
God of Love

After his mother's death, countless paths were opened for Lucas, who until then was only a puppet in his mother's hands. One of these paths, opened by his mother, gave him a future with infinite possibilities: the path to becoming the God of Love, the most powerful God among all Gods. Follow Lucas on his great quest for love and its true meaning.

readerbecamewriter · Urban
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52 Chs

What the hell is happening? (+18)

Lucas and May went down the hotel by elevator. On the way, when he saw an employee or was within the range of the cameras, Lucas struggled to keep his face from being seen. Since May is being so careful in dealing with this situation, he couldn't be the one to screw it up.

May, on the other hand, was thinking about the information she received from the doorman and sorting it out to decide her next move. For now, she decided to go after the women who were abused by Clovis and who still work at the hotel.

She would not have the mental strength, so these two women fill her with both admiration and sadness. The fact that they still work in a place that has brought them so much suffering can only mean two things; one, they desperately need the money, or two, they want revenge.

Honestly, May can understand her feelings, she also has a past about revenge, but what they are doing May certainly couldn't do. Although she struggles to control herself, May is originally a more honest person with her feelings, even impulsive.

If she worked at the hotel that Clovis uses to practice his atrocities, she would have long ago done some nonsense and screwed up. She wouldn't have the patience and willpower to take it.

Can you imagine? Work among people who contribute to this. Seeing Clovis constantly bringing women, coworkers helping, his boss giving the go-ahead for everything...

Closing the eyes and putting herself in the situation, May imagines herself having to be extremely careful not to run into Clovis at this hotel, keeping watch at all times so that she is not kidnapped again. That psychological pressure alone would be enough to drive her insane.

Taking a deep breath, May cleared her mind of these disturbing thoughts. Whenever she thinks about these things, Sofia appears in her mind, and she is even more disturbed. Looking at the led in the elevator that says that there were only ten floors to go down, she turned to Lucas and pushed him against the wall.

Kissing Lucas on the mouth, May began to caress him everywhere, and when there was a chance, she spoke in his ear.

"At three, you push me back to the other wall, and I'm going to throw the handkerchief I brought on the camera so you can change your clothes."

Lucas said nothing and simply answered May's caresses and kisses. He was annoyed, however, as May didn't seem to be reacting very well to this, she seemed a little rigid. Remembering the situation, he concluded that it had to do with the seriousness of the situation.

The truth, however, was that until a few minutes ago, May was having a lot of disturbing thoughts, she wasn't in the mood. When he felt that May was not in the mood, Lucas's excitement also went down.

After May counted three, Lucas pushed her back to the opposite wall, where the camera was. She then took a hidden handkerchief and threw it at the camera, completely covering the lens.

Lucas then quickly undressed and changed his clothes. The whole time, May watched the camera so the handkerchief would not fall. When he finished changing clothes, the two approached the elevator door, they reached the ground floor.

Quickly leaving the elevator without removing the handkerchief from the camera, they looked around to assess the location, and found, at the reception, four women sitting on chairs.

The two approached while talking happily. Some people were talking to the receptionists, so they got into one of the lines and watched the women. They all had a name tag on their chest, so the two quickly located their targets; Carla and Lindsay.

Carla was Latin, looked to be in her thirties. Brown skin, pretty face with light makeup, medium height, with medium breasts, long black hair. Lindsay had short blond hair, blue eyes, a short girl with medium breasts. The two are beautiful; perfect for the job they do as receptionists.

At that moment, they showed wonderful smiles while talking to customers. Lucas moved to Lindsay's queue, and May went to Carla's queue. They had already discussed before that they would try to approach them by asking to speak privately with them.

A few seconds later, Lucas was the first, he was finally able to speak to Lindsay.

"Hi, how can I help?"

With a beautiful smile, Lindsay asked Lucas. Getting as close as possible, Lucas lowered his voice and said.

"Hello, Lindsay. Can I talk to you privately?"

Lindsay's smile faltered a little; Lucas managed, for a second, to see an expression of disgust, but she managed to hide it deftly. In an equally low voice, Lindsay answered.

"Sir, I can't help you with that."

Raising her voice, she asked again.

"Can I help you with anything else, sir?"

"It's important, it's about our mutual friend."

Lucas insisted, this time being a little clearer. Lindsay probably thought Lucas was hitting on her. Lindsay, on the other hand, was confused, and did not know how to respond. Seeing her without understanding anything, Lucas hinted a little.

"Remember? Our great friend Clovis. I want to talk to you privately about him. "

Lindsay's expression went cold when she heard Clovis's name. Looking around and seeing that no one was looking at them, she got a little closer and said.


"Yes, we love him, right?"

Lucas made an insinuating expression, which finally made Lindsay understand a little of what was going on. Looking around again, she took an item from among her things and placed it on the front counter; it was a sign saying that, temporarily, the attendant would be out.

"Okay sir, just follow me."

Showing her beautiful smile again, Lindsay got up and started to guide Lucas, as if she were going to help him with something. Anyone who saw it from outside thought it was something serious since the two were talking quietly.

Those behind Lucas quickly went to other lines, and a few seconds later, May and Carla also left, leaving customers and the other two receptionists puzzled.

On the way, Lucas warned about May and Carla, so the two slowed down and talked casually about the hotel. After a while, when they saw Carla and May behind, they increased their pace, and a few minutes later, they arrived in a small room inside the hotel; the sign on the door was even specifying that it could only be used by members of the hotel staff.

The four entered the room, and Carla closed the door behind. Lucas and May looked around to see if the room had cameras. Lindsay, who realized their suspicion, said.

"We've searched this place before; it doesn't have cameras or wiretaps, it's safe. Just... Let's talk quietly. In this place, most employees are enemies. If we're not careful, the simple act of walking together can seem suspicious."

Lucas, who was already expecting something like this, nodded. As they were victims of Clovis, and the doorman Paul himself pointed out that the two could be plotting revenge, the suspicion about the two is great. Most hotel staff are not directly involved, but are silent, pretending they don't know anything. If they hear something, they can use it to gain some benefit, so both have to be constantly on guard.

May came to a similar conclusion, then nodded and spoke in a low voice.

"My sister was also a victim... I want revenge. Do you have anything?"

Carla was silent, doubting whether she could trust May. As for Lindsay, she looked at May closely and noticed her beauty and attractive body. Raising an eyebrow, she said.

"What are you doing looking for revenge with that face and body? You will be swallowed before you can even do anything."

Upon hearing this, May was very upset. Gritting the teeth, she said resolutely.

"I don't care."

Lindsay said nothing and was also silent; the two wanted to know how much they could trust May. After all, this can be a trap. Both, however, overestimate themselves. Clovis would never see them as threats. The reason employees are watching them is purely for personal reasons, they want to profit, if they can, from this situation.

Since Clovis would never see them as a threat, he would not make a crazy plan to send people to get information from the two. Of course, the same could not be said for the employees. But if they were friends with any of the employees, they would be normal people, not a beautiful, attractive woman like May; is what Lindsay and Carla thought when looking at May.

After evaluating the two, Carla asked.

"What do you hope to get from us?"

"I don't know, any proof? Or useful information. Anything, I'm desperate."

May responded quickly with a serious expression. At the very least, she hoped to get useful information about the hotel's internal situation. The names of the main employees involved, those who may know or have some useful information... She needed a clue.

Before Carla could respond, however, the door of the room opened. At the door, a woman was looking at the four people in the room. Seeing that they were in a conversation, she shrank a little, but in the end, she still said something in a language that almost nobody understood.

'Wasn't the door locked with a key?'

May thought silently as she raised her guard. Lucas, the only person who understood, answered back. Upon hearing Lucas speak, the woman smiled brightly and started talking non-stop. The two then engaged in a conversation, upsetting the other people in the room. May nudged Lucas, hoping he would give a hint of what was going on.

Although Carla and Lindsay hid it well, they reacted strangely when this woman entered the room, so she didn't know what was going on, nor what they were talking about.

Lucas smiled and didn't answer, he just kept talking to the woman. She looked about thirty, blonde with long hair, blue eyes, a beauty mark under the right eye, she looked very sexy, especially the way she was dressed, wearing a short skirt. This woman's name is Nicole, she came looking for someone who knew how to speak her language; French.

Apparently, she found a problem in her room and went down to try to talk to the staff, but nobody knew how to speak French. After trying hard to communicate with some employees, she wandered around, having heard that some of the employees knew French. Finally, she arrived in that room, and when she saw that Lucas knew French, she decided to ask him for help.

Lucas talked happily with her and left the room to help. It seems that she has a problem with the shower, the water was very cold, and she couldn't raise the temperature.

Leaving May, Carla, and Lindsay behind, Lucas got into the elevator and went up. The two continued talking casually on the way.


Downstairs, at the elevator door, May turned to Carla and Lindsay and asked.

"Who is she?"

The two, however, were in complete silence looking at a piece of paper they received from the woman. On the paper, it was written.

"You are under surveillance. Leave the hotel and go to that address."

Below was an address. They showed the paper to May, who read it quickly and looked around worried that she had made a mistake in coming to this place. Remembering that, strangely, the woman took Lucas, she wondered if she should wait for them, but seeing that Carla and Lindsay said nothing, probably planning to follow what was written on the paper, she nodded and left the hotel.

The three got into May's car and drove away. Inside the car, Carla finally spoke.

"That woman came to see us a few days ago saying she was from the CIA, she asked for our full cooperation in an investigation of Clovis."

'Things got complicated,' thought May when she heard this. If that woman is from the CIA ... If the country is getting involved, things will get complicated from then on. Biting her lip, May again thought of Lucas, who was with this woman at the hotel at the time.

'He'll be fine, right?'

May thought as she listened to Carla's details.


Meanwhile, Lucas, who had taken the elevator up with the woman, continued talking to her casually; the two looked like two friends talking about the weather.

When they finally reached the floor that Nicole had decided on, they left and headed for one of the rooms. They were now on the 12th floor and entered room 1207.

After they entered, Nicole's expression changed, and she put Lucas against the wall. At some point, a knife appeared in her hand that was pressing on Lucas's neck.

Lucas's reaction was simple: he simply raised his hands and asked what was going on, and Nicole answered.

"Who are you? Why did you get involved with Maylin Angels? Who sent you?"

"Ok... My name is Lucas, I like her, nobody sent me."

Lucas's response displeased the woman, who raised an eyebrow and pressed the knife further.

"Don't make fun of me. You are mysterious. I tried to get information about you, and I got nothing. A normal person can't hide things from me."

"I never said I was normal, but yes, I am a very normal person. If I had to name an abnormality in myself, it would be the size of my penis, which is larger than average, my sexual abilities, and my strange lack of fear of your threats. You are very beautiful, totally my type. As you brought me here, I expected something more fun..."

For some reason, Lucas wanted to provoke her. He knew that Nicole was not going to kill him since he didn't feel much aggression coming from her. Honestly, the situation was getting him horny; she was very erotic at the moment.

Be it her aggressive look, or her erotic body, the fact that she is his type, and her breath on his face... Mint breath; sexy.

It doesn't help much that they are alone in a hotel room.

Nicole was glued to Lucas's body, so she also felt the reaction in his body. In particular, the bulge growing in the lower parts completely surprised her.

"Do you like that kind of foreplay?"

She said after loosening the grip a little. After feeling Lucas's growing bulge, she was a little scared, and tried her best to appear intimidating; but it failed.

Lucas also fails to understand. By her movements, he can say that she is trained and experienced, but for some reason, she is unable to show any bloodlust towards him. Normally, in a situation like this, she should be much more aggressive and demonstrate that she can end up killing.

Other people would be deceived, but Lucas was not. He can feel that she was hesitating about something and that everything was just an act. As he realized this, he was not at all concerned, and in fact, he was strangely excited.

"You are sick."

"It is a normal physiological reaction; I'm sixteen and I'm overflowing with hormones."

Reaching this point in the conversation, Nicole suddenly felt that there was no point in continuing this, and as soon as she planned to stop this situation, she heard a noise. When she heard that, she said nothing more, and simply pulled Lucas by the arm and pushed him onto the bedroom bed.

Throwing him on the bed, she took the blanket and covered him.

"Be silent and pretend to be asleep."

She said in a low voice after covering him. After that, she headed for the bathroom and closed the door. A few seconds later, Lucas heard some noises coming from the bedroom balcony. There were low noises that most people wouldn't hear, but he was sure someone was on the balcony of the room.

While pretending to sleep, Lucas used the corner of his eye to watch the balcony and saw a man behind the glass looking into the room. He carried a camera.

'What the hell is going on?'

Lucas thought when he saw this man. He looked to be in his forties, glasses, half bald, with a long nose and a few days' beard.

At that moment, he heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom and understood something. She knew this guy was coming and went into the bathroom. At first, he thought it was to hide, but when he heard the sound of the water in the bathroom, he realized that she was not going to hide, she was announcing her presence in the room.

After observing the place, the man crouched down and hid behind the curtain. He just turned the camera onto the bed and stood watching.

'What the hell...'

Time passed, and after ten minutes, finally, the noise of water stopped and the man on the balcony reacted a little, he adjusted himself still crouched on the floor. The bathroom door opened, and Nicole, wearing only a towel, came out. Along with it, a strong smell of shampoo.

"Baby, wake up, let's go to the second round."

The man on the balcony, upon hearing this, reacted strongly. Most people could not hear or see anything, but Lucas could hear his murmur.

"Second round? I can't believe I missed it."

'Ok... I'm starting to understand what's going on here.'

Pretending to wake up after Nicole's words, Lucas stretched and looked at Nicole. As soon as he saw her wearing only a towel, his drowsiness disappeared completely, and only naked desire appears in his eyes.

Most of it was acting, but the naked desire was real, Lucas was extremely excited. Nicole only wore a towel, which left her beautiful legs completely bare. Her larger-than-average breasts were tight on the towel, her blond hair wet. You could see a few drops still running down her legs, which shows that she hasn't dried off completely, which only makes the image even more beautiful.

At that moment, Lucas realized something.

'I look more excited than usual... It must be the French.'

Like every man, Lucas has his types of women. He prefers blonde women, just like Rose. He also plays for the big breast team. That alone shows where the excitement comes from when it comes to Nicole. She is already a beautiful blonde woman with natural hair, and her breasts are not small.

One thing, however, makes Nicole even more attractive to Lucas.

While living with his mother, Lucas traveled to different parts of the world. From extremely dangerous places like Africa to places like France, Italy, England. On his travels, however, Lucas discovered one thing: the French language is very nice to hear.

Because of this, whenever he traveled to France and saw beautiful women talking in French, he was always captivated.

Nicole is definitely French. Her accent is perfect; she can't imitate such a perfect accent if she did not grow up in France.

Putting these various points together, it made Nicole extremely attractive to Lucas. Hearing her asking for a second round in French, he was so excited that the package in his pants was visible.

Nicole also noticed Lucas's abnormal state and felt that she shouldn't do what she planned next, but she had no choice, she was out of luck.

"Hi beautiful, I woke up well. You are the reason for my libido."

Nicole smiled and walked over. Climbing up on the bed, she lifted the blanket to go under and snuggled up to Lucas's left arm.

"Are you ready for me?"

Lucas smiled and took her hand and put it on his pants. Sensing that he was really hard, she smiled bitterly inside but said with a smile.


She then climbed on top of Lucas and adjusted herself. Pretending she was taking Lucas's penis to put it on, she came over, covered the two even more with the blanket, and dropped the towel.

Under the towel, there was a piece of paper written on it.

"Go with the flow. Don't be alarmed, but someone is watching us, and I need to distract him for a while like this every day. If you help me, I will ignore you for now."

After reading the paper, Lucas crumpled it and smiled at Nicole, showing that he understood. Finally, after getting enough, Nicole "sank" into Lucas, and the two started exercising. The man who watched everything from the balcony could only see the blanket moving up and down and Nicole's head.


The man clicked his tongue when he realized he wasn't going to see much. Nicole heard the noise, as she had superhuman senses, but there was nothing she could do about it. Normally, she would stay in underwear and do yoga. That was enough to attract the man in the beginning, but in the past few days, she had to raise the stakes by doing yoga completely naked.

Unfortunately, today, she had to bring Lucas into the bedroom. If she did not pretend to have sex with him, it would be suspect, not to mention that she had to follow the plan: whenever the man is in the room, attract his attention as much as possible so that they can extract information from the computers in his room.

The operation is already underway. At that moment, there is a person in the next room, where this man lives, investigating everything about him, as well as stealing information from his computers.

The volume of information is large and security is very high; if she is unable to distract him long enough, they will not be able to advance much on the mission, which is why she is doing so.

Seeing that the man was losing patience, she panicked slightly. She couldn't let the man leave, but she couldn't lower the blanket either. If she does, it will be possible to see that they were not really having sex. If this happens, not only will the mission to distract him fail, the entire operation can be canceled.

Lucas heard the man's impatience and saw Nicole's nervousness, so he understood the purpose.

'Just keep him entertained, right?'

Observing the man with peripheral vision, Lucas lifted his body slightly and pushed Nicole back. While making a sexy moan, she fell with her back on the bed.

Lucas then stood up, but before doing so, he took off his pants in a quick movement, and put his hand on his penis, making it look like he was wiping the pussy juice. As soon as she saw the size, Nicole gasped, and her expression panicked, trying to find out if they were discovered.

After analyzing the situation, she realized that everything was still under control, so she looked doubtfully at Lucas, who simply climbed on top of her.

While taking care that the blanket covered the activity in the groin, Lucas placed his penis over Nicole's cunt and began to move back and forth.

Nicole quickly started to moan, and analyzed the situation, realizing that they were safe. As Lucas was quick and managed to protect what was really going on in the groin from the view and camera of the man on the balcony, she sighed in relief, and left the entire act to Lucas, he seemed to know what he was doing when she saw how perfectly he dealt with the situation.

However, seeing the situation he was in, Lucas began to be dissatisfied. His cock was rock hard, and beneath him, there was a beautiful woman moaning incessantly. If he didn't take advantage of the situation, he wouldn't be comfortable with it. After all, he has no duty to help her. They are currently in a coitus act staged. As long as it doesn't have penetration, Lucas thought, it's probably fine.

With that in mind, Lucas's hands started to move. He started by massaging Nicole's flat stomach, then went up to the two white mountains. They were beautiful and were rocking up and down without stopping, very pleasing to the eye.

When she saw Lucas's hands move, Nicole's eyes shone coldly, and she stared at him, trying her hardest to keep the expression from being seen by the man.

Lucas didn't care and continued to caress her body. Feeling that she should not tolerate this, Nicole used her hands to subtly move Lucas's hands, but that only made him even more stubborn.

'Don't you want me to touch you? I won't penetrate you, but that doesn't mean I can't do other things.'

Lowering his body a little, Lucas put one hand on Nicole's clitoris, while the other began to stroke all over her body. His cock began to brush the lips of Nicole's pussy, which he had been avoiding before. Amid this...

'Eyes and Hands of Pleasure: Activate.'

I've done another chapter a few days ago, but I don't have time to post, there are some problems in my family, so until I resolve and have peace of mind to start writing regularly, I won't focus on writing anymore.

readerbecamewritercreators' thoughts