Modern Inventor reincarnated into Hephaestus. How will mythology change?
"You have successfully given birth to a healthy boy, Queen Hera. What will his name be?"
"He will be named Hephaestus. Show me my son."
When he opened his eyes for the first time, he saw a beautiful young woman holding him up.
He could've sworn that he was in his lab working on his new invention but where was he now? As he gazed into the eyes of the beautiful woman, the spitting image of a perfect wife, her face slowly started to darken.
"This ugly and lame thing cannot be a son of mine! Zeus would not feel jealous but laugh at me at the sight of this sorry thing! Begone from my sight!"
Before Hephaestus could realize what was happening he felt his body become weightless as the beautiful lady dropped him. As he fell through the clouds, Hephaestus had only one thought in his mind.
Hephaestus: the audacity of this bitch!
Hephaestus let out a string of curses in his mind as he plunged headfirst into the sea. As the drop from heaven was quite the long fall, Hephaestus could gather many thoughts in his head along the way to his doom.
Firstly, he was reincarnated as Hephaestus the Greek god of Fire and Blacksmithing. Second, he was thrown off of Olympus by his mother Hera. Third, he would survive the fall. Fourth… he was ugly.
With a sigh, Hephaestus looked down at the sea accepting his fate. Although he would become a god later in life, now he was just a helpless baby. Even knowing that he would survive, seeing the ocean slowly inch closer was still a terrifying sight.
As the ocean got closer and closer, Hephaestus could see his reflection on the calm ocean surface, showing a disfigured face with scars all over making him look a bit like Obito from Naruto. Not unbearable to look at at all.
With a sense of relief, Hephaestus collided with the sea and felt an incredible force hit his head. As his vision slowly faded away to black, he saw two beautiful women swim toward him with worried looks.
As the unconscious Hephaestus was picked up gently by the two women, they started worriedly talking to each other.
"Thetis, what should we do? Why did a baby boy fall so high up from the sky?" Asked one of the beautiful women with a worried look.
"I don't know," said Eurynome with an equally concerned look. "Perhaps this baby was cast out by Zeus."
"Should we tell the Olympians and get them to retrieve the baby?"
Eurynome let out a snort. "And get on the bad side of whichever god threw the baby out? I'd rather not. Besides, what if we accidentally attract the attention of one of the male gods? At best we'd be molested. At worst, we'd be impregnated after being raped. Did you hear what happened to Métis?"
"No, what happened?" Asked Thetis with a wary but curious look.
"She was eaten alive by Zeus after being raped," answered Eurynome with a hint of fear and disgust.
"No! How horrible!" Replied Thetis with dread.
Thetis and Eurynome glanced at the injured baby boy with a look of sympathy.
"Maybe we should just take care of the baby boy ourselves," said Thetis as she poked Hephaestus on the cheek. "This poor baby is so scared and injured. It needs the care of a warm and loving mother."
Eurynome rolled her eyes. "And what if the boy grows up to be a horny Olympian god and tries to have his way with us?"
"With proper care and love, I'll raise him to be a righteous hero!"
"I'd be surprised if he grew up at all with your clumsy self taking care of him."
Thetis stuck her tongue out in annoyance. "I'm gonna take great care of him! Just you see! And if I do end up doing something wrong, you can help me too!"
Eurynome let out a sigh as she glanced at the baby in Thetis's arms, her gaze softening a bit.
"Alright, I'll help you."
"Yay! I always wanted to be a mother!"
Eyurynome rolled her eyes again as she pointed in the direction of an abandoned island. "Let's go head over to Lemnos. We'll raise him underground so the Olympians can't find him.
Thetis and Eurynome thus carried the baby Hephaestus away, bickering across the sea unaware of the future that they would eventually partake in.