
Important Character List of Volume 1

Characters who have played a huge role in the story and have ever made a significant appearance;

Rey Everlyn - A newborn demigod

Cronus (Slime) - A perfect outer imitation of the original Cronus

Amaterasu - The Goddess of the Sun

Tsukuyomi - God of the Moon

Susanoo - First Corrupted God

Izanami - One of the new rulers of the underworld

Satan - God of Hell

Lamashtu - First to ever be slain in the story

Ganesha and Company - One of the Guardians of the Indomitable beast lurking in the South East Asia

Mark Eishu - Male half of the God Of Humanity

Female Version of the God Of Humanity - No Data

Hel - A Female Goddess of the Underworld

Kin, Po and Nam - The 3 God who were used as the ingredients of the Sacrificial Scythe

General Abzos - A God under the command of Izanami

Hades - King of the Underworld

Asclepius - God of Medicine

Reiko - A Japanese Shrine Maiden