
God Of Humanity

(Warning: This Story Contains Profanity) Sypnosis: GOD OF HUMANITY. "There's no confrontation that leads to not a single loss of life." Told by a wise old man sitting beside a withered tree. "The gust of wind blows upon North, South, East, and West to describe the upcoming changes." He smoked his cigar, holding his breath. *BLOW* "How far gone can one person handle the weight of the world?" He stared at the sky, looking at the gathering dark clouds. "The wind today is rather cold than warm." He picked up his cane and stood with his back crouched forward. "Shall I tell you a tale? A history most forgotten by the glorified age. A world that was once sunk with chaos and deceit." The old man gazes back at the old tree, touching the charred trunk; he reminisces. "While my life has gone past its prime. I can still share with you the profound experience... which I've gathered for the past thousands of years..." "Listen well... for I won't be here when this story ends."

DreamReaper · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Due to the tense and unknown situation, the Elite Guards of the capital were on high alert for those who might look suspicious, especially the ones to have been evacuating inside the capital.

As the gatekeepers of each wall that runs throughout the Outer to the Inner District, carefully and thoroughly inspecting each civilian before having them enter has been passed down strictly because of a information which was delivered to them by one of the civilian Gods from the Western District.

Now, all the warriors wearing rosewood-colored Yoroi with a golden plaque hanging down at their waist are on high alert to find the culprit, as stated by one of the witnesses.

However, as the evacuating civilians were too many to count one by one, it was hard to thoroughly inspect them and would only leave them prone to much more danger outside the capital.

Screams of fright and the sounds of protruding arrows from each outer gate resounded throughout the Outer Districts.

So, Ushiwa one of the guards sat at the very bottom of the staircase in a cross-legged position leading to the main house, wearing nothing but a thin sheet of clothing like a beggar begging in the streets, ordered some of his men to get a particular object that can detect a slight deviation of Divine Power placed in his office and to forward it to each of the Gate Guardians.

Immediately after getting their orders, they soon left in a rush.

He looked back at the talented 4 individuals who just left without a mention of doubt or insubordination.

He was proud to at least have produced 4 talented individuals out of the thousands under his command.

Although he has a rather unique appearance, unkempt long rosewood hair, jade-like female face, pale skin, thin frame, and tends to look down on others, that it has become quite an issue.

He was most definitely not a weak and frail God. Having mastered the art of hand-to-hand combat to a certain degree that can even take a hundred exchanges from the God of Fist himself. He is quite a proud person just from that fact alone that he always brags about it whenever there's an opportunity.

Ushiwa, the leader of the elite guards, who's been analyzing the current situation, turned his gaze to face the West, though there was only a limited amount of visual he could see since the streets were too crowded due to the ongoing festivities.

Having decided to quarantine the people that came from the outer districts to avoid riots. He deliberately closed the sections leading to the outer District with a wall of soldiers.

Passing his orders, if someone comes and asks why they were stationed there, the answer will be that they are currently hosting a surprise party for tomorrow's occasion for the Young Lord.

After that, he just sat there lost in his thoughts, all the while picking his nose. He called out 4 of his most "talented" subordinates.

"Shiisu, Yuuna, Keram, Caskan."

Hearing his irritated and grumpy voice, 4 guards appeared kneeling on one knee right in front of a rugged man, wearing nothing but a beggar's clothes.


Having their fist smacked to the floor, their heads lowered to show their respect, they spoke in unison.

The man wearing nothing but 2 sets of clothing that hadn't been washed for ages frowned as he nit-picked his nose.

"Those useless guys. They can't even handle a simple task without me, their l-e-a-d-e-r."

Instead of an order, he was instead talking behind his subordinate's back with a condescending look on his face. Fully emphasizing his authority.


Caskan, one of the guards who was called out thought as he closed his eyes with a frown.

'Can't he act like an actual leader for once?...'

Caskan kept on berating his leader in his mind as he silently listened to his prattle.


A full quarter of an hour passed, and the person with a weak-ass-looking appearance and unkempt long rosewood hair was still busy talking shit about his lacking subordinates.

"Fuck. If only you guys were only a bit smarter. If only I could distribute a small part of my knowledge to small fries like you.

Heck, even a mortal dog is even smarter than the lot of you.

Haizz... Having only 4 talented Gods under me is sorely lacking, and now I'm facing the most "talented" ones."

Ifs after Ifs, quietly listening to all of his insults, the 4 had no choice but to listen because they knew that they weren't a match for him.

Though as he was sitting cross-legged, still nitpicking his nose, a shadow crept up from behind and spoke with a soft and tender voice belonging to a man.

"That's enough, Mouna."

Hearing someone call out his girly name instead of his alias, the person sitting cross-legged turned his head, gritting his teeth with a furious expression drawn all over his face.

"Huh? Do you want to die?"

But as soon as he turned his head to see the man, his furious expression turned into shock in an instant.

"W-What...? W-What brings you here?"

He felt like he was caught in some kind of crime as he mistakenly cursed the person behind him.

Though, as he looked over the man's beautiful face that screams a "playboy" his eyes the most caught his attention, it was pitch black, like the color of an obsidian, reflecting the bright festivities in front of them, it's as if stars were falling in his eyes, gently looking at him.

As he was still mesmerized by his eyes. The man answered, holding the sheath of his sword hanging from his waist.

"What do you mean by that?"

He let out a small grin as he kept looking at the annoying face of Mouna.

"Can't I roam around here?

And what's with your expression earlier?

Hmm? Mouna?"

Hearing the tragic name given to him, he snapped back into reality, veins bulged over Ushiwa's temple, though he couldn't refute what the man had said or called him because the man right in front of him wearing a long-sleeved and loose black Hitatare Kamishimo with long black hair tied to one line was none other than Takemikazuchi, the God of Sword and Thunder.

"Hahaha... You must've misunderstood... And please call me Ushiwa... I've long abandoned my original name a long time ago... Hehehe..."

Hearing his anxious and frustrated words, which Takemi already knew. He was just amused to see him and wanted to tease him a bit.

"I'll call you sometime soon, Mouuuuna~"

Takemikazuchi passed by, heading in the West direction, though before he left, he tapped Ushiwa's shoulder, smiling like a conniving fox.

"Take your men now and be on your way."

Leaning his back. He whispered to his ears, fully emphasizing that he should fuck off now before he make him do so through forceful means.

Ushiwa let out a sarcastic smile, adhering to his commands.

"Yes, yes. We'll be going now. Have a safe journey, Sir. Zucchini."

Hearing what he was called by Ushiwa, instead of simply tapping his shoulder, he grabbed it with brute strength, lifting him in the air.

"You're talking back now, huh?"

From the look of Takemi's face, he was definitely annoyed by Ushiwa although it was mostly hidden by a facade of calm composure.

However, instead of apologizing, Ushiwa asked his subordinates to shout for help.

"Hey!! You inconsiderate imbeciles!! Help me!!"

Being insulted once again, veins bulge over the four warriors' temples.

Caskan shifted his gaze to see the unsightly appearance of Ushiwa being held by the God of Sword; as he was savouring his boss's last moments, he replied, giving out a joyful expression hidden within his "trusting" words.

"Sorry, leader, but just as you say, w-e a-r-e w-e-a-k. So, we can't help you with something that you can't even handle yourself."

Caskan smiled, though deep inside, he was laughing through the roof as he saw his boss getting his just desserts.

'Hehehehehe... Kekekekekek... Bwahahahahaha!! Serves you right!!'