
God of Hidden Treasures

Xin Jin has shit luck. On the same day he lost his job, got dumped, and was kicked out of his parents house he woke up in a strange world in a body that wasn't his own. What could possibly happen to a guy who's the world unluckiest after this strange turn of events? perhaps his fortunes are destined to change? Let's take a sneak peak on a crazy adventure and maybe finding out just what the idea of a "treasure" might be. It's finally time for Xin Jin to make his move. With all the Power and Wealth in the Realms, why Fear a so called Heavenly Emperor, when I can simply buy the throne he's sitting on and bang his Empress on it?

Daoist_Goldenmoon · Eastern
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33 Chs

Chapter 21 - Starting a Legacy


Just as Xin Jin handed the 'Xin' emblem to Han Yi, a System notification sounded in the depths of his soul.

[Congratulations! You have finally completed the initial start-up actions to receive access to the First Main Quest!]


[First Main Quest: Become Known as the Patriarch of a Clan or Organization that is recognized as the Top Power in the Lower Daemon Realm.]

[Rewards will be 45,000 Luck Points, The Title 'Progenitor of the Xin', An Upgrade to the System, and the location of an undisturbed Secret Realm.]

Xin Jin felt immense excitement when he heard the rewards from the System.

Not just the Luck Points, Title or the location of the Secret Realm, which were all undoubtedly great, but an upgrade for the System; That was not something he was expecting. In fact, He was completely unsure as to what may ensue after receiving something so valuable.

However, now wasn't the time to worry about this new Main Quest.

After receiving his thanks from all three girls, especially Han Yi, who was now standing there with a silly smile, moving her finger all over the emblem, he decided to ask Luo Mei and Gu Xian'er about their preferred methods of cultivation.

From them he discovered that Luo Mei, being a Spirit Beast normally just got stronger by aging, but just like Xin Jin she could speed up her growth by meditation.

As far as techniques that she had mastered, she preferred Wind Based techniques.

Gu Xian'er on the other hand Cultivated using a method passed down in the family called 'The 4 Directions, 8 Trigrams Method' that leaned heavily on mastering Formations as well as Talisman creation.

With this Information in hand, Xin Jin Spent 400 more Luck Points to buy a few methods for them.

To Luo Mei he gave a new Spirit Emperor level movement technique called 'The Spirit Cranes Eternal Dance' and an attack at the Spirit Lord level that fired hundreds of wind blades when using a fan.

Gu Xian'er received a new cultivation method called '6 Realms Hidden Sage Inheritance' as well as a book on intermediate Formations and Talisman Runes that didn't exist in the Lower Daemon Realm at all, stunning the young woman greatly.

And last, but certainly not least he handed the 'Two Hearts, One Soul' technique to Han Yi that he had waited to give her until the right moment.

In addition to this cultivation method, he also passed on the 'Feathered Serpent Steps' and the '16-Directional Slash' to use with her new sword, two techniques that he himself had alrready mastered so that she would have at least a couple Spirit King Level abilities to depend on.

With the Levels of these techniques, with the lowest being at least Spirit Lord, he could rest assured knowing that the ladies around him will be a force to be reckoned with even if he wasn't present.

When he was later questioned about where he had gained these techniques from, he used the excuse that they, along with other nonexistent ones, all just happened to be in the same ring as his own techniques that Luo Mei had seen him pick up way back at the beginning of their journey together.

Sounds like far too much of a coincidence, right? No way anybody would believe such an explanation could even be remotely factual, right?

And yet...with barely a flutter of her lashes, Luo Mei looked straight at Xin Jin and said,"I see." with no doubt or hesitation at all.

To the side, Gu Xian'er simply nodded her head in acknowledgement of his seemingly infeasible words.

Even Han Yi, clearly the most nosy of the people he currently knew just accepted his words at face value.

This was the power of Luck.

You see, Luck isn't something you can quantify with any sort of accuracy. Even the attempt itself may drive the most knowledgeable of Sages mad.

This was the Divine Law that was now bound to Xin Jin's very existence.

After half an incense stick of time, the individuals that Gu Xian'er had asked the Abundant Treasures Imporium to contact in order to come over at roughly 9:00 am for an interview had arrived, and it was only 8:45.

It pleased Xin Jin to see those who were coming to seek his employ not only were on time, but even early.

Some of his residual memory of being a corporate drone with a Soul Sucking office job in his last life influenced him when it came to the idea of being a boss and an employee.

He was already obscenely wealthy when he figured his current net worth plus any future return on investment, so he wanted to make sure all of his people made more money than they could possibly dream of.

After deciding whom he would speak to first, he sent Han Yi to retrieve the man who was applying to be his Butler, since as his 'Right Hand', she was obviously the most senior of his followers, despite being so young.

Shortly after, the young girl returned with an older gentleman in tow.

This Gentleman, who appeared to be in his late seventies, had snow white hair and eyebrows, several deep wrinkles around his vibrant emerald eyes, and he wore an amiable smile as he meandered over in a black and white robe set that was exquisitely embroidered while using a cane, but his steps were still quite agile despite his appearance.

This man's name was Lu Wén.

In addition to being nearly 900 years old with a cultivation of Level 1 Spirit Master, he also has centuries of experience as the Head Butler of Sky City's Ma Family for over 300 years and even married a branch family member, Ma Fang, who was considered quite the stunning gem in her time.

Before moving to Sky City to be the Ma family Butler, he apprenticed at, and then worked in the County Governors Mansion for 50 years.

It seems that Lu Wén retired about 8 years ago on the suggestion of his wife, several children, and his nephew, Lu Bing, whom Xin Jin met as a Captain of the Southwest Gate to the city.

Retirement had been fun, at first, but he was bored now.

The Moment Xin Jin saw this old Butler, he knew that he would be perfect. If ever there was a man to play the Alfred to his Bruce Wayne in this world, it was this man here.

Hey there my little goblins,, there should be one or two more chapters of this opening character build, then it's action/fight sequence time.

Daoist_Goldenmooncreators' thoughts