee fireballs hit the Scarlet Winged Tiger on its eyes, its only remaining wing and its tail.

It let out a roar of fury as its white eyes became bloodshot.

A fireball zoomed past where its second wing was supposed to be located. The tiger instinctively wanted to control its wings to fold to avoid the fireball. It was at that moment that it realized that its wing was no more.

Its bloodshot eyes developed into a glowing red color as they locked onto Zemfry. Without regarding the two other people that stood a small distance away from it.

Blood Magic: Blood Crescent Slash!

Zemfry didn't retreat when the Scarlet Winged Tiger rushed at him. The blade of the sword he was holding glowed with a red hue. When the Scarlet Winged Tiger was within his attacking range, he leaped and slashed at it.

A three foot long red colored crescent slash mark appeared in thin air. The slash mark flew towards the back of the Tiger and left a two inch long cut.

The Scarlet Winged Tiger came to a halt and roared in pain.

Zemfry who had jumped earlier landed on the back of the Scarlet Winged Tiger, precisely where the slash mark hit. He made sure to land on it with as much weight as he could muster, then jumped away before the tiger could react.

Soul Elemental Magic: Soul Binding Chain!

A ray of white light appeared on Tiana's hand. The white light dissolved until it was as if it was made out of liquid then formed a chain. Tiana spun the chain then threw it towards the Scarlet Winged Tiger.

When the Scarlet Winged Tiger was about to jump at Zemfry, the milky white chain wrapped around it and immediately restrained his movement.

Zemfry didn't waste any time and immediately charged at the Scarlet Winged tiger. The tentacles that were on his back reshaped and all had rather pointed edges. 

All at once the four tentacles stabbed into the body of the Scarlet Winged Tiger, seriously injuring it.

The tiger let out a roar of agony and struggled to release himself from the chains that bound him. Tiana's face paled as the tiger tried to release itself.

"I can't hold it any longer, just kill it!" Tiana screamed.

Blood Magic: Crimson Death Chains!

A red mist formed just beside Zemfry. He kept his sword back into his scabbard as the red mist reformed to take the shape of several chains, all of them joined together at a point. He cracked the chains and swung them at the tiger which was almost breaking free from the chains that bound him.

The chain formed from the red mist wrapped around the limbs of the Scarlet Winged Tiger and stretched its body apart.

Soul Elemental Magic: Soul Sword!

Tiana who had a pale face stretched out her hand. A liquid like white light formed from thin air and reshaped itself to form a sword. Tiana made a pushing motion and the sword flew towards the Scarlet Winged Tiger, piercing its heart.

The tiger let out a final moan of pain before its body went limp.

The chains that bound its body dissolved to form a red mist which dissipated into the atmosphere.

"Phew!" Zemfry heaved a sigh of relief as he sat on the floor, seemingly weak.

Tiana also collapsed on the floor.

Seeing how weak the two of them currently were, Alder thought that it was a good opportunity to escape from his captors. As he was about to leave, he heard Zemfry's voice.

"If you leave, I'll find you and kill you" Zemfry said. "We're all going to the capital and you're definitely going to the academy so we'll definitely cross paths. You're dead when that happens". Zemfry said emotionlessly.

Alder paused for a few moments and considered all what Zemfry told him. He realized that what Zemfry said made sense and gave up any idea of running.

After about ten minutes, Zemfry walked over to where the corpse of the Scarlet Winged Tiger was and sat cross legged.

Small red particles flew out of the corpse of the Scarlet Winged Tiger and entered his body. A relieved expression formed on Zemfry's face.

He remained cross legged for about an hour before he stood up. He walked towards the head of the Scarlet Winged Tiger and used his sword to do some digging around.

After ten minutes, he returned while holding a red, crystalline substance. Upon seeing the red substance, Tiana who seemed very weak stood up in excitement.

"Magic Core!" She shouted with excitement.