
God of Lightning.

Born_To_OBLIVION · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: Battle.

I pushed my body to its limits in a split second. I was in front of Father, holding my katana around his neck.

"If you did agree, then I'll force myself out."

Father wasn't even doing anything as his Nen prevented me from going any further.

'As I thought. He has a Unique Skill of his own as well.'

"A-ah... M-Mikoto!" Just like in the anime, Mother is still the same. A lunatic who is happy when her children are trying to kill her.

I swung my Katana and turned around, making the walls fly and break. A huge smoke came out of my Unique Skill [ Baleful Omen ] they weren't even surprised as they already knew that I had a single Unique Skill. Nothing more, Nothing less. So as they thought.

'Her power is getting much stronger. If she was intending to kill me. It would have been a great match, but she still hasn't learned her Nen yet. How unfortunate.' Silva thought as he looked at Mikoto's back as he wondered how she was able to get a Unique Skill yet not have any interest in Nens, Magic Spells, and hand signs (Naruto).


'I need to move now and stop Hiruzen.'

I usually would not care if everyone dies as long as my family is fine, but Sasuke and Naruto are so fine once they reach 15 years old so it's a waste. Simp for life.

"I warn you all. Tonight." I teleported and left.


"Our little Mikoto is growing up so fast," Kikyo said as she waved her fan.

"Yes. Old man." Silva said as he looked at him.

"I got it."


In my room, which would be the largest place out of all of the rooms in the entire building sealed-no, contained monsters that could be called terrifying in every way possible.

"Orobashi No Mikoto. I k ow your there." I said as I looked around the room.

*Ssss* *Ssss* As snake sounds could be heard and its body as long as a mountain could be seen spinning around the room. I made a small lightning ball as light. I saw it open its mouth, dripping with green saliva. Teeth that could crush cities and kill anything. Was about to swallow me whole.


As if time had stopped. Purple chains appeared from its body and chained it to the ground. Making it unable to move or do anything.

"Didn't I say that it wouldn't work?" A voice said as a purple-colored bird. The sizè of a human arrived and landed on the body of Orobashi.

"Lightning Bird... Miruye. It's been a while since I last saw you. Your at least not as foolish as this one over here."

Miruye opened his wings and a gust of wind blew away the purple chains which bound Orobashi to the ground. Orobashi pulled his head up as Miyure floated in the air.

"What brings you here, Master?" Miyure asked as she landed on the floor.

"I'm going to go outside. Father, Mother, and even Grandfather will not allow me. I want the both of you to rampage around and distract them, while I escape."

Miruye was smart and knew that even if both of their seals were completely broken. They wouldn't last an hour fighting the butlers and if it's the main family, then it would be suicidal. They were only alive because Mikoto bagged ( Ordered ) Silva and Kikyo to keep them.

"You just need to last 1 minute and I should be able to slip by them."

"You might be our master, but even you can't force us to go out just like that," Miruye said as she tried to reason with her.

"Your right. Tell anyone about this... Watch your neck." I said as I turned around and went outside.

'They're too weak to even stand 3 minutes with Father, Mother, and Grandfather combined.'


As the sun went down and the full moon showed its brightest light. Black thunder clouds surrounded the entire mountain and purple lightning could be seen raining like water.

"It seems she has started her move," Silva said as he stood up from the couch.

Illumi and Kikyo followed him from behind as the three of them disappeared and arrived at the front gate of the house.

I arrived and only used my Unique Skill [ Baleful Omen ] which they expected and prepared countermeasures.

"I shall attack. [ Lightning Wall ]"

The purple lightning stored in the clouds all went to one cloud, in the center of the house purple lightning surrounded the entire house and only the house. It did not include the front gate.

'Why did she seal the entire house?'

'Is it to stall time?'

Father looked at both of them who were confused about what I was doing, since even for them, breaking the lightning wall would be a far-fetched idea as they would be injured and I would be able to escape.

'A lightning?' Father thought as a bolt of lightning struck where he was at.

Father obviously moved and dodged the attack, but then, I teleported where the lightning landed and attacked Father, Illumi, and Mother using my sword.

A single slash from my sword made Illumi's right hand almost detached from his body, but he was saved thanks to his mother who blocked the attack using her fan.

'Mother's nen is still as annoying as before.'

I grinned and multiple purple lightning rained down the entire mountain even more. I teleported back inside the house which made them even more confused.

'What is with her power?' Illumi thought to himself as he tried to stop her attacks.

I held my sword tight and attacked in full blast as the three of them tried to not die from my attacks. Father could have easily decapitated me, but that wasn't his goal. His goal was to stop me, just like everyone else. I took advantage of that fact and went all out to kill to not give them space for recovery.

By using lightning as a floor under my shoes. I'm able to fight while flying, while they need to go down into the ground to try and gain distance.

Father disappeared in an instant and a barrage of needles came flying at me from the sky, but I noticed him and 3 lightning bolts came at him. Mother blocked the lightning bolts and Illumi was able to continue his attacks.

I started to cut every needle one by one until the needles stopped raining down on me and I finally stopped, but then, small purple balls. The size of a fist came rushing at me.

'This is Father's nen. Is he planning on knocking me out?' I thought as I teleported from one of the lightning bolts.

"This wont be enough."

Purple slashes could be seen. Every single purple ball exploded in half as I left un-scathed by the attack.

'Is it ready?' I thought as I tried to look into it.

Just as I had thought. My Unique Skill [ Baleful Omen ] didnt reach the grounds of the mountain, because of Grandpa and Tsubone blocking the thunder clouds.

I retracted the [ Thunder Wall ] as it ate too much Mana. They also stopped and analyzed the situation. The thunder coulds were still active and were spreading out like a web.

Now that the thunder wall vanished, the thundwr clouds moved faster than ever.

"Since I've tried this way. Should I go my way?" I asked as I retracted my sword.

"No." Father suddenly disappeared from his possition and appeared in front of me, which surprised me. He was about to knock me out, but I managed to barely teleport.

'That was too close for comphort.'


Mother suddenly grinned and opened her fan. She swung her fan and multiple sknives made out of pure nen came out of it and exploded right after.

Illumi was hit directly by one of the knives and was knocked out cold, while father on the other hand had multiple knives going at him by an unsual speed.

Father deflected Mother's attack by firing purple balls and it then exploded right after. The force of their attacks colided with each other and both of them were unscathed, but it was enough time for me to go down the mountain and leave.

Grandpa and Tsuboni noticed my sudden appearance in the village and stopped blocking the Thunder Clouds and went back.


As I ran to the Village of Konoha. I was astonished and surprised that it would actualy work.

'I can't believe it worked.'


A few hours ago, Mother sent me a telepathy net and said she would help me escape by stunning Father and Illumi for 4 seconds and that was enough for me.

I disappeared once again and only a trail of lightning could be seen as I disappeared into the Village of Konoha.