
God of MMA (Dropped)

Hello everyone! I am here to present you bad news as I am going to drop this novel due to my shit plot. Not gonna lie I started this book with no structure, a bad main plot and side plots. I just started writing as a passion and realized that it takes a lot more planning to construct a full fledged novel. So I will be dropping this in order to focus on my next. To the people that actually liked the novel somehow and donated power stones I must thank you for your generosity. Do not worry as I will release something spicy soon so stay tuned!

VanTan · Action
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

I'm Not Done Yet

Leo entered the octagon with people still cheering at him. He waved at the crowd and put his mouthguard in.

This would by no means be an easy match for Leo. Elijah is a popular prospect rivaling him and has no defeats. Whoever wins this match will be the king of rookies. And Leo was not gonna lose even if he almost got knocked out.

Elijah looked at Leo and gave him a heartwarming smile. He was a lot different from prior opponents of Leo. Elijah was taught to be respectful and strive to work better than anyone else by his father.

Elijah is an African boy from Kenya. He started fighting when his older brother taught him. Elijah also watched a lot of anime, which made him even more excited about getting stronger. He got recruited after a viral video of him fighting in a homemade MMA octagon against his bully whom he knocked out. Elijah is a prodigy when it comes to dodging. The locals thought he could dodge bullets.

A recruiter from the RFC saw the video and sponsored him. He then went to Korea and started training for a few years before entering the amateur competition.

"To the middle!" The referee shouted.

With Leo and Elijah in the middle, it was time for the announcer to shine!

"So Elijah, anything to say?" He asked.

"I am excited to fight Leon, he is a great warrior," He said in a bad English accent with a huge smile.

"Leon, what are your thoughts?" He asked cautiously after being threatened by him before.

"He is a good opponent, I wish him all the best," Leo said and smiled back.

"Alright, there you have it, folks! Two warriors battling it out, " He replied and stepped out of the octagon.

"Touch gloves if you'd like," the referee said.

Elijah stepped towards Leo and touched gloves.

"Good luck," Leo said and walked back to his wall.


The match started with a stalemate until Elijah went for the first blood.

Elijah hit Leo on the cheek in a surprise. Leo stepped back and activated his focus skill.

[Activating focus skill]

Leo dodged the incoming jabs and crosses before countering with a calf kick to distance himself. Elijah stepped back, unscathed, eager for more. He was undoubtedly the aggressor in this match

Elijah went for a takedown which failed after Leo lowered himself to prepare for the leg grab. He then knee-kicked Elijah's face and stepped back yet again. Both of the fighters recollected themselves and approached each other again.

Leo dropped his guard and attempted to tackle Elijah. He threw a jab and did a hook feint before going for the takedown. Leo grabbed onto his foot and tried getting him down. Elijah started spinning to hold his balance before getting a lock onto Leo's neck.

Leo panicked and let the leg go. He then used all of his weight to fall with Elijah. From there he escaped after Elijah eased his grip from the fall.

"Interesting," Elijah thought seeing Leos thinking.

"Damn what do I do" Leo wondered.

He didn't want to use his skill yet as it had a cooldown.

"1 minute and thirty!" His coach screamed alerting Leo.

Leo didn't want to use all of his strength in the first round. He was just testing the waters with Elijah.

Elijah then approached Leo and threw a few punches. Leo reached his arms for his waist and gripped it. He then held it for a few seconds until Elijah started punching his ribs. Leo let go and used his knee kick on Elijah's stomach. He dodged by stepping back and Leo threw an elbow that connected to his head.

Leo then went back to catch his breath and the 1st round ended. Both fighters returned to their respective walls and the coaches came in to check and wipe their faces.

"Boy now is the time to go in with a bang," he said.

"Got it" Leo replied.

After 30 seconds the 2nd round started.

Immediately Leo ran towards Elijah threw punches and sent a roundhouse kick to his thigh. Elijah tried dodging however it was too overpowering so he went for a tackle. Both of them went to the ground and started going for submissions. It was unsuccessful because Leo grabbed Elijah's hand to control him. Leo then threw a cross while on the ground and it landed on Elijah. He stood up and started punching Leo as hard as he could.

Both of them started bleeding. Leo tried standing up however all he could do was lay there like a turtle in his shell shielding the punches.

"System activate lightning touch," Leo thought.

[Activating lightning touch]

He had 3 seconds until it would appear on his hand.

"1..2..and" Leo murmured and then grabbed onto Elijah's ankle.

Elijah started lightly shaking and stepped back.

"What happened??" Elijah asked thinking his body was sick.

"Now!" Leo murmured and threw a deadly punch at Elijah's guard.

He managed to shield it however it still grazed the chin causing some damage.

Leo had now used all of his system skills and would now have to rely on his own.

Elijah coughed blood and raised his guard again.

"What power.." Elijah murmured.

Elijah still stayed vigilant and approached Leo.

"My focus skill is running out soon.. shit," HD thought when Elijah started approaching.

Elijah threw punches after punches and a strong powered hook connected onto Leo's chin. He immediately started staggering and his world was spinning. Leo tried stepping back but he fell. All he could do now was hope he could get an opportunity for a submission.

Elijah dropped down and started punching Leo. He raised his arms and knees to block the punches. Leo had to wait until he recovered his senses to go for a submission.

Leo started bleeding heavily and regained his senses. He threw himself onto Elijah and went for an armbar. It failed and Leo altered his positioning to go for the ankle. Elijah tried bringing his ankle back however Leo had already done a smooth Achilles lock. He pressed down as hard as he could until Elijah tapped.

Leo lay there and caught his breath before roaring into the camera with a bloody face. He then jumped onto the wall and waved to the crowd.

"Get down here you brat!" His coach shouted.

Leo went down and shook Elijah's hand in a form of respect for a good match.

"Did you see that coach?" Leo replied.

"Yeah, I did." Now stay still and let me wipe the blood off your face.

After getting his blood off Leo went to the locker rooms to get some bandaids on. The crowd reached their hands out to touch Leo and he touched them.

In the locker room, he got some bandaids and drank water to rehydrate.