
God of Good

When everyone began to see the end of their lives, Seth saw the beginning of his. In the ruined world where the Hierarchy of Devils dominates, evil became a common duty. Humanity perished with God. Evil replaced Good. The surviving humans who thought that they were lucky to stay alive finally got afflicted by the Evil system which sucks every single day out of their lifespan. There was no longer growth in the lives, a day past was a day lost. But for Seth, he acquired the system of Good which assigned him to go against Evil. After discovering that he was God's substitute, he had to face the Devils to revive the universe and restore Good. On his road, he faced obstacles that no one could imagine. But he still had to keep up his pursuit. ****** The first four chapters are just with the ML. Then other characters will show up from chapter five upwards. Try this book, you won't regret your time. NumberOneReality.

Pencase · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Hairy Beasts Clash

The dawning came in a blur. The overwhelming darkness had vanished instantly leaving the atmosphere with serenity. The Dusk night was over and Seth had known what it meant. Now, he could be easily seen by anyone. Nevertheless, it was treacherous at this point for him to stay exposed to the open environment of Deadmouth.

Seth's bewilderment was on an elevated level. Firstly, he wondered why his life had to become reversible. Was it that this damn Good system was sucking his lifespan too or was it that Wormwoods managed to accomplish his mission in his dream because he never recollected what happened lastly before waking up.

But he knew the system would notify him if that had happened so that shouldn't be it. Now, he had to do what was supposed to be done. He didn't want to perish — not that he had gotten the requirements for reincarnation.

Those beasts were terrible, judging by their pressure and actions. But to Seth, they just looked like the dinos and cubs he consistently saw in his one-time nightmares. Though, today was going to be a bit bright so he definitely knew he was going to return there since the Dusk is over.

Seth glared; he watched the beasts coming closer and closer and was prepared to take his first move. Hurriedly, he gripped a short steel pole lying close to his right foot. He stepped backward throwing a vigilant gaze to the beasts and sighed roughly. Determined and inclined, Seth held the rod with both hands on the handle and waited for who would strike.

As though he knew, the roughest, dirtiest, and most frantic beast was the first to sprint towards Seth, raising its sharp long claws and its shark-like tooth which was deeply tasty of fresh blood.

< System examination warning: Don't hit the enemy on the head, its claws will tear you apart. Instead, go for both limbs and bring them down. Perfect fight: +2 points >

"Nice idea, thanks... Business system", Seth said and changed his aim. He nodded with a little morsel of doubt, though, extremely careful. Then finally, ran towards the beast, with a wild yell, letting in the anger of his mother's death inside his soft intellect to convene a large number of outrage and retribution.

The brown Hairy beast threw its claws towards Seth's face. Thanks to the advice of the system, Seth wasted not even a second in slamming the thick heavy rod on the Beast's arm. Then, the left leg follows, the Beast was totally in pain at that moment but still, it seemed to be relentless in its endeavor to rip off Seth's pulpy heart.

Seth grabbed its hairy arm and now, he had chance enough to whack the Beast's hefty heads. The other beasts about bouncing their claws on Seth's back, but Seth pulled himself from their veneer and jigged backward, slightly exhausted.

'Trying to take advantage of me? You just stepped on the snake's tail', he thought and pointed the rod to both of them. Those beasts were apparently scared of Seth's weapon, which was why they attacked without his knowledge. "Let's do this!"

Angrily, Seth banged the rod with double motion. Though, mainly concentrating on both their higher and lower limbs. After unpredictable portions of hits and bangs, the creatures were fully weak. Happily, the two frail beasts were already dead, remaining the one that Seth first fought.

However, the Beast was already half-dead. Its bleeding swollen arms were backed to the ground as it continued to groan in pain. Seth walked calmly to the dying monster putting on an irate look. His rod was still held on his palms, somewhat bent and scattered.

The helpless rolled down into the alley hopefully yearning for a possible escape into the forest. But, with one part of both limbs being damaged, it was unable to lift itself.

Finally, without Seth wasting much of his time, he drew near to the army of evil and lifted his hands trying to release a great smash to its skull.

"You have eaten souls enough. And I'm sure that my Nanny mother's heart is yours. Don't worry, you can die with it. But when you get to hell, tell the Devils that an irreversible force was the one who killed you. Or, you can kindly declare that I'm Good's child."

After those incredible words, he smashed the Beast's head and it immediately gave up living. Suddenly, dark smoke began to extract from its body as his flesh and bones began to fade away.

After this, Seth let out a sigh of relief and fell, sitting on the ground, still holding the rod that had just played an important role in slaying the Hairy Beasts.

< You have slayed three brown Hairy Beasts. The daily task is achieved. >

< You have obtained +45 (×2) status points. Your lost lifespan has been retrieved and today's increase has been made. >

Seth smiled in response and happily shouted in delight, "I'm indeed an irreversible force! Screw you Evil."

How hard, how tough, how complicated was life in the evil world? Now that all humans had died, Seth was the only one left. At first, he almost blamed God for his flaws. Why would he die, just like that? As supreme as he was, highly immortal, powerful, and indomitable. Seth knew something beyond nature was wrong, the circumstances were out of imagination.

This was too bad. Seth had seen too much already. In both his dreams and in reality. It was as though hell was on earth. If he was to clarify, they were now two common things in similarities. Since they are both governed by evil, then what makes the difference? Vitality was not appreciated even as it was still vital.

Moments after relaxing and recovering his aching foot, Seth stood up and shuffled over back into the cottage. But, he was not going to abide by the cottage anymore, doing that wouldn't only put him in danger but may drive him up to death — dying without a heart around his chest.

He walked towards the door and this time, he never wanted to see Nanny mother's decaying body that would only produce an urge to fight a battle he never gains the victory. For some while, he searched for rabbit meats beneath the enclosed shelf in a dark room.

'She went in search of rabbit meat before I slept, it should be here', he sniffs and veers around, 'Or there'.

He immediately strides towards a spherical-shaped wide Can at the other edge of the room. Fortunately, he was able to see something great, his rabbits were there waiting for his tooth to place bites upon their soft surface and inner. Seth was over-tempted, though, it's always hard for someone to do away from his/her quirks. At this moment, the meats were on his palms, ready to garnish.

He took a wide bite and took a good look, this was something so annoying to the system. Seth was heedless about the whole thing, but, it was going to be too late after realizing what he was doing. Tentatively, he took another bite and this one made the more furious that it had to speak out, red-templated phrases in view.

< You have sinned to Good. You turned down the system's order.

< Status points have reduced to 40 points >

< Key points: -5. You have -4 left. >

< These are your current attributes:

Name: Seth Fiske

Heavenly name: Fated reviver

Regard: Growing savior

Lifespan: 17yrs/00mths/02dys/03hrs/12mins/54... 53... 54... 53... 54secs

Skill: rod slam/skull smash

Lastest action: You ate what you were told not to eat and you ended up losing 55 points

Blood measure: 7.9ML&55MM (you lost a lot of blood after your finger injuries).

Key points: -4MK

Status points: 40pts. >

"Oh! How ridiculous. I can't believe you have extracted my hard-earned points just to keep up with some formidable rules. I you serious right now? My 90 stat points just went down to 40 all of a sudden", Seth said, still holding the meat. Even though he was being too arrogant, the truth was that he had forgotten about the rules.

Truth be told, he was internally mad at himself.

Without spilling out another word, Seth angrily walked from the room. Though, the rabbit meat was still in his hands. Stepping through the exit door, he took another bite and muttered, "I'm not exchanging you for something else. If I'm too die with eating you, then it's fine. I'm not going going let my gut die of meat malady. "

Walking and cursing, he went through the alley, heading towards the lonesome forest. As of now, he seemed to be ignoring the system. He should have asked for the direction of the far-approaching creatures if he was in good spirits. Whatever and Regardless, he still knew he needed the system now than before.

Seth stubbornly went into the forest without requesting the actual direction of the incoming beasts. Looking ragged and exhausted, he staggered on the slippery wet leave beneath his shoe and held on thin robust trees by his sides as he kept drenching into the woods dominated by the ghosts of scourges.

Before he could know it, a massive sword that was as long as a spear stumped the group in front of him. Too late, before he could make any move long fat chains tied up his hands and he found himself lying helplessly on the wet leaves.

Seth groaned in pain, holding himself from falling into the deep holes down the valley. As he turned to take a look at the attacker, white sharp lights flew into his eyes. Masking up his face to save his eyeballs from burning, Seth carefully glanced at the creatures. They were two, unidentified.

Shockingly, Seth was about to be latched into a caravan that was riding jiggly into the forest with its familiar rider. He never knew the one that had attacked but he certainly knew the rider of the caravan.

The creature had two big lengthened black feathers and sharp pointed silver-colored nails attached at its edge. Its wide dark eyes widened sharply as it threw threatening gazes at the young irreversible force. It's sword-like claws on his feet and his brown-skinned flesh finally opened up his identity.

He focused on the system, wearing an innocent face. The system was always ready to give him an answer even if he had sinned a million times.

"What is he doing here?!"

< Wormwoods and Orobas (Angel of bondage are here to capture you. Your chance of triumph is totally zero. You should find a way to escape or confront them

Fighting rewards: +500 status points/+5 key points.

Slaying rewards: +1500 status points/+15 key points.

You have 3 seconds to decide. System energy is getting low, expose to direct sunlight. >

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