
God Of Martial Arts

This is a fanfiction of God of Martial Arts also known as Peerless Martial God if we're only talking about the light novel. I prefer the earlier name which is also the name of the Manhua. Hence decided on using it instead of the light novel name.

John_Titor234432 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

Lin Feng finally was able to see the monster when it was close to him. The beast was pure black just like the darkness that covered Lin Feng. Its only discernible feature was its bloodshot eyes that could make the soul of the person staring at them cry out of fear. Lin Feng was filled with perspiration at this moment. He had no clue what he should do and was praying continuously in his heart for a miracle to happen which could save his life.

The beast's eyes showed a glint and then suddenly the darkness surrounding Lin Feng as if obeying a command started flowing towards Lin Feng's forehead and soon passed through it and entered his spiritual realm.

Lin Feng noticed the threat to his spiritual world but unfortunately could do nothing but close his eyes to enter it himself and observe what was happening. He expected that black fog wrecking havoc in his spiritual world but instead of that what he saw was his little snake spirit devouring the black fog and slowly growing in length as it was devouring the fog. He had no clue what one was going on with his snake spirit but whatever was going on he wanted it to keep going.

'Yeah!!.. little snake suck em all!!' Lin Feng shouted in his mind in excitement and as if heeding to Lin Feng's desire the snake increased its sucking speed and soon broke out of the spiritual realm. Lin Feng also exited the spiritual world after seeing this. In the outer world, the beast that looked ferocious a few moments before was now shaking with trepidation seeing my snake spirit.

The beast tried to run away but my spirit grab it by its tails and swallowed it fully and while swallowing the beast its size also increased but stopped soon enough. The snake spirit then reduced it's size back to normal and then curled itself around Lin Feng's neck and went to sleep.

*Hidden task: Activating Host's original spirit before the second batch of chapters has been accomplished.

System reward: Unlocks the Harem favourability panel.*

Seeing that this was a hidden task that also had a reward made me feel very excited. That dangerous experience didn't go to waste. "Harem favourability panel, pretty interesting." I thought out loud.

I saw a new option icon appear on the system panel which was in front of me. It kept on flashing thereby telling me that I should click on it. When I pressed the icon a new screen was opened.

*Welcome to the Harem Favourability system*

1) Liu Fei (02/100)

Note:- The points of the Harem members are determined by considering the relationship of the original main character with the harem member in the chapters read by the Host till now and will also increase or decrease depending on how the Host treats them.

'Hmm considering how shit my skills in interacting with women are this should help me track my way and will also give good first impressions to those women if I've already read about them in the system chapters' Lin Feng thought in his mind.

The night was still long so he got himself on some tree branch and slept till the morning. The next day while leaving the Black Wind Ridge Lin Feng dealt with the remaining low level beasts and thus completed his task.


1)Meditate till you gain 1000 EXP [Curent EXP(148/1000)]

2)Go back to Yun Hai Sect and stay there till further information from the system

3)Hunt in Black Wind Ridge

Seventh Qi Layer beast(100/100)

Eight Qi Layer beasts(40/40)

Ninth Qi Layer beasts(15/15)

4)Complete the trial at Precipice of The Abyss

Since his hunting task was done he decided to focus solely on the 1st task. For that he needed to look for a good peaceful site and the one that came to his mind was the one mentioned in the chapters.

The one-line sky, the place where Liu Feu should be cultivating, to be honest, I don't quite like this chick in this novel. Blaming the main character to be a peeping tom when he only entered the area by accident.

This time I'm deliberately going to peep on her and make sure to teach her a lesson in the original main character's stead.