
God of Life

When people are poor, they breathe wrong. Ding, congratulations to the host, you will get a certain amount of money every time you breathe. Ding, you get a spicy consumption card when you eat a crayfish with explosive taste. Ding, your sleep quality is very high today. Gain energy + 20% of your daily buff. Different Shenhao system, everything in life will bring surprises. Coach, I want to learn to race! ... Another novel I am spreading form a different platform to this platform because someone suggested it. Original Author: Crispy Bread

EternalDragonO0 · Action
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132 Chs

Chapter 131: Different Brand.

In the beginning, Wang Yan was indifferent then he panicked after knowing the price, and finally, to the current liking of the piece of fabric, he was completely seduced... hooked up... attracted. He was eager to wear the costume, and he looked forward to the day of his finishing, although the number of times he would use it was certainly not important, and solemnly thanked Master Palestra and the beautiful young woman.

The old man grinned; actually, he was quite kind.

"The goal is: to provide customers with the best of the best and more, and then since you show that kind of good... "Very well, I understand and am very satisfied."

The translator woman at translating added an explanation explaining her position.

"Master Palestra's attitude towards tailoring is very pious, Mr. Wang, you have activated his inspiration, so this is what you deserve. The reason why we don't talk about money is we don't want you to misunderstand."

No provisional price increase was requested, yes a very atmospheric approach.

After some understanding, Wang Yan already knew that K 50, as a high-order series, had only a basic price of 300,000 Yuan. In fact, with every fabric, there would have a price change.

If it was the kind of special fiber that was mixed with gold powder or diamond powder during weaving, such as the super god fabric "200 pieces of diamond powder mixed with small mountain wool and lotus fiber", the price had almost exceeded Wang Yan's slightly barren imagination.

7,000 Pound sterlings per yard

One yard = 0.9144 meters and the width of suiting fabric is usually 1.5 meters, so the area of fabric per yard = 1.37 square meters, and the price is 7,000 Pound.

After idle and bored, Lin Weiwei had checked the exchange rate of Pound to Yuan on the Internet, and then quietly told Wang Yan: "The official exchange rate on August 27 is 1:9.805."

Wang Yan made simple mental calculations and concluded: 1.37 square meters the fabric is about 68,600 Yuan which were exactly 50,000 Yuan per square meter.

At present, the average price between the third and fourth ring roads in the imperial capital is just around 50,000 Yuan. One square meter of cloth is equal to one square meter of Imperial Capital House, is it scary?

Fortunately, the fabric that Master Palestra wanted to change for Wang Yan was not the top model. The preciousness was more reflected in the scarcity of stocks. Otherwise, Lin Weiwei would be afraid she will go bankrupt on the spot.

Even so, the new fabric was more than 30% more expensive than the old fabric. The precise and magnificent dyeing technique, even Wang Yan, an outsider who didn't know how to do it, found it particularly remarkable.

Originally, it was necessary to recalculate the price for fabric replacement, but as Master Palestra took the initiative to propose the replacement, the responsible beauty of the boutique agreed to provide the original price after a little weighing.

Adding specifications without adding money, Wang Yan had done nothing but a big deal. Of course, there was definitely no loss. The cost price and the selling price were themselves a mystery, and the manual costs and the added value of the brand were even more difficult to calculate.

As a gold medal tailor, Palestra would have to try it out if he had an inspiration. There were many fabrics were discarded and destroyed on weekdays, so it had this authority. By chance, he threw the bait, and Brother Dog jumped on it.

As a human being, you must have a B number in your heart. Don't worry about people earning more and more, you have to appreciate the cheaper.

With a serious expression, Wang Yan sincerely thanked Palestra, "In terms of production, I leave you all authority. I will look forward to your work."

The translator woman said for Master Palestra. After the second half of the sentence, after getting the reply, he pondered for a while and spoke solemnly to the boy.

"Mr. Wang, please rest assured, Master Palestra does have some ideas to be verified, but this does not mean you will be an experimental subject. Please believe I will always try to do my best for every customer, and then on this basis, you will have even more. What Palestra master wants to do for you, is actually even more."

Wang Yan nodded: "Very well, I understand and am very satisfied. Thank you Master Palestra, so shall we see you next month?"

... A very comfortable and highly compelling shopping experience, after leaving, Wang Yan's mood was very good, and Lin Weiwei was even best.

"Wow! I didn't choose the wrong store. Everything exceeded my expectations!"

Wang Yan smiled and said, "Yes, sister Weiwei, you are amazing!"

Lin Weiwei was too beautiful, shook her head sharply, with long red hair. She bloomed like a rose for an instant, and then closed again. Wow, when she was in a good mood, this big girl was pretty feminine...

Wang Yan sneered and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Eh? Lin Weiwei seemed to have always been a woman! Her real guy was brother Wang Yan, okay. When did she start forming this stereotype?

Before figuring out the results, Lin Weiwei suddenly asked: "What's next?"

"Wander around, buy, buy, and buy!"

The original intention of going out today was just a little interrupted by Lin Weiwei. Now that the major event has been decided, the two officially embarked on a shopping trip. First of all, of course, to buy gifts without forgetting business affairs, Fu Yushi had to do her birthday.

Lin Weiwei was in a very good mood, and she casually started to talk nonsense again: "The little Fu Yushi is extremely boring under the quiet appearance; otherwise you can give her an AP, right?"

"AP? Mend the devil? Or Magic output?!"

Wang Yan was puzzled and Lin Weiwei chuckled: "agent provocateur, a British high-end underwear brand..."

Wang Yan turned around and left.

"I'll give you two elastic bands for your birthday next year."

Lin Weiwei knew this was not a good word, but she could not figure out the specific meaning. She ran after Wang Yan and asked: "What do you mean dog? It's ungrateful, isn't it? You don't have to go to the house for three days, right? Explain it to me quickly!"

Wang Yan looked at her eyes as if she were mentally retarded: "Do you think you are? I can't even say it!"

"Let's go! Let's go to Chanel's house, I think it would be good to buy a bottle of Chanel No. 5..."

Lin Weiwei was furious at first, but when she heard Chanel No. 5, she didn't squeeze and laughed with a twinge.

"Hahaha... Stupid dog."

"You've been looking for Chanel No. 5 in your life, right? Sister is really thankful for you. If it wasn't for luck to meet little Liu Li, it would be you stupid, which girl would Are you chasing you?"

Wang Yan asked calmly, "If there weren't Liu Li, which girl I couldn't get with money?"

"Well!" Lin Weiwei was unconvinced. She curled her lips and said: "why don't you come to our Imperial Academy of Dance and have a try huh? Without that stepping stone, who do you think will take care of you?"

In fact, similar assumptions were particularly boring, but friends are talking nonsense among themselves.

Wang Yan went back directly: "Do you have beautiful women at the Imperial Academy of Dance?"

Lin Weiwei squeezed her neck: "Our beautiful women in the Imperial Academy of Dance are better than those of the third-tier colleges! What's the matter?"

When Wang Yan sneered, she thought to herself.

Suddenly Li Nooyi's special score of 94 was flashed. To be fair, she was a well-deserved pinnacle of enjoyment purely from the physical experience, quite different. But inexplicably, Wang Yan was not so nostalgic, and his mood was very peaceful. Even though she was extremely stunning, in Wang Yan's mind, she was even unqualified to compare with Liu Li.

Making a hundred steps back-if he had to choose one of the two options of "losing Li Nooyi" and "could not continue to be friends with Lin Weiwei", Wang Yan will definitely choose Lin Weiwei.

What is there to hesitate? It's so much fun! When thinking like this, Wang Yan stared at Lin Weiwei and smiled wickedly.


Lin Weiwei was very depressed. She gave Wang Yan a hard hit on the back, but she hurt herself enough.

"Gouzi, wait, next time you and little Liu Li have problems, do you think I can help you!"

Wang Yan accepted her preposition when he saw it like that and stopped teasing her. This time the amusement was too hard, the next time it would be not fun.

"Hurry up and get things done? What the hell do I buy for Fu Yushi?"

"Just go with me, a lot of nonsense!"

As he strolled around and quarreled, Wang Yan quickly forgot Li Nooyi, and he didn't even realize this abnormality.

How to say?

In fact, this is the embryonic form of the three views that a true god should possess to classify everything in the world into three categories. What he can't buy with money, what he can buy with money, what he can't buy temporarily but he can buy in the future and after the classification, the importance will appear clearly at a glance.

Since then, it cannot be said that there will be absolutely no mistakes, but it will not be a big mistake to make a mistake. It is natural to be able to deal with the world.

At this moment, Wang Yan had not yet formed a clear understanding of this but has been naturally on the right path.


Lin Weiwei led the way for a while and finally took Wang Yan to a superluxurious cosmetics store.

Other stores were all counters, but this one was a specialty store, which looked very unusual. Uh, it looked very expensive.

"Cosmetics? What are the specific gifts?" Wang Yan was a little blinded.

Lin Weiwei rolled his eyes, "You hope I will choose one for you, you must remember it! Next time you give me a gift, buy it as is!"

"No, who is celebrating his birthday? Lin Weiwei, I haven't seen you for a while."

The young lady in the specialty store was beautiful and gentle, and Wang Yan decided to save Lin Weiwei a little bit, so she didn't bother her again, and then, for the next 10 minutes, Wang Yan watched her performing there foolishly. Her eyeballs became more and more round.

"First of all, the makeup primer..."

"Fu Yushi's skin is very good; it is not oily or dry. Choose a decent sunscreen for the makeup cream... Just this"

"Live face soothing and even conditioning milk, ultra-wide spectrum light protection, 40ml 850 Yuan pieces, you deserve to have Ah, beauty, I have your card. Can you give me a discount?

"Only points?"

"Is there a discount on SKP's diamond membership card?"

"Not participating in the discount activity? Last time I clearly Discounted...Oh, 5% off for +5,000 Yuan, right?"

"OK, next is the liquid foundation..."

"The 30ml Essence Liquid Foundation of Green Treasure Bottle is now 750? Why does it seem that the price has increased again? Give one bottle 5ml essence, right? Okay, let's get a bottle. Next is the pressed powder...Of course, the Yuehuo essence! The powder core + powder box, cherry blossom powder + ivory white, the girl's skin is so tender that I am jealous..."

"The eyeliner needs to be precise, and the mascara needs to be twisted and dense! Makeup remover needs that pure and moisturizing, plus a bottle of mascara special makeup remover. Okay, that's all, please give me two copies."

"Pack them separately and count how much it is!"

The last sentence was said by Wang Yan.

Seeing he finally reached the process of making money, Wang Yan was overjoyed.

"My sister, I don't have to stand there thinking about philosophy and doubting life. I will pay the bill!"

A few big-sized bottles and tubes, 4,210 Yuan for one portion and 8420 for two portions, they were too expensive to be shameless.

Wang Yan finally knew how girls spent money. According to Lin Weiwei, this was actually just make-up, and it was only half of the make-up process, only two or three months' worth...

"I can tell you, your little Liu Li doesn't makeup. The extra one is mine! Order a suit for you, and I will have to eat soil for the next year. If you have a conscience, I will remember giving it to my sister next time. Add lipstick, perfume, pastels, and everything..."

"Next time I go shopping with you, I will be a dog!"

Wang Yan shouted frantically in his heart, but on the surface, he was extremely sincere: "Don't worry, you can tell me what you lack! I'll give you money!"

Lin Weiwei nodded her head to Wang Yan toward the men's area.

"After you my sister"

Wang Yan was reluctant to be lazy and nodded admiringly: "I don't worry if you handle affairs."

The expert lady made a shot, and she was indeed different.

First of all, she directly passed away for a few styles that were too mature in style, such as Armani, Tom Ford, Canali, Ferragamo, etc., many of whom Wang Yan hadn't even heard of.

Luxury goods, sometimes inappropriately worn, maybe uglier than ordinary clothes, because they all have their own styles, they are very clear and strong. Therefore, once there was a conflict, it would be as if the black skin of Huang Bo had taken off Benny road and changing to the top products.

Entering a store, Lin Weiwei went straight to the youth product line. Every luxury clothing brand had more than one secondary line, targeting different customer groups. In the past, Wang Yan didn't understand it. It depended on the eye, and the effect couldn't be said to be bad, but in terms of matching details, it was definitely not as good as the old fritters like Lin Weiwei.

As a result, it became a large dress-up show.

"I will go try this one."

"That one won't work put it down!"

"Hey? You lack ornaments... Do you want to bring a decorative chain?... Good, don't pull it down... Come on, try this powder Pants!"


Looking at those saucy pink casual trousers, Wang Yan's face was pink and tender. Then Lin Weiwei didn't think it was enough, so she found another pair of white and green casual sneakers and stuffed them into his hands.

"You said you would be obedient!"


Wang Yan was desperate when he entered the fitting room.

"When you come out, look in the mirror..."

"Fuck! It looks nice!"

The tender pink trousers were cut in 3D and were very slim. When paired with the off-white half-collar shirt on the upper body, it looks like a pair of long and slender legs. The blue and white grid belt of LV's family was put up a little bit, which separated the upper and lower parts of the body very clearly, with strong contrast and a sense of set-off. The color of the little green shoes was very positive, unlike Wang Yan's prediction, but rather a wave of thieves. The whole body matched, the visual focus ranges from light to heavy, perfectly showing Wang Yan's biggest advantage in the silhouette of the long legs reinforced by [Dragon Blind Skin].

Cool and trendy, but not frivolous, especially when Wang Yan constricted his expression, the calm temperament came out, completely able to control this pink and green body.

The most amazing thing was everything did not come from the same brand. The shoes were Hermès, and the shirt was Prada, the belt was LV and the extremely showy pants were from Givenchy.

After a pot of simmering, Wang Yan 76's appearance was actually strengthened to at least 85. Looking at the mirror, he was very happy.

"Hey, it smells..."