
God of Heaven

I've been frail and sick since I was a child, and I've been doomed to many disasters. Until that year, I encountered that bloody disaster...

spring651 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 Fascinating Shadows (1/5)

Maybe it's because I've been so sleepy these days, I fell asleep as soon as I leaned back on the seat.

This time, I met the person who appeared in my dream for the first time. The surroundings were red, and there was a person floating in the middle of the red. I couldn't tell the difference between men and women.

"Meet again, born psychic medium." He was talking to me, and I understood what he meant, but the communication was not transmitted to the other person's ear with the volume of the lips moving up and down, but It's like, you already know in your heart what he wants to express, but in fact he doesn't speak to you at all.

I cautiously asked, "Who are you, can you speak out?"

My heart couldn't be calm without seeing this person who pretended to be a ghost.

The other party didn't answer my question, but changed the subject and said, "You have less than a year before you die to repay the debt you once owed."

I'm surprised, I'm nineteen today, and I'll be twenty in less than a year, and the old fortune teller also said this.

Survive the age of 20, and you will flourish in the future; if you can't survive, you can only say goodbye to this world.

"What should I do? Help me!" This man appeared in my dreams twice, and I couldn't believe his purpose was to scare me.

"What are you going to do, what have you got to do with me?

"What surprises me is that what this person said makes it impossible to guess the intention.

It has nothing to do with you, then why did you say it, I slandered.

"Boy, can you give me this body if you die?" The words that man said made my scalp tingle.

"I'm sorry, I can't satisfy your wish, you'd better go on your own!" I can see it clearly, the person in my dream should be a big man with real skills, but he should be given by something. Stop it, you can't do anything to me, so I started to ignore it when I spoke.

"What a stinky brat, do you know who I am?" The owner of the voice suddenly became domineering, as if he didn't care about anyone.

"Who you are has nothing to do with me. If it's all right, don't appear in my dreams in the future. I'm not used to it!" I said lightly.

After hearing this, the other party was furious. The air around me quickly cooled down. I was a little stunned. The characters in the dream were a little too terrifying. Even though this was in my own dream, I could still feel the destruction energy of.

I felt the air around me tightly bound me, I couldn't move, it was a little difficult to shout, I was a little regretful, I just thought that this person would be blocked by something, so I couldn't do anything to me.

Reality is harsh

I slapped me in the face, I wanted to wake up from the dream, but I couldn't find a way to leave, I felt anxious, and the feeling of being restrained in the dream became stronger and stronger. Like hugging me, my face was turned purple, uncomfortable.

When I was about to be suffocated to death, I was smart and woke up from the dream. And there was another person in my sight, it was Xiao He who just went out to support.

My face was wet, and when I touched it, it was full of cold sweat. I tried to take a breath. Fortunately, there was no problem, and I didn't feel any discomfort.

Xiao He asked me with concern: "What happened to you just now, you have been talking in your sleep, your eyes are open, and it looks very scary."

I knew in my heart that no one would believe me when I said this, lest I be seen as a madman, so I took a deep breath, and then looked around and asked him, "What happened to you there, did you catch it? Two people?"

Seeing that I didn't want to say more, Xiao He didn't ask any more, but first said "Thank you!"

The two people you mentioned, my colleague found out, they resisted arrest, and my colleague fired. Those two people are like ghosts, and the bullets are like children's toys in their eyes.

My colleagues thought they had met a ghost, and fired several shots in a row, angering one of the men, who rushed

They shot, and one died, and the other two would not have been spared. I used a trick and pretended to go to a lot of people to support, and this scared the man away.

I heard the dead man, and I felt a sense of fear. That man didn't even care about the sacred profession of the police. Killing a few people was really not a thing in his eyes!

Fortunately, I was lucky today. Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and a bunch of policemen were killed halfway. The most coincidental thing is that the two places are in the same place.

It's just that I have to guard against the hook nose in the future. The enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark. This feeling is really uncomfortable, and it feels like I will lose my life at any time.

"You go back with me today and take a transcript. I'm taking you back to school afterwards. What do you think?" Xiao He asked me in a negotiating tone.

This is the first time I have met such a talkative policeman, but it is also because I helped him just now, but it was just a love affair!

I nodded, and then Xiao He drove me to the police station. This is the second time I have come in today, and the third time in this period of time. Thinking about it, it is really fate, I thought to myself.

I have to say that there are people in the DPRK who are very good at handling things, and they have already called all the greetings that should be given. It is only a routine thing to come here to take notes, and they have not made things difficult for me like last time.

After tossing everything, the sky is completely bright, even though I am sleepy at the moment

If you want to die, I still ask if you have found my two classmates.

What makes me laugh or cry is that the two grandsons woke up and went back on their own two hours ago. It seems that Hook-nosed has no interest in the two of them. They just stunned and left them in a remote place to ignore them.

After I went back to the dormitory, the two of them looked at me with fear, especially the monkey. The tears in the corners of his eyes proved that he had just cried. Seeing me back at this moment, I was about to cry and show it to me again. After being kicked by me, I was more honest.

I asked Dazui, how could he be targeted and kidnapped by the hook nose?

Big Mouth looked at me embarrassedly, and whispered, "I haven't played LOL for several days, haven't I, the technology is rusty, so I went to the Internet cafe to find out!"

I immediately got angry, glared at the monkey, and said, "Did you forget what I said to you last time?"

The monkey looked at me aggrieved and said, "Can't Big Mouth also go?"

I rolled my eyes in anger, ignored him, turned around and left the dormitory, wanting to relax. The depressed mood these days needs to be relaxed.

At this point, there are not many people on the playground anymore, some are only a few or two, and most of them are fighting for the future.

Hook-nosed will definitely come back to find me. I walked on the playground bored, bowed my head, and bumped into someone without noticing.