
Chapter 11: The hidden truth

To some extent, Lucas had expected, but Clovis was too direct. He thought that, given Clovis's nature, he would subtly ask for his departure, who would say that he would simply be so direct? Maybe Lucas wasi a little wrong judging him, at least he knows how to be straightforward when he needs to be. When Lucas planned to respond, May intervened.

"Aren't you being too impatient? Can't you wait a while? I wanted to entertain Lucas a little more."

"No problem, May, I know you need to talk something serious, I won't get in the way. It was nice to meet you. You too, Jonas, Clovis."

Lucas then said goodbye and left the apartment.

'Master, why didn't you push a little? Maybe you could have stayed. '

'No, if I stayed too much, it would be May who would send me out. They seem to want to discuss something important, and obviously they don't want me to know what it's about. '

'But and now? Thus the mission will fail.'

'It will not fail, the mission specified dinner, right? Dinner is already over. It can also be said that I helped May, since judging by the situation, they would have talked during the meal, and probably would not be beneficial to May.'

' Why?'

'Didn't you see Clovis's casual attitude? His plan was to argue while he ate, always speaking in a casual tone, as if it were not so important, as if he were not so interested. Dinner was just an excuse, something for him to do while discussing with May. If it wasn't for dinner, he'd go to her house just to discuss, and it would be kind of obvious he's interested in discussing with her. '

'I don't know what the discussion is, what the subject is, but from what I've observed, the two plan to discuss something important, and Clovis is in an advantageous position in that discussion. May had to call her brother to feel safe around him, which shows that Clovis is dangerous. '

'So you can tell he is in full advantage, and he plans to use this apparent indifference to show that he is not so interested in the discussion, while waiting for her to play some better card to capture his attention, he wants to profit from the situation. Fortunately, I was there. With me there, Clovis couldn't use this strategy, and not only that, May was still talking to me all the time, ignoring Clovis completely, that was her attack on Clovis's indifference, she was expecting him to get impatient, and that's what It happened when he told me to leave.'

'She's very smart, and seems to understand a lot about psychological warfare. Master, she is a great choice to become your wife. You need to think of a way to approach her.'

'I got something today, she offered me work at her firm. If I really get this job, I'll have three months of interaction with her at the firm. Plus the fact that we live next to each other, I'm sure I'll be able to get closer. The problem is how to make her see me as a man. It became very obvious today that she sees me as a child. I can't leave things like this for long.'

'Master, how about listening to the conversation between the three? Seems like an important discussion, may end up revealing more information about Maylin. Because of the importance they gave to the discussion, it may end up becoming the key to conquering her. '


Quickly entering his apartment, Lucas opened the balcony door and looked into the dark sky. While feeling the cool breeze, he began to walk toward the other side of the balcony, where there was a wall that separated the balcony of his apartment from the balcony of May's .

He first looked to see if no one was looking around, and finally, holding the iron bar, hung himself on the balcony. Using a few movements, he gripped May's balcony railing and finally entered her apartment.

Taking care not to be noticed, he used his recent memory of the apartment to be careful not to be noticed and entered the apartment. Going through a door, he was in May's room .

It was a normal and simple room, not many things. The only thing noteworthy were the panties and bras that were strewn about the room. Lucas didn't pay much attention to it, and simply considered leaving the room. Unfortunately, the room was locked.

'Of course she would lock the door, she invited a wolf to her house, must have been afraid of him going into her room and doing something. Not that it was enough to protect her, but it's not a bad thought either, she's cautious.'

'Master, you find more and more good points about her. Did you know that you are in the early stages of love?'

'Love in the early stages?'

'No, it's just a way of speaking. Basically, you are analyzing the person, and finding good points. It is your reasoning looking for things to love in the person. The fact that you are the future God of Love seems to be making you think very logically. Remember, love is also about emotions. '

'I know, and I don't have to think much about it. Did you see that woman? My God, I swear I didn't see any hotter women. She is tall, has an erotic body, is beautiful, intelligent, graceful, virtuous... What a woman. '

'I know, I'm also surprised you found someone like that right away. The Touch of Fate did a great job. '

'If this ability keeps sending me women like that, I don't know what to do. One May is enough to keep me busy. Is this skill powerful at this point? If so, I'm screwed. '

'Master, you're still inexperienced in the game of love, you don't have to be impatient. You have many opportunities with May, will happen eventually. Whether this will keep happening, I don't think so. Hope not. I also prefer that you focus on one or two women at most. Your greatest luck, of course, was the marriage contract with Rose. If it weren't for that, you would have to split your attention between May and Rose, it would be problematic.'

'Let's do things slowly.'

'I'm glad you have that mindset, Master, let's not hurry.'

Lucas took his pocketknife and began to use it to open the door. For the first time, this switchblade is showing its usefulness. It is a swiss army knife, has several functions. From opening beer and wine bottles, to opening doors, it's very useful.

Lucas opened the door in a matter of seconds, and left the room, finding himself in a short hallway. Exiting the hallway, he faced the kitchen, and hid right there. From the kitchen, its possible to easily hear the dining table in the living room.

"Amy was born with a special ability, she's just a burden to someone like you. Why do you insist on being with her so much ? She is not even your daughter. You must have done the DNA test, right? "

"Though not my daughter, she is still the daughter of my younger brother, my niece. I can't just give her up like that. "

"But I'm her mother, that's all that matters."

"You're a paper mom, do you really think i don't know the secret of both of you?"

May seemed to be having a hard time, as she simply fell silent on hearing these words.

"Maylin, do you think I don't know? I know everything. You... are infertile, right? "


May didn't seem to know how to respond, and for seconds it was possible to "hear" the smug smile on Clovis's face. Lucas had no vision of the room as it was very risky, but that was what he felt; Clovis had the situation under control.

"Maylin, I'm really surprised that you let your reputation be tarnished to hide it all. At first, I didn't notice anything strange, but it was your little brother here, Jonas, who gave me the hint. "

"The overflowing hatred I felt whenever he saw me… It made me suspicious, and after making an investigation, I discovered your infertility, and over time, a fact unknown to me: Amy is actually the daughter of Sofia, right? "

May was silent, she wanted to know how much Clovis knows. By this point in the explanation, she was scared, since he knows a lot.

"When I found this out, some things came together, and with a little more investigation, I found out the whole story."

"That night, it wasn't you I fucked, it was Sofia, right? I always thought it was you. After that, Sofia went into depression, then my brother Brandon went into the equation and appeased her. The two started dating not long after, and then moved quickly. "

"According to the information I got, Sofia was pregnant with Amy, but in the end she died after giving birth. That's when you showed up. For your niece's sake, you decided to take care of her with Brandon. Because of that, I thought you two had a child, I even thought it might be mine, since the dates coincided too much. In the end, Amy was born with a special ability. "

"In the midst of all this, Brandon mysteriously died..."


Maylin answered coldly, but said nothing more.

"I'm really surprised, you accepted the burden not only of the child, but also of the weight of being an adulteress. After all, it looks like you had a son with Brandon around the same time he was dating your sister. "

"And yet, you accepted everything. Your relatives, who didn't know about the situation since Sofia kept you from telling about that night, called you an adulteress, profaned you with countless ugly words, and yet you held your ground. I am honestly impressed. "

While listening to everything, May was clenching her fists tightly. Hearing all this from this man's mouth was really repulsive.

Two years ago she met Clovis at a party. She was a novice lawyer, and he the heir to a real estate business. Normally, although there was a connection, she would have no reason to approach him, and Clovis would have no reason to approach her either.

Unfortunately for May, for two reasons, this devil appeared in her life: the first was her brother, Jonas. Although she always said it's not his fault, he does carry some of the blame for it all. Jonas was a gang leader years ago. It wasn't very big, but he had great fighters and even some guns, courtesy of his sponsor, father of Clovis, the president of Gartner Real Estate .

With this connection, Jonas and his group worked directly under Clovis, and made many of his dirty work. Thanks to that connection, when May said she was going to a party, Jonas talked about that connection. When the two met at the party, they quickly got along, especially for the second reason all of this happened: May's thirst for rising in career.

She was a fledgling lawyer at the time, and was invited to a party by her boss, since she is a stunning woman. Since she wanted to grow in the firm, she obviously agreed, so when she met Clovis at the party, the conversation flowed easily. Lawyers work a lot in real estate, so they both had things to discuss. They also had Jonas's connection. May wanted grow in the firm, and Clovis had an eye on May's body .

Everything seemed inevitable.

The two met on a few occasions later, though May struggled to dodge Clovis. She wanted to grow up in the firm, but there was a limit to how willing she was to use her beauty for it. That was when the tragedy happened.

She was going to dinner with her superiors when Clovis appeared at the firm. Apparently he had gone to work, only later found out that everything was a conspiracy. Clovis accompanied them, and they went to dinner at an expensive place. When she saw the place, May was pleased that it was the restaurant her sister ran.

Her older sister, Sofia, had a high-end restaurant in town, she was a successful businesswoman. When she learned that was going to dinner at her restaurant, she was more than pleased. If she knew how things would end, however, she wouldn't be so pleased.

Everything seemed to have been taken care of. Clovis bribed two waiters at the restaurant to drug May's drink , and apparently her superiors were together in the conspiracy as they realized May's strange state and simply believed she was drunk. They even gave Clovis permission to take her home, something totally inappropriate.

When she realized the strangeness of her body, May went to the bathroom, and that's when Clovis came to pick her up. She was already unconscious when he arrived, and then handed her over to a waiter, who got into a car with her and drove away. For the sake of his image, he could not be seen carrying a seemingly unconscious woman.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Sofia was arriving at the restaurant at that time and saw the waiter carrying her sister to a car. She then followed them in her car, and ended up in a luxury hotel. Sofia arrived just in time to see her sister being carried by some men into the hotel.

She entered the hotel and followed them, finally arriving in a room. Unfortunately, there were a few men in front of the door, and the men were familiar to Sofia: her brother Jonas's subordinates.

Sofia called Jonas immediately, and he entered the hotel with four of his most loyal men. He fought the traitors, and using that chance, Sofia went to get May out of the room. Unfortunately, Jonas and his subordinates were defeated. In one last effort, Sofia passed May to Jonas and asked him to run away with her.

Jonas and May managed to escape, but Sofia was captured during their escape. Since they couldn't have May, the traitors thought they could have at least Sofia, who was also a charming woman.

Since they knew that Clovis would not be pleased if he knew what happened, they drugged her, and broke the bedroom lights so that Clovis would not notice during the act. Clovis didn't notice anything in the end. When he arrived, everything was already clean, and although the lamps illuminating the room were destroyed, Clovis didn't bother the hotel to put in new ones, as he was too drunk and too horny to wait.

What happened next can be imagined, and although Sofia doesn't remember much, since she was drugged, she received a very deep wound and was traumatized. Thanks to that, she sold the restaurant, and locked herself at home.

May has since felt very guilty about what happened, and quit her job. Jonas even more, since it all started with him. His own subordinates betrayed him as well. He left the gang and started a new life. Jonas often considered killing himself after that, but never did, as he couldn't leave May and Sofia behind.

After that, Clovis thought he had fucked May, and that's when Brandon appeared, Clovis's younger brother. Unlike Clovis, Brandon was a decent man, and coincidentally discovered what Clovis did. Knowing he could do nothing against Clovis, he went to May and apologized personally. He apologized several times, and realizing his sincerity, she told the truth. Brandon then apologized to Sofia.

Even after apologizing several times, he kept coming back to her apartment. Partly through fault. In part for feeling sorry. In part, because she is attractive. There were several reasons, and after a while, the two started dating.

To get away from it, Brandon proposed to move elsewhere, and Sofia easily accepted. Months later, Sofia gave birth to Brandon's daughter, and died during childbirth. May went to her sister's funeral, Jonas felt too guilty to go, and found out about the child. She decided to take care of Sofia's daughter because of guilt and pity for the child who would grow up without a mother. Since it all happened so fast, May's family thought it was her daughter.

Sofia, May, and Jonas had been disconnected from their family for years, so they didn't know everything that happened, and figured it out on their own. May didn't want to deal with these people in a time of suffering like that, and since Amy was born with a special ability, she knew that had to handle the situation carefully, since Amy was already marked by the government.

In the end, she did not deny the situation, as it was convenient. She also didn't care about the people who accused her of being an adulteress, some even new work colleagues, or her parents to whom she resented. She let them think whatever they wants.

May then decided to raise Amy with Brandon. They did not have a romantic relationship, although they knew that over time it could end up happening. At first it was just to take care of Amy. It was then, weeks later, that Brandon died in a "mysterious" car accident. May strongly suspects that it was Clovis.

After Brandon's death, May moved to apartment 301 in which she currently lives, and continued to take care of Amy.

Two weeks ago, Clovis kidnapped Amy, took her from her hands, and drove away, saying it was the father's duty to take care of his daughter.

As a lawyer, May considered settling this with the law, but Clovis has the law firm she worked for, a large firm, much bigger than what she works now. She cannot hire a larger firm with her capital, and even if she could, how can she fight Clovis's great financial and political power? As soon as the idea of ​​using the law came up, it disappeared, it is impossible.

She then decided to deal with Clovis with a negotiation. At first she thought about calling him, but knew it would look very impatient. She waited two weeks, and finally couldn't take it. The day before, she called asking to talk, and he decided with a dinner.

It was a very complicated situation. Amy wasn't her daughter, she was her niece. She wasn't Clovis's daughter either, but niece. Both have the same relationship with the child, so who had more money and power would win in a fight in court.

This negotiation was her only chance, but apparently Clovis already knew everything, which startled May completely, she knew that the situation was now beyond control.

Just the warehouse she had wouldn't be enough. Following Sofia's death, May received an inheritance from her, a large amount of money, and a warehouse. Jonas also received money.

This warehouse was important to Clovis, as he planned to use it for something else. May heard on the phone the day before Clovis mentioning the warehouse, he said the warehouse was very beautiful, that's all, but has already made clear his intentions. May didn't know how he knew about the warehouse and didn't think that way. If she thought, she would realize that it was impossible for him to know about the warehouse by normal means.

The only way would be if he had gone after the warehouse before, and then investigated the owner, which really happened. When he learned that the owner was May, he was happy, as he knew he could use Amy, who at the time thought she was his daughter, to get the warehouse for free.

The warehouse is very important for Clovis, it's involved with his project. Without this warehouse, he can't start the project, which is why he did it all, and he's doing his best not to let it leak how important that warehouse really is.

"What you want?"

May knew it was stupid to ask like that, but could do nothing, Clovis already knew everything, she could not handle him with normal means anymore. If he didn't know, she could at least use the idea that she's the birth mother to appeal to the guard. She would press that she would go to court, and use social media to talk about the uncle who took the daughter from her mother.

In her mind, although it wasn't the perfect strategy, it was something. Unfortunately, he knew everything.