
God of life

Karl a university student discovers that he lives in a world with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of their fingers. He is unable to uncover the mystery of his origin.Earth has a strong will which prevents normal humans from seeing supernatural. This will is called Jal with unfathomable powers. Will he be able to create his own path in a world full of darkness with his women oops companions he holds dear.

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10 Chs


***Lao family mansion***

Lao Zhu was fuming in rage as he destroyed almost everything in the room, he looked at the photos on the table with a fierce expression.

His butler Zhang Ma stood silently as he looked at his young master concerned.

"Those bastards couldn't even do their job well and ended up killed." He said as he opened the envelope which had also been sent to him but he failed to find it's source.

'This is troublesome, but I had ensured he was alone. Aina my love why do you have to intervene in this.' Even though he was angry, he still thought rationally as there was no way she would intervene if she wasn't interested in Karl.

"Young master, I don't think it will be a good idea to attack him. He is a normal human at that. It will definitely attract more attention and some of our enemies might use that as an excuse to attack." Zhang Ma, his butler advised since he knew how rotten this world was.

"Even though he was some how helped by the woman I love, we will definitely meet and when that time comes hehe..."

He laughed slightly as he tore the letter Aina wrote him herself. He wore a not so pleasant expression as she had warned him to mind his business. Her family was by no means weak as it was far more powerful than his.

"Well it doesn't mean I won't get my revenge. This is a great humiliation to our family."

His butler sighed, with his experience he knew that for Aina to use such a direct approach she was prepared for anything. 'Her family is not something we should mess with.' He looked at his young master slightly but his look made him want to sigh again.'This is not good for my health.'

***Ice dimension***

Karl laid down and he looked at the sky as exhaustion overpowered him. His body felt sore as even with his regeneration it did no effort of his recovery.

Nemesis caressed his silver hair gently as his head was placed on her lap. He couldn't help but feel the softness of her thighs. 'I can't believe that this caring woman is the monster who has reduced me to such a miserable state.'

"Now that you are not a normal human anymore, what do you plan to do." She asked as she looked him in the eyes.

"I have really not thought about it as everything has happened very fast." He said softly.

'I won't help help him unless necessary. He doesn't know the power he holds.'

"You have to find ways of entering the hidden dungeons. They are in different areas around the world, but that wouldn't have been a problem if you were stronger. Dungeons are really dangerous for you to enter currently.

As for where to find them that's your problem to solve." She said carefully and although he knew she held back some information, he was thankful.

"That's more than enough for me, and thanks for the hint. I just need to increase the control over my powers, I really suck at that." He said.

"Your soul can sustain around three hours more so use the remaining time well." She snapped her fingers and all the exhaustion in his body vanished like a lie.

'The stronger you become, the more likely I will join you without damaging your soul.' She thought but didn't want to put him on pressure.He had much to think about."We will start with the basics of using mana. You can use it for body reinforcement as your body becomes more powerful than normal, enhancement of senses as your hearing, smell, and vision sharpen. You will come to know other advantages as you train."

Karl had to admit that if she was a 'Professor' by any chance he wouldn't doze for a second as her voice was really beautiful to the ears. 'Though she becomes a devil during training as she has monstrous stigma.'

He couldn't help but have some doubt if he could really satisfy her in bed.

'Well, I need to focus now and learn how to use my powers.'

He took a deep breath as he focused on his body to feel mana.

"Although we can use all elements as you have seen. I will first teach you how to use Ice element as you can easily create and switch to any weapon you desire." She suddenly moved closer as she held out her palm."You know, us Eternals have an advantage since we can use 'Will' even before ascension to 'Godhood'."

She created an ice cube which turned into water, and then a small sword and finally into crystals. He couldn't help but look at her in awe as it was simply fantastic.

"That's what we call 'Will' as you can use an element as you desire but it's limited by one's power level. Ice can be used to attack and defend at the same time although it's not as destructive as Fire and Lightning. I will leave you train for now, see ya." She said as she disappeared to God knows where.

I could feel a cold and yet soothing sensation circulating through my body as I condensed Ice in my right hand though with great difficulty as this is my first time.

It didn't take long for a long Ice spike to form. Being a lover of fantasy novels I was, I started to experiment as I used 'Will' and the spike floated in air and rotated around me. I focused and felt a warm sensation circulating as crimson flames which were extremely hot appeared in my right hand. I caught the Ice spike in my left hand and increased it's length approximately 1meter.

Sited on a frozen throne, Nemesis couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as she looked at the scene transpiring. Insane could was the right word to describe it.

'Karl, do you really want to die this bad.

Well I will just intervene if things get out of hand.'

After successfully merging fire with ice as crimson flames blazed around the ice spice, she looked intensively as he added lightening into the 'mix' which could have been impressive to the eyes but he was still a newbie in in this field.

Lightening bolts cracked noisely as they coiled around the crimson spike like a snake. A toothy grin could be seen on his handsome face though he felt extremely exhausted as this drained a tone out of him.

His gaze fell on a tall hill at a distance and a crazy idea immediately formed in his head.

Nemesis couldn't help but follow his gaze as she understood what he was up to. She also seemed curious to know the destructive power of his attack.

He didn't disappoint her expectations as a crimson spike with yellow bolts bolted towards the hill at a lightning speed and....

Crack!! Booooom!!!

A deafening explosion was heard as the top of the hill was blown off without trace and steam followed suit.

"What the heck!!" She couldn't help but curse as this was ultimately insane. Usually it would take talented individuals years of serious training to perform such an attack as he did.

"With this, it will be easy to train him both combat and magic at the same time."She muttered as crazy ideas formed in her head.

"I didn't know this was truly tiring to do even though the results were quite satisfying." He said as he laid down limply on the cold surface. He was mentally exhausted and he felt dizzy.

"Not bad. Honestly I didn't think you would do much at your first try. It was really impressive but still not enough you also need to train the other elements as well." She sat down and placed his head on her soft thighs.

"This is probably overkill for me you know, seeing without touching it's not good for my health." He couldn't help but say as she was really a beauty to fight for.

"Maybe in the future when you are strong enough, so train harder." She lied with a straight face.

"What a great way to motivate someone but I will take the deal." He said as his body turned into bright particles.

Now alone in her dimension, Nemesis couldn't help but curse herself for saying that as she wouldn't mind if he wanted 'to do it' but it was good to have something to motivate him in order to work harder.

'Well we can just be cuddling since that is not part of the deal, right. I can't wait to get out of this place.'