
Chapter 24: Strategy

The girl was no different. As soon as she saw Violette, her eyes went extremely cold, her expression exuding disgust. Seeing Lucas next to Violette, and smelling around, the disgust became greater and she said.

"Seriously? At this time of day?"

"What does this have to do with you?"

Violette replied and simply passed, paying no more attention to Jennifer. Lucas, however, stood in silence, watching the girl. She had long blond hair, sapphire blue eyes, her body was thin and tall, her breasts were large, her ass was plump. Her face was exquisite, she looked like a princess, but what caught Lucas's attention the most was not her beauty, but the aura he felt.

"Your hair..."

Lucas murmured and looked at Jennifer's hair for a few seconds. Finally, he said.

"So that's why."

He then looked at her again and followed after Violette, leaving a Jennifer behind who was too confused to understand Lucas's words.

'My hair?'

As if she noticed something, she quickly pulled her hair forward and started looking at the ends. After not seeing anything strange, she took a small mirror from her purse and observed if her hair had anything strange. After realizing that everything was perfect, she murmured.

"My hair is perfect today, the dye hasn't come out, there's nothing wrong."

Then looking at Lucas's back, she was thoughtful, trying to understand his words.

'There's no way for him to know... Right?'

Walking after Violette for a while, Lucas said.

"You can leave me here, I already know the way out. I need to go to the principal's office as well."

"Ah, okay... But how do you plan to leave school? You came in that woman's car, right? Are you going to call her?"

"I don't know, I'll see if I can get a taxi."

"So... How about if I take you in my car?"

"What about your class?"

"With my influence at school, as long as I don't miss several days in a row, everything will be fine."

"Then go ahead, I need to speak to the principal."

Lucas then headed for the principal's office, leaving a suspicious Violette behind.

'Doesn't he want me to overhear the conversation?'

After walking through some corridors, Lucas realized that it was the end of the class change period, so he still found some students walking through the corridors. He did not greet anyone, and although anyone who saw him was curious as to why he was not carrying his materials, no one stopped him.

Like the last time, Lucas entered the principal's office without knocking, and at that moment only the principal was there. When he saw him, he approached quickly, and seeing Lucas closing the door without anyone else, he said carefully.

"Young Master, is there a problem?"

"I have some problems to solve, so I'm not going to class today, I came to warn you, and ask a question."

"Say it."

"What is your role here? Is it because of that Noble? The security of this school is also abnormal, I saw several guards hidden."

"Ah, so you have already met Miss Jeniffer?"

"Yes, in the halls... Is she here to experience human society?"

"Yes, the Duke of Fermiti sent a request to Thorny Rose for protection for Miss Jennifer. When the request was accepted, Higor and I were sent here to manage the school. After that, the security was increased on three levels."

"So she's one of Duke Fermiti's daughters... Okay, I'm leaving then."

Lucas then turned and left. Not long after, Caritas asked.

'Master, what was that?'

'Weren't you reading my thoughts?'

'I don't do this all the time, I don't want to interfere with your privacy.'

'This school is owned by Thorny Rose. When I entered it, I realized that the security was very high, several experienced killers are hiding. Earlier, do you know that blonde woman we saw in the hall, this Jennifer?'

'Yes, she seems to have a bad relationship with Violette.'

'Get used to it. With Violette's personality, she has many enemies.'

'That woman Jennifer hid it well, but she couldn't deceive me. She releases an aura and a scent that only noble vampires exude, I know that well. Her hair also gives off a faint smell of dye, and she was wearing lenses to hide her pupils.'

'Noble vampires? Is it a race? I know only the race of vampires.'

'Yes, they are pure-blooded vampires. They are very powerful.'

'So the security of the school is so high because of it?'

'Yes. After all, she is one of the three daughters of the Duke of Fermiti.'

'Who is this?'

'Vampires are a very powerful race, and among them, there are the so-called nobles. The lowest level of noble vampires is called Knight. They are not normally seen exactly as noble, as they are just ordinary vampires stronger than normal.'

'Above them are the Barons, Viscounts, Counts, Marquesses, Dukes, and the Imperial Family. The higher the level, the more powerful the lineage is, the Vampire Emperor is the most powerful of the race.'

'Dukes are generally families that, at some point in history, had Vampire Emperors and Empresses, so they are the highest level bloodlines, on the same level as the Imperial Family.'

'Currently, there are four Vampire Dukes: the Duke of Fermiti, the Duke of Grayheart, the Duke of Plinio, and the Duke who is currently the Vampire Emperor, Emperor Goliath, Duke of Fernigen.'

'Although vampires are very powerful, they do not have the power to protect themselves completely from humans, who have gained strength in the last three hundred years. The position of vampires today is quite complicated, since not only is it difficult for them to reproduce, but they are hated.'

'Noble Vampires can transform humans into vampires, and ordinary vampires can transform humans into Ghouls. This ability, coupled with the need for human blood, makes humans fear them.'

'The Noble Vampires are also tremendously powerful by birth, which does not facilitate peace on both sides.'

'In the past five hundred years, humans have started to gain strength thanks to espers. Before that, they were rare. Nowadays, one out of every ten thousand births is born, and because of the difficulty of reproduction, vampires began to decrease in number.'

'Before that, how did humans do to protect themselves from vampires?'

'They didn't, vampires aren't from this world. Five hundred years ago, before espers were born among humans more easily, they reached this world through a portal and invaded the earth.'

'At the time, they didn't take many measures, they just occupied territory and started to live in peace, only that they needed blood from humans, and that's when the problem came. Conflicts happened, and they only increased over time. At the time, we couldn't even defend ourselves properly. If it weren't for the vampires' proud mentality of thinking we were animals without intelligence and power, they could have easily wiped us out.'

'Everything changed when powerful espers were born one after the other, and we finally managed to get rid of the fear of vampires. Nowadays, there is a non-aggression pact between both parties. We also traded our blood with them in exchange for gold and jewels.'

'Vampires continued to live on earth for centuries, but a hundred years ago, humans went to the Moon, and at that time, vampires negotiated so that they could live on the Moon. The negotiation went well. A part of the vampires stayed on earth, they are led by the Duke of Fermiti.'

'After thirty years of living on the Moon, humans again exceeded vampire expectations and arrived on Mars. Again, vampires negotiated, and humans allowed vampires to go from the Moon to Mars, they left a part of the vampires on the Moon, they are led by the Duke of Grayheart.'

'So it is divided as follows: On Earth, there is the Duchy of Fermiti. On the Moon, there is the Duchy of Grayheart, and on Mars, there are the Duchies of Plinio and Fernigen.'

'What does all this have to do with Thorny Rose? The principal and the vice-principal are subordinates to Rose, right?'

'Basically, Thorny Rose is an ally of vampires. A hundred years ago, the reason why humans allowed vampires to go to the moon was because of my mother, who helped vampires. The same thing thirty years later. You could say that the vampires were under my mother's protection.'

'Thorny Rose and the Vampire Empire have a friendly relationship, we help each other. The Thorny Rose protects vampires.'

'So that's why they are protecting the Duke of Fermiti's daughter here at school?'

'Yes. The vampire duchies are separated from human society, and so it is as if they were two different worlds. For normal vampires, this is not a problem, but for high-level vampires, like the relatives of the Dukes, they must understand humans and human society. For that, Thorny Rose assists them in several ways. From hiring vampires in human companies to putting vampire children in schools. This is the case of Jennifer, daughter of the Duke of Fermiti, she came to study human society.'

'I see... She is very beautiful.'

'Give up. Vampires cannot have children with humans, so it is taboo among vampires to have relationships with humans. This is especially true for nobles, as they must pass on the family line.'

'This is not a real problem. With the help of the store, do you think these things will be a problem?'


Lucas didn't answer that, he knew that this discussion is completely useless. Even if he could have a relationship with a vampire, and even if he could have children with her using the store, it would be a hybrid of humans and vampires, something not much desired, neither by humans nor by vampires.

Such a relationship, no matter whether he can have children or not, it is a huge taboo. He would face reprisals from both sides: humans and vampires. More importantly, in the midst of this, he would still have to prove that he could have a child with a vampire, and Lucas is not prepared to have a child. Therefore, he did not insist on the discussion and simply left the school, going straight to the parking lot he had seen before through the window of the building.

Not far away, Violette was waiting with her car keys in hand, looking around waiting for Lucas who was taking too long. While waiting for him, Violette thought.

'Let's think about strategies. I need to find a way to get him just for me. He has the look, the background, and most importantly, the bed skills. But how do I do that? His interest in me seems very small, he also doesn't like my personality. What do I do to make him crazy for me?'

'With his appearance, skill, and background, he must not miss women, some as beautiful as I am. I also don't think my money and power will be able to attract him, he doesn't seem the type to care about these things, just look at the clothes he wears.'

'The only things I have that can attract him; my beauty, my skills in bed, and the fact that I'm bisexual. Thinking about it, he seemed very happy with my blowjob. The first time I saw him, he was also getting a blowjob from that woman... Should I use this? I don't really like giving blowjobs, but I think it can be a good strategy.'

'My beauty... I don't think I have anything to change. I don't normally apply makeup since I don't need to, but maybe I should just use a little...'

'Ah, this is something so new to me, here I am, Violette fucking Martin, thinking of ways to seduce a man... Before it was so easy, I just needed to shake my hair and a line of men would form. Well, we're talking about Lucas... That body, that dick, those divine skills... Even a million football players can't get to his feet.'

'He also has abnormal stamina and can continue without even needing a break after coming. He is a high-profile man, obviously, he would be completely different from other men. Someone like that does not lack women... So, let's try, just a little bit. If I make an effort, there is no man in the world that I cannot seduce. After all, I'm Violette fucking Martin.'

'Going back to the ideas then... Blowjobs seem like a good strategy, and I've heard of some exercises to get the inner parts of the cunt moving. Exercises of Kidel... or something like that, I will search the internet later.'

'I also need to think about my behavior... Lucas seems to prefer gentler women, should I show my acting skills and look kinder in front of him?'

'No, the way he's sharp, he's quite capable of noticing, I'm going to look like an idiot.'

'So how about showing a kinder look? Clothes are what make a woman. If I dress more virtuously, maybe he will see me better... No, I need to go further, I need to find out what kind of clothes he likes in a woman. So, if I always dress the way he likes, I won't have to do anything, he'll just jump on me.'

'Good idea. If I change my clothes and wear makeup and perfumes the way he likes, I'm sure he will choose me.'

'If I use this, plus blowjobs, and the improvement in my sexual skills with those Vedel Exercises, I will be able to become his favorite woman. So when the time finally comes, I just need to give him a little push, and he will choose me. This is perfect.'

'There is a small problem, however... What do I do with Gwen? What if he asks me to break up with her? I made a promise before that no man would ever come between our relationship...'

'He seemed happy to know that I am bisexual, but probably because he hopes to do 3P or 4P... I don't know if he will accept my relationship with Gwen. No, if he doesn't accept it, then I need to give it up. Gwen is my only friend. We've been friends for over ten years, I won't throw it away because of a big dick.'

'For now, I'll seduce him in any way I can. Then, I need to test his reaction to Gwen.'

Lost in thought, Violette didn't even notice that Lucas had been by her side for a good two minutes. Seeing her lost in thought, Lucas leaned against the next car and was silent, waiting for her to finish her thoughts. He could see that she was thinking of something important, and as he did not know what it was, he felt that he should not interrupt, it may be advantageous for him.

A few more minutes passed, and when Violette also leaned against the car, tired of waiting, she touched Lucas and was startled to see him standing beside her with a small smile on his face.

"If you arrived, you should have told me."

"You seemed so lost in thought that I didn't want to get in the way. Let's go?"

"Yes, do you know how to drive?"


"Then take the keys and drive."

Throwing the keys to Lucas, Violette walked around the car and sat in the passenger seat. It was a sports car, a black Porsche, it must be worth five hundred thousand dollars. Lucas opened the door and went in, without much thought. With the keys in the hand, he started the car and left the school. In the car, Violette asked.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I need to buy a cell phone first."

"So let's go to the shopping center. I'll take the opportunity to do some shopping."

"Put the location on the GPS."

"Don't you know where it is?"

"I moved to San Diego recently, I don't know the city."

After Violette indicated the location on the GPS, Lucas went to the place in silence. His skills were very good, although Violette was not paying attention to that. At that time, she was thinking about her previous ideas.

'I'm going to buy some clothes at the store and try them in front of him. I'll see his reaction to different types of clothes to better understand his taste.'

Looking at Lucas beside her driving in silence, Violette approached a little and put her hand on the shorts, feeling the situation of his penis. Realizing he was limp, she smiled and said.

"What happened? No energy?"

"I need more encouragement than that."

Violette then lowered her body and lifted the shirt, along with the bra, showing those beautifully tanned breasts. Lucas looked at her breasts and felt Violette's hand on his shorts, and not long after, there was a reaction.

"Easier than I thought."

"What? Don't tell me that you didn't know the effect you have on men? "

"I thought you were different. In the end, the men are all the same, they are all horny just by seeing a pair of beautiful breasts."

"Didn't you say you were bisexual? Don't tell me that you don't get horny when you see a pair of breasts?"

"Of course I am. I just hoped you were different from the rest."

"I'm a sixteen-year-old boy, I'm no different from the rest in that regard: I have a lot of energy left."

"Good to know, it makes things easier."

Pulling Lucas's shorts down, Violette caught that huge penis and was delighted again to see it.

'It's so wonderful...'

Getting closer, Violette began to stroke while her breathing speed increased. Violette's breathing caused Lucas to shiver, and when she finally used her tongue to touch, all the hairs on his body stood up.


Hearing Lucas's moan, Violette was satisfied and began to stroke and lick, while using her other hand to touch her pussy. The little moans and Lucas's labored breathing were music to her ears, Violette was excited just listening. Smelling the penis, and the taste with the tongue, only increased the excitement, in a few minutes she was completely wet, her breathing labored.

At first, Violette licked everywhere, but little by little, she started to focus on the glans, where she felt she had a greater reaction from Lucas. First a few licks, then she just swallowed the head and sucked, then she swallowed some more and used her tongue inside to go everywhere, then she went up and licked the urethra, cleaning the pre-semen that came out.

Violette started doing some things that she didn't do before, some creative things that she thought about. In her head, contrary to normal, she was 100% focused on making Lucas feel good. More precisely, she was addicted to the sound of Lucas' moans and breath, it was like it was the best song she had ever heard.