
God of Good

When everyone began to see the end of their lives, Seth saw the beginning of his. In the ruined world where the Hierarchy of Devils dominates, evil became a common duty. Humanity perished with God. Evil replaced Good. The surviving humans who thought that they were lucky to stay alive finally got afflicted by the Evil system which sucks every single day out of their lifespan. There was no longer growth in the lives, a day past was a day lost. But for Seth, he acquired the system of Good which assigned him to go against Evil. After discovering that he was God's substitute, he had to face the Devils to revive the universe and restore Good. On his road, he faced obstacles that no one could imagine. But he still had to keep up his pursuit. ****** The first four chapters are just with the ML. Then other characters will show up from chapter five upwards. Try this book, you won't regret your time. NumberOneReality.

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~ Hierarchy of Devils

The group of Evil Gods is divided into five parts. The Devils upgrades to an higher group and pass trials by casting spells and creating an Alien of their own. They got only one monarch who has power over the whole universe in the present evil world.

~ Group of Evil Gods

1. Supreme Devils

2. Great Devils

3. Master Devils

4. Reaping Devils

5. Dormant Devils.

The main ruler of the universe is ranked as Mighty-Supreme Devil. He is already out of rank which makes him an unranked Devil.

~ Good system types based on grades

1. Divinity

2. Demigod

3. Master

4. Adequate

5. Dormant.


~ Veloron

Somewhere known as nowhere. The world in which God's essence was kept in bondage.

~ Gazehelm

The little realm that borders every axis of the Earth. It must be passed to reach another axis of the Earth.

~ Nightmare Stages.

It has three sections.

A. Dawn deserts

B. Noon mountains

C. Night forests.

If someone without an evil system sleeps, he/she travels into these sections based on the particular time they had slept.


~ Armies

1. Horned head beasts

2. Red beasts

3. Hairy beasts

4. Goblins

~ Citizens

1. Blue Aliens

2. White Aliens

3. Green Aliens

4. Black Aliens

5. Red Aliens.

~Angels (Earthly)

1. Soul reaper/Extractor

2. Death giver/ Heart devourer

3. Angel of Affliction

4. Destructor

5. Nightmare manipulator

6. Angel of bondage

Angels (Hellish)

1. Dragon of pure darkness/ Gatekeeper of hell

2. Vulcra generator

3. Stinger


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