
God of Gods (DxD Fanfic)

Satoru Isamu is a high school student who lives his life on autopilot, hoping something interesting will happen. Well something interesting happened, in fact it's been happening all his life and he had no idea. From depressed delinquent to the strongest god, and everything in between. (OC x Harem) (Issei x Harem) Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7UqqJ6Nf9h

Kakukami · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 2: The Plot Thickens

The Next Day - (Isamu POV)

I woke up after a great night's sleep. Probably the best sleep I've had since…sighing I regained my dead eyes and got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Repeating the same daily process before I arrived in my kitchen to see my dad reading a newspaper and my mom wearing a kitchen apron and cooking us breakfast.

"Morning Mom, Dad." I said as I sat down at the table and yawned.

My dad put down the newspaper and smiled warmly at me. "Good morning Isamu. Did you sleep well?"

I smiled back and nodded. Seemingly satisfied, he picked up the newspaper and continued to read.

My father's name is Omari (No last name), and if people think I'm a giant, then he's a titan. I mean the guy stands at 213 cm! I get a lot of my traits from him. His deep imposing and powerful red eyes. His strong body, and his black hair. Though his hair is braided into cornrows which fall down his back. Not to mention my skin color which is a mix of both of my parents.

"Isa, did you have a good day yesterday? It's rare to hear you slept well." My mother asked.

My mother's name is Satoru Shizune. She is a beautiful well endowed woman with long waist length brown hair and black eyes. She stands at 170 cm. I get my hair texture from her and her facial structure, but that's about it.

"Yeah mom I did." I smiled knowingly as I took out my phone. I knew I'd see all kinds of texts from Issei about how I left him to die. I will neither confirm nor deny those allegations. I opened my phone and sure enough thirteen unread messages and five missed calls from Issei.

I sighed knowing I'd have to deal with him the moment I left the house but was quickly brought out of that thought when I saw two surprising notifications.

Instagram: [IsamuSolos] New Follower: RiasOfTheGremory

Instagram: [IsamuSolos] New Follower: HimejimaSama69

A smile worked its way onto my face. The two hottest girls in Kuoh were following me. I couldn't keep down my curiosity so I decided to do some investigating. I opened Akeno's profile first and I was absolutely blown away.

"One hundred fifty thousand followers!?" I asked in surprise, earning the attention of my parents who were eating beside me.

"That how many you have, kid?" My father asked with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head before showing my father. He took my phone and started scrolling before a perverted smile crossed his face. He gave me back my phone and placed a hand on my shoulder.



"Dear, did you forget you have your own beautiful wife?" My mother asked after wacking him hard with his own newspaper.

He smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"As if some teenage girl could surpass my sexy kitten's glorious form." He shrugged, earning a blush from my mother who started playing with her fingers.

Even after all these years, the man still knew how to touch her heart.

Ignoring their now sloppily kissing forms, I scrolled through Akeno's page and felt a pang in my heart. It was a picture of her in a shrine maiden outfit. Gotta marry her. It will happen. This I swear.

I reluctantly exited her page and went to view Rias' page. I was unsuprised when I saw she had two hundred thousand followers. After all, to most Rias is the clear winner when compared to Akeno. However I am not most. I recognize them as equals at least in terms of body.

I followed them both back adding to the tower that was their follower count before noticing that they only follow thirty people. I scrolled through, interested in who was worthy of gaining them as a follower.

Guess my surprise when I saw members of Rias' family. Sirzechs Gremory, Zeoticus Gremory, Venelana Gremory, and Aiyana Gremory. They all looked no older than twenty five! To think Rias would have so many siblings.

Something else that surprised me is that she follows some people I've never even heard of. Who the actual fuck is this pretty boy Sairaorg Bael? Never heard of him. Diodora Astaroth? Your guess is as good as mine. Though he kinda looks like a bitch. I can take him. I wasn't Kuoh's strongest delinquent for nothing. That Sairaorg guy would be a tough fight though. Even in his pictures the man exudes confidence, and he's got some serious muscle to him.

The rest of their following were other girls I never heard of, the members of their club, The Occult Research Club, and all the members of the Student Council.

I froze when I read the last name. ISSEI!? HOW? WHEN?

I got up which didn't hinder my father from groping my mother in front of me. Guess they really have gotten over him huh…I'm happy for them. I looked towards the fridge where I saw a picture of my little brother once again. Gaining a sadder look I put on my shoes and walked out the door.

The moment I left my yard I caught a glimpse of Issei in the corner of my eye. He swung. I weaved. His triumphant face, morphed into surprise, then finally regressed into pure fear as my right hand approached his face and sent him flying back a good five meters.

"Maybe I hit you too hard. That's definitely going to leave a mark." I said as I swear I heard a crack upon impact.

Issei was out cold. Realizing this was my fault…partly, I picked him up. The black eye slowly formed on his face. I carried him on my back for a while until I rounded the corner. My eyes widened and I almost dropped Issei. Coming out of the house in front of me were Akeno and Rias. Actually, no. Calling it a house doesn't do it justice. That thing is a mansion. It took less than a second for them to notice I was there. They looked surprised for a mere moment before smiling and waving. I waved with my left hand, once again almost dropping Issei in the process.

I walked over to them. "Good morning Gremory-senpai, Himejima-senpai." I greeted them once I reached them.

"Good morning Satoru-san." Rias said with a refined smile.

"Ara, I wonder. How did you find Rias' house?" Akeno asked teasingly. Once she asked we all started walking towards the school. I found myself in the middle with Rias on my right and Akeno on my left.

"The same way I found myself looking at you both yesterday. Pure coincidence." I explained with a contained blush.

Akeno looked surprised. Had she not expected me to be so calm when talking to her? Or was she surprised that I tried to disregard her teasing? Maybe both?

"Speaking of yesterday, I feel like our meeting was cut short because of…" Rias started before looking at the unconscious Issei on my back. "...By the way. What happened to Hyoudou-san?" Rias asked, sounding half concerned, half amused.

"He swung on me first." Was my only response.

"Ara Ara, he didn't have a chance. After all you're such a big strong man, Satoru-san. Ufufufu." Akeno said again, this time upping her teasing by grabbing my left bicep and holding it "You must workout. With arms this big I wouldn't be surprised if you could outlift our school's entire weight lifting club."

I looked at her. As hard as I tried, I couldn't hide the blush on my face. She is a very beautiful girl after all. Seeing my blush caused Akeno to start Ufufufuing uncontrollably.

"W-well I'm sure you both know this from my Instagram but I was really into fitness when I was younger. I wanted to be the best delinquent in Kuoh and later Japan." I explained. I admit it was a happy dream. I really wanted to accomplish it. But of course because of my own foolishness…Daiko…

The girls noticed my solemn expression. Rias looked at me in worry, and Akeno did the same with an added bit of guilt in her eyes.

"I'm fine. It was a stupid dream. Though I keep up my exercise and sometimes use the school's weights to lift. My dad has a large body so building muscle comes very naturally to me. Genetics am I right?" I tried to shift the mood and gave them both a wide smile.

They seemed surprised by my shift in attitude but both nodded. "You have no idea." Rias gave me a knowing smile. I was about to ask her what she meant, but we had reached the school gates.

Everyone around us was giving us weird looks. Wait, is there fire in that guy's eyes!? What is this overwhelming feeling of hate I'm feeling? I sense it all around me. Suddenly my body shivered. Everyone's eyes of hatred shifted into that of fear. Rias and Akeno quickly turned to me. Their eyes were staring at me first in surprise then in caution. What the hell was that cold feeling?

'[An Interesting host I have this time.]'

The fuck!? I started looking around for the voice. That voice. I never heard it in my life. Yet the feeling it gave when I heard it…was familiar.

'[A hatchling, one with the aura of divinity no less? Shame. Seems even you don't know what you are.. Interesting indeed. No matter. No host of mine will be weak in the face of the white one.]'

"The white one?" I asked out loud, gaining surprised looks from both Rias and Akeno while everyone else still held fearful looks. Seconds later I felt a sharp pain in my head. It was so fast. I didn't even get to scream. I dropped Issei onto the ground and blacked out.