
Chapter 20: Whirl of Thoughts

The two quickly arrived in the auditorium, Violette's chosen venue. It was an enclosed, spacious place. As soon as he entered, Lucas looked at the key in Violette's hand and smiled.

"Do you use this place a lot?"

"Not as much as you think. I usually use another room, since I don't usually have sex at school time. The room is in class now, so I can't use it. I only used the auditorium a few times, none of them for sex."

Violette then walked through the auditorium and got on the stage. Going backstage, she returned not long after with a mattress. Seeing the effort she was making to pull the mattress, Lucas came over and helped bring the mattress to the stage.

"Want to have sex on the stage?"

"Yes, don't you think it will be better this way? I've always wanted to do it, never had the opportunity."

"Do you want to have sex on stage to feel like you're being watched by a lot of people?"

"Yes, don't you think it will be amazing?"

Lucas grinned at the sight of Violette's enthusiasm as it further proved her masochistic side.

"One thing has bothered me, though, and the cameras? There are some cameras here in the auditorium."

"Oh, relax, I've thought of everything. Help me out here."

Violette then went backstage, and Lucas followed behind. She searched a little and finally found a large piece of wood in one corner, used for scenario in theatre performances. The two took the scenario to the stage, and placed it beside the mattress, preventing the view of the cameras.

"The guards won't come to disturb, right?"

"No, I have influence at school. My influence reaches from students to teachers to workers. The only ones I can't reach are the Principal and the Vice-Principal. Even if people are seeing it now, and the odds are low, and they know what will happen, they will not come in the way. The guards only watch cameras from places people pass, and the auditorium is only used on special occasions, so they are not watching now. Come, let's lie down."


After May left, she drove to work, and on the way, thinking about what happened with Lucas.

'With that, I can practically confirm that the show he gave yesterday was on purpose. Did he do this to seduce me? I feel stupid for how well this worked. But also, how can I resist that penis?'

'Well, now that things are already like this, there is not much else to do. But that bet... He looked pretty confident. Does he have a plan? What am I going to do if he really can do that girl suck his cock? No, what will he ask of me? He said it will just be something that I agree with, but depending on the situation, I can agree with a lot of embarrassing things. I noticed that when I'm horny my IQ lowers at least 60 points. Hopefully, everything will work out.'

'But this Lucas... He's hitting on me, seducing me, but he makes a bet about getting another woman to suck his cock. What does he want? Does he want me as a girlfriend? Or just for sex? I do not understand.'

'Ah, this is making me uncomfortable. I think it's better to resist him more. Even if he is helping me, I cannot create a strange relationship with him. I am a decent woman, I will not become something like a lover. There's the age difference problem too...'

'Aaah, but how can I resist that penis? Is it even possible? My sex drive has become bigger and bigger over the years. When I get horny, I can't think straight, and he's using it to his advantage.'

'I need to increase my willpower to resist. He's helping me, but I don't need to be lenient with that kind of thing. I need to wait at least until this is over and I have Amy back.'

'Ah, Amy, give me strength baby.'

Lucas was a weapon of mass destruction for May. Her years of repressing her sexual desires seemed to explode all at once. Her reasoning said it was wrong, but her body said otherwise. A complicated situation. It doesn't help that Lucas seems to know which buttons to push to get her in the right mood, the idea of ​​the hole in the wall was a killer move.

With complicated thoughts, May entered the firm. She greeted the workers, the co-workers, and finally went to see her superiors to warn about Lucas. After that, she walked into her office, closed the door, and sank into the chair, a little tired.

'I need to focus on Clovis. I'll wait for Lucas's help, he is mysterious and may end up being helpful. For now, I need to think better about what to do.'

'Clovis's biggest weakness is women. After that, his illegal business, like drugs. The drug traffic will be difficult to investigate since it is his dealers who deal with it. If I make a mistake, I may get caught.'

'Women will be easier. He is a brute who usually uses methods like drugs or kidnapping, so it should be easy to get some clues. If I have something like a photo or video of him having sex with an unconscious woman, it will be the best proof. I can try surveillance cameras too. Jonas said that from time to time Clovis is reckless and kidnaps a woman on his own.'

'If I get a video from the hotel security cameras, it might be good too. Men are suspected of carrying an unconscious woman to a hotel room. If I give the police such a video and the cops do their job right, it's a good idea. The problem is that these hotels usually work with him, it will be difficult. What is the best approach?'

'For now, I think it's best to have someone watch over Clovis.'

She then picked up her cell phone and called her brother Jonas.

"May, are you feeling better?"

"Yes, I could think of a surefire plan, but the repercussions may not be good, so I'm working on something else."

"You're not thinking of murder, right?"

"Don't worry about it, I need your help."

"I also thought of a plan. But tell me what you need."

"Can you hire someone to follow Clovis? You must know some people, right? "

"Yes, I can try talking to one of my former subordinates."

"It needs to be someone loyal."

"Relax, I'm no longer in touch with people from that time I don't trust. All that I am still in touch with are brothers, I would trust them with my life."

"Okay. You can pay whatever price he wants, it will come out of my pocket, I want you to ask him to follow Clovis, and write down all the places he visits for the next three days. Tell him to be careful. If discovered, it could end up making things difficult for us."

"Relax, I'll put this job in the hands of the best person I know for the job. That's it?"


"Then listen to my plan: let's kidnap Clovis, make a shameful video of him, and blackmail him."

"But how feasible is this plan? Clovis always walks with four armed bodyguards. How do you plan to kidnap him?"

"We just need to come up with a plan. If we have his schedule, we'll know where he is and what time. With that, we can think of some way to kidnap him. In the worst case, I try to gather some guys."

"But will you get people who can knock down bodyguards?"

"Probably not… Clovis's bodyguards are former elite soldiers. Unless we overload them with ten times the number, it will be difficult."

"You have to remember that if we do something like this and fail in the end, Clovis will be more careful and give more severe conditions."

"Yeah, I'm just giving ideas, I think we should focus on kidnapping him when he's away from bodyguards."

"That happens?"

"In some situations, yes, but we'll need luck, that's why I told you to get his schedule. With the schedule, we will know where he will be and at what time, and we can set a trap. With a trap, we may need fewer people to take down the bodyguards, or we may be able to kidnap him right under their noses. For example, when he's in the bathroom... With the element of surprise, the possibilities are endless."

"Okay, I'll write down what our ideas are then."

"First, my last option, which is what I said before, I hope we get to something else, as I do not want to boot it into practice."

"The last option is to give your body to him? If..."

"No, I won't do that. My last option is to kill him."

"If so, it doesn't have to be you, I'll do it."

"How? He has four bodyguards. If any of us were to kill him, the best time would be when he and I were alone in a room."

"He will be on guard against that, it will be impossible."

"And it will be impossible for you to kill him either."

"So this is not even an option."

"Yes, it is. I got a mysterious card yesterday. The card of a killer agency."

"Killers... Where did you get this card?"

"With a coworker."

May didn't want to tell Jonas about Lucas, since if he did, Jonas would be suspicious, and maybe he'd intercede for her. May, deep down, wanted to be alone with Lucas and knew that everything would change if Jonas knew. Knowing him, Jonas would probably find Lucas very suspicious, and to protect his sister, would prevent them from having contact.

May didn't notice these subtle feelings, she just thought that if Jonas knew everything would be more complicated, which is why she hid it all.

"And is this murder agency reliable?"

"Yes, I already sent the request form. By the way, I should look at my email later."

"Fine, but that's the last option, right? If Clovis dies, everything will get more complicated."

"I know, that's why I decided to think of something else. I had already thought about kidnapping, but honestly, it's very risky. Let's try not to, but if we get the chance, it may be an idea. First, you need to get someone to watch Clovis's movements for the next three days."

"I need you to also list places Clovis goes to, especially when doing his dirty business. And since we're talking about kidnapping, you don't know any Clovis enemies, do you? We can use that."

"Clovis has a lot of enemies, I know a few, but I don't know if they will cooperate."

"How about a gang? Clovis has control of your old gang, right?"

"Yes, it still exists, but they changed their names, and recruited more people."

"The gang has no enemies? Some enemy when you were a leader, or after that."

"Yes, there are two rival gangs. The three of them shared the same territory, and the last time I looked, they still share."

"Can't we use them? Clovis is the sponsor of the gang. If we can convince them to kidnap Clovis, or even kill him, to take down the gang, wouldn't they?"

"No, hardly. First, even if it worked, you could only do it with one gang. The three gangs are like fire and water, they would never come together to deal with each other."

"And it's impossible to convince them like that. Clovis may be the sponsor, but it is not as vital to the gang's functioning. If you want to use one gang to take down another, it would be better through intrigue, they are very hot temper people, if we spread a rumor, we might be able to get them to fight, but what's the point? What we need to deal with is Clovis, not the gang."

"I see… But what about Clovis's enemies? You know someone who hates him to the point of cooperating, right?"

"I know two, but I don't know if they will be useful. One is the owner of a small business, he does not have much money, nor contact with the underworld. Clovis kidnapped and raped his daughter since then the man hates him, but he can't do much."

"The other is something like that, a small business owner, his wife was kidnapped."

"But Jonas, they can't give some money to pay for his kill, can't they? I don't know how much the murder will be, I don't know if I'll have money either."

As she spoke, May entered her email, she wanted to know what happened to her request for Thorny Rose. She actually got an email from Thorny Rose, and when it opened, she had a budget explaining the price.

"Jonas, the price is very high, one and a half million."

"How much do you have?"

"Four hundred thousand in the bank. I must get a million from the sale of the warehouse, but it will take time, and Clovis may find the sale since apparently he has his eye on it..."

May noticed something when it came to this point of reasoning.

"Hey, Jonas, maybe it's Clovis bluffing this time."

"I noticed too. The warehouse, how could he know about it?"

"He can't know, it belonged to Sofia, and it was given to me."

"Did he get Amy to get the warehouse?"

"I think so, that's what makes sense. I think he needs the warehouse for something, and coincidentally it was mine."

"So was he wanting your body just something to distract our attention?"

"Yes… that changes everything. If I can prove how much he wants the warehouse, I can do a bargaining deal. Amy, for the warehouse."

"We have one more thing to do. I'll send someone to watch him, do you want me to do something?"

"Okay, we have a lot of plans, a lot of ways to deal with it. I will stick to the murder plan last. Get in touch with the two men who hate Clovis to the bone. Explain our situation without giving too much detail, and ask if they have money for the murder plan. I accept whatever they have. If we can't get enough, I'll sell the warehouse, but that's the last option."

"So it's not better to wait to get in touch with them?"

"Yes, we cannot give too much hope. But for now, you get their contact."

"Now about the idea of kidnaping him… I think it's practically impossible, but the idea of ​​the trap can be viable, but it's quite risky. For now, let's try to get his schedule. Do you know where he keeps his schedule?"


"Think about how to get the schedule then, but be careful, don't do anything reckless."

"Fine, but what are you going to do?"

"I'll investigate Clovis's interest in the warehouse, as well as try to get evidence of any of his rotting, like women or drugs."

"I think it's best not to get involved in the drug business. It's not just Clovis who has his money on this. If you're not careful, it will end up infuriating a lot of people."

"Okay. I will investigate about women then. For that, I need that list of places he goes to."

"I'll make the list and email you. How do you plan on getting the evidence?"

"There are always security cameras. I will try to bribe someone. But as I said, I need the location lists, if possible the time and the weekdays he goes to, too."

"It's all right. I'll get someone to follow him for now, and think of a way to get the schedule. Even if we don't try to kidnap him, with the schedule we should get more accurate information on where he went, it will be better for your idea of ​​finding evidence of his rotten."

"Thank you, Jonas. I'm waiting for the list. "

May then turned off her cell phone and sank into the chair, thinking silently of everything she had talked to Jonas and her plans for later. After a while, she organized her thoughts and looked at the computer screen. Suddenly remembering something, she gave a small smile.

'Those flash drive files, let's find out what they are now.'

Opening the folder containing the files, she saw that there were five files: four were long videos, and one was a strange text file. Seeing the video files, and their size, May had a bad feeling but decided to look at the text files first.

The text file had a strange title, it looked like a bunch of random letters. She searched the title on the internet and found nothing. She even used the advanced search engine and nothing. Opening the file, as well as the title, the text was all messy. Being a text, it made even less sense.

'Encrypted? Is it something important?'

Looking at the computer screen in silence, a small smile appeared on May's face.

'I found something interesting. Fortunately, I have contact with a person who specializes in this.'

Picking up the file, May emailed it, grabbed the cell phone, and texted.

"Fei Fei, I'm counting on you to decrypt the file I sent you. If you want money for the service, just send it later."

An answer came almost immediately.

"I was going to ask you what file this is. It will be difficult and time-consuming, I will charge ten thousand dollars."

"OK, no problem. Can you tell me more or less how long it will take?"

"Three days minimum. Never seen this encryption, it is top-notch. Typically, this type of encryption comes bundled with the decryption key. If you have the key, I'll be done in ten minutes."

"Key? How it looks like?"

"A text file like this one. Usually, it's a little smaller."

"I have nothing like that. Where I got it there was nothing like that, just some video files. "

"If it's really a video, not a disguised video file, then it can't be it… Is there a way to look for the key? It will make the job easier, so I can lower the value of the service."

"I'll see if they really are videos."

May then opened one of the video files, and as soon as the image appeared, her face turned red. Quickly closing the video, she opened another one, and the same thing happened. After opening the last video file, she quickly closed it and texted Fei Fei.

"They were videos."

"Did the video content give any clues to the decryption key?"


"Alright then, I'll work on the video. If you can find the key, just email me. "

"Alright, thanks, Fei Fei."

May then sighed and leaned back in the chair. Fei Fei is a college friend from Maylin. The two were close at the time. Fei Fei is a genius hacker, so many people envied her intelligence. May is one of the few people who didn't envy her since she was smart too. She didn't feel inferior to Fei Fei. Because of this, the two became friends in college.

After college, Maylin became Fei Fei's attorney, and she still helps her with lawsuits. From time to time she asks Fei Fei for help with computers, but it's always something small. That was the first great service she asked Fei Fei.

Glancing at the computer screen, Maylin sighed again and opened the folder that had the videos and the text file.

'It's important to investigate all the clues, not that I want to see or anything like that. Yes, it's just for research.'

Opening one of the videos, a scene appeared of a woman doing a striptease. She slowly took off her clothes, piece by piece, and what most caught the eye was not that, but the beauty of the woman.

'What a beautiful woman... Blonde, green eyes, long eyelashes, slim body... The breasts are not big, but the shape is beautiful, and the size is not small either. Her ass is also beautiful and full...'

Seeing this woman, and her sexy movements, Maylin was amazed. The scene changed, and this woman, after taking off all her clothes, showed off her beautiful naked body. She slowly approached the camera, and the camera moved slowly backward, seemed to be held by someone lying on a bed, May could see the feet, looked like a man's feet.

After moving back far enough, May realized that the man had slowly been lying down because she finally saw the most important thing: the man's penis. And as soon as she saw it, May's body shook and she was shocked.


She knew, by size, thickness, and shape, that it was Lucas's penis. After the woman approached, she climbed onto the bed and touched that magnificent penis with her hand.

'Jeez, is this the amateur video Lucas was watching last night?'

May, who began to get excited, put her hand over her panties. The woman's next move excited her even more: the woman began to lick the full thickness of his penis. Her tongue went up and down, and the face she was making while licking was incredibly erotic.

After licking for a while, she finally got up and put the tip in her mouth. Lowering slowly, she finally reached her maximum, near the middle of the penis, and then began to rise and fall in constant motion.

'Damn Lucas, how did you seduce this woman? That's right, you seduced me, but I'm easy. I haven't had a man in years, I'm practically a virgin in terms of sexual experience. You got me right with that masturbation show, but I find it hard to believe that you got this beautiful woman too...'

'I knew, he's a stud, and now I'm his next target. Even if I know that, however, how will I defend myself? Is it even possible to defend me from this penis? Or those blue eyes of his? It's impossible, dammit.'

Pulling her panties aside, May began to touch directly as she watched the video in trance.

'I need to control myself, otherwise, it's just a matter of time before we go to bed, I don't think I can control myself near him...'

'If the situation gets worse, I will try to satisfy him as much as possible with my mouth. If he comes three times, it should be enough not to go to the next step.'

'But hey, why am I trying to stop myself from going to the next step? What's the problem? I'm sure it will be amazing.'

'No, Maylin, remember. He is a stud. Someone like that will never be with you, not to mention you have a two-year-old esper child'

Thinking about Amy, the hand on her pussy stopped.

'True, I will probably never have a man to date and marry. After all, Amy is an esper, no one will want me. At most they will have sex with me, serious dating is impossible. I already knew that... But hearing Lucas speak such sweet words to me earlier left me with hope. He even told me that he liked my kindness, the fact that I chose to raise Amy even though I knew she was an esper.'

'He also said that he would support me, said that he would make me fall in love with him... But how much of these words are truth, and how much are lies? He may be saying all this just to have sex with me. He is a stud, must have experience speaking what the woman wants to hear, and he must know that these words are what I most want to hear.'

'But so what, too? Even if he just wants to have sex, so what? I had already given up on having men's support outside my brother when I chose to stay with Amy. Even if in the end he leaves me, so what? Nothing is going to change. I can very well enjoy the trip in the meantime, I'm sure the sex will be amazing...'

'But Lucas, don't think I'll be that easy, I won't get to the last step with you so easily. Let's see how patient you are.'

Feeling that she had lost the mood to masturbate, May closed the video and the eyes as she leaned in the chair. She was a little tired and wanted to rest before she started planning in detail what she was going to do next.