
chapter 14 : crystal express




Job: Musician


POPULARITY point (p.p): 160,701

Fame point (f.p): 1,171

SINGING: 94/100 « EXPERT »

GUITAR: 88/100 « GREAT »

CREATIVE: 74/100 « GREAT »



-------- some we're on earth------

★first-person p.o.v (Jason tarry)★

Crystal Express

Song by Raury

Life is in the moment

And life is incoherent

And life is a thing that you chose to have inherent

You came here for a reason

But you can not remember it, yeah

And you might be frustrated

Might be confused and hyperventilating

Worried about the future

Pull up to the station

And climb up on the crystal express

As we, as we run

Days and stormy nights

Pray we'll find a way to the sun

Cause you give me life (😭 sad)

Give it all before it's gone

And I'll give you life

Give you everything and more

And you give me life

Is it all we need and want

And I'll give you life

And we all, we all, we all, we all need light

Follow me, my brother

Talk to me my sister

We can go wherever

And we can live forever

As we find illumination

Right upon the crystal express

We can face some problems

Trials and tribulations

Diamonds are for heating constant pressure for creation

You are at your true nirvana

You can ride the crystal express

As we, as we run

Days and stormy nights

Pray we'll find our way to be one

Cause you give me life

(in a loud sad voice with a lot for emotions)

Give it all before it's gone

And I'll give you life (sad voice)

Give you everything and more

And you give me life (sad voice)

Is it all we need and want

And I'll give you life ( very sad and low voice)

And we all, we all, we all, we all need light (sad voice)


*wow, this song is tremendous.i can laterally feel the singer emotions in the song and it is moving me to tears*

*this is a masterpiece for my standard and it need to be recognized*

After listening to the song 5 times I went to the community platform and started to post some review statements about the song quality for dose who did not listen to the song yet.

But right after posting the review I hottest that there were other popular post talking about the song and even professional people reviewing the song from the lyrics, instruments and even the meaning of the song .but my favorite one that I like the one by Dr.mist

(Going to be important in the future).

Dr.mist ~~

When I first got the song I was quite amazed by the drawing of the cover and before I vision the song I went to the song info and found out that the cover was made by Frank the leader whom I assume is the leader of the band because the song was written by him in the song info.

After reading the song info I won't to we net copyright website and found that this song is an original and it is own by the band but it under the leader so even if he leaves the band he will have the right to take the song with him, but that won't be likely because this band is an up-and-coming band it has so much potential and it will be a waste if they do not reach their potential.

Sorry for going off-topic. i think its time to go back to the song crystal express which after a long review is and will be a masterpiece because the tone, notes, and vocalizing are just beautiful and need to recognize sed and I was even astounded to know that the lead sing/lead have such a beautiful voice and I hope to hear more of his songs. furthermore, the instructions used are good amd top class because they mix with the song so well like butter and bread.

But the biggest thing that I loved about this song is the meaning of the song. which have a very sad and encouraging meaning and it tells people that we did not come to this world by mistake amd that we all have a purpose even if it is small it still makes a difference and we should be proud of who we are amd be one because we are all brother and sister even if the color of are skin is different or are language is different we should learn form each other and make a better future .

So let all of use hope on the crystal express my brother amd sister.  


By: Dr.mist

(Author  hope you like the explanation because in real life this the meaning I get every time I vision this song and we need to stop racism and be brothers and sister because if we don't work together we will be the cause of are extinction and we need to protect the environmental or we will die for flooding if all the ice cape melt so please tell your friends and let work together to make the works a better place for we and are future family )


In the comment there were a lot for discuss about the song.

-marry me frank-

-i will cut my hand for you frank , love me -

-this song is a masterpiece and is better than any song I ever listen to in my life and I agree with Dr.mist-

-me too-

-C2H4 is so talented -

-i only hope my kids are as talented as you frank-

After looking through some of the comment I went to some group and read through some for the comment but there was not a lot for people on because e of the time difference but when I wake up I know that there will be a lot for discussions and votes amd even new group form for god frank.

(that's what Jason and some for the people in the community call frank, I know it not funny just don't kill me in the comment please people also if anyone have a song that they like I will try to make a chapter about that song )

*tired ,I need to sleep I get to go to school but thank you god frank for the song *


Downloads: 300,000, views: 560,000, likes: 550,000

(crystal express)

As for clock strike, it was still increasing

Downloads: 1.5million, views: 6 million, likes: 900,000

(Clock strike) ~