
God Of Destruction in Tower of God

I'm not the best at synopsis but he basically an OC climbing the tower while training to be a God of Destruction. Another thing, English is not my native language, therefore I use a little Google translator, I am also a newbie writing. Read at your own risk

TheNiggDj · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Act 3: Evankhell

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Disclaimer: The characters and analogy used in these fics belong to their respective creators, I do not own anything, other than my fics and my characters that I create throughout the plot. The dialogues and other powers are taken from the original authors. The Tower of God and the dragon ball belong to both Lee Jong Hui and Akira Toriyama respectively.


"Hmm mmm" A young man was moving from one place to another while he was sleeping, the young man was a boy with black hair, snow-white skin, and tall stature, he was currently lying peacefully sleeping in a field of what seems to be Wheat? "Hmm nooo ~ Margaret don't bite me there ~" whatever the child's dream was coming to an end

With the breath of the breeze that caressed his face, the boy slowly opened his eyes to reveal dark irises as dark as the night that had a penetrating look "Eh ... * Yawn * where the hell am I? ..." Then all the previous events hit him on the head. Widening his eyes he remembered where he was, he looked both ways and the understanding came to him like a muse of inspiration to an artist

"I see ... I'm in Evank's hell Guardian Evankhell's floor, which means I passed the first headon test and went up to the second floor ... I don't remember much after hearing that girl's words. Speaking of girls, where the hell is that sissy Baam? " Looking from one side to the other I notice two things, the first, the pocket that Evan gave him now is in the open-air spinning around him and what you could see how a number 290 was visible, another thing that I notice is that the sword that Yuri gave him was not with him, then he returned his sight to his pocket and then to his lap where his sword should be, then his pocket then, to his lap and he did it about 5 more times before despair will fill it out "DAMN I HAVE BEEN STOLEN !!!! Don't wait ... DAMN 90 PEOPLE LEFT BEFORE THE TEST IS OVER !!!!!!"

The first thing the young man did is get up and run like a soul that the devil takes, the second thing he did was go to the 4 presences that are in front of him, once he arrived at the place, removing the weeds from the middle he was surprised by the weird situation he encountered "Eeeh ... Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt ... Get on with your guys ..." 'What the hell? I don't remember that scene in the manhwa why the HELL Khun does it look like he wants to kiss Baam? '

"A-ah big brother is awake" both Khun, a boy of Baam's statue with silver hair and blue eyes, and our protagonist raised an eyebrow when listening to the boy

"Big brother? .." both boys simultaneously asked in doubt.

"Aa-ah sorry ... I don't know your name and since you are older than me, I deduced that I can call you that ... But if you don't like it I will change it I promise" the little boy started to mutter as you put your fingers together and a little blush adorned his cheeks, to finally cry out in shame

'God this boy is too Kawai to be a fucking man ....' "don't worry Baam I like you to call me that" a soft smile adorned his lips, no one had ever called him a brother in his old life, he only had one sister, but she always treated him like scum "And it's true I never told you my name ... My name is J-"

"TURTLES !!!!!!"

A giant in humanoid form with a lizard face approached them running, previously when Baam and our protagonist had reached the second floor, the lizard man known as Rak approached them demanding to hunt them as his prey, that forced Baam to pick up the only weapon that they had the insight to protect themselves and their older brother who had not woken up until now, thanks to that event he caught the attention of Khun who after seeing the black march in Baam's hands, helped the poor boy to mislead the angry lizard, which brings us to the situation where our trio of assholes find themselves

"Shit, who's the ugly thing? And why is he chasing us !!!?" At full speed, the trio was running while being hunted comically by the angry crocodile


"I don't know, I arrived when your little fool here was already 'fighting' with him." Khun shot the duo a contemptuous glance as he pointed at Baam.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Khun, Ni-san just attacked me because he wanted to and I just tried to defend myself ... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" as if he went into a trance the boy muttered over and over again 'it I feel'

* Plum *

A small blow to the head was enough for the child to calm down "what is your fucking fetish with always apologizing Baam ..." The young God just shook his head 'anyway the best thing is to get away from these three, is they must get together so that their friendship is strengthened '"Baam, strange boy" ignoring a murmur complaining about the child Khun, the God continued "we have to separate to mislead the lizard, I am going to the left and you to the right, we will meet again later "with a nod of the head in confirmation by both boys they parted halfway

When both parties were apart, the young God remembered something "Oh that's right ... BAAM RETURN MY SWORD TO ME" Joining both hands in his mouth like a megaphone the boy yelled at the boy, who was already far away ... 'curse already find it far ... Wait .. 'with a wave of the hand, the sword that was once in the hands of the brown-haired boy, flew out until it was grabbed by the god of destruction "Perfect!" And he went on his way

Unbeknownst to him, the young Khun was giving him a calculating look when he witnessed that act 'hmmm who the hell are you, you would be a good candidate as an aid to climbing the tower, but I feel like you are a double-edged sword ... "And then he along with Baam kept running, for the future, Khun's thoughts would come true when he saw what a monster that double-edged sword is ...

////////// first person pov /////////

(I will experience getting into the main character, I always write my stories in the third person, you will tell me which one is better.: D)

'Well it was certainly interesting to see that trio in their early days, I never thought I would find myself in this situation. Yesterday I was only arguing with guys that I don't even know in a video game and today I'm in a manhwa fighting for my life to be able to climb this tower, hmm I wonder if I will meet the other candidates for gods, according to Margaret they all have a test to pass, I wonder what worlds they went to and especially what kind of race they are ... Well, that is a problem for the future, for now, I concentrate on passing this test and climbing the tower ... Now that I think about it, if I am irregular, FUG was supposed to send the androgynous Han Sung to hire Baam but with me, another irregular thing would be different ... '

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard a girl's voice over the cube-shaped communicator

"All participants stop what you are doing ~"

Look up and vehemently observe, it always seemed strange to me how they used the powers in this series, shinsoo is everything, from the air you breathe to the water you drink, and how they use it is interesting. Hell, Enryu himself is rumored to create life from shinsoo!

"All participants stop what they are doing ~ the test is over, there are 200 regulars please find 2 close companions and put together a team, any regulars who run out of equipment will be disqualified, the same happens if the regulars ignore the ceasefire and they start killing more people ~ "

'Oh shit I got distracted in my world for a long time and I completely forgot about the test, I'm supposed to get 2 more people to team up ... But there's no one fucking around me, Shit, shit, run come on someone whoever '

I started running like a soul that the devil carries in search of someone to team up with me, out of the corner of my eye I saw Anak, hatsu, and leesoo, for a moment I thought about defeating leesoo and joining them, but I can't kill anyone or I will be disqualified ... Besides I like that jester

"The test ends in 5 ~"

I saw out of the corner of my eye as the meter went down

"There are 4 ~"

'Shit, shit, shit, damn, I have not found anyone, they all already have groups formed'

"3 left ~"

"2 left ~"

Without realizing it, I got close to where Baam Khun and Rak were and I could see how Khun and Baam forced Rak to team up with them.

"1 time is up ~"

This time I saw how the light was teleported to all the participants who had passed the test, the awakening flooded me and I began to hyperventilate, I could not believe it, I have not been even a few hours and I already failed the exam, tears of frustration flowed from my eyes, I knew what it meant if I didn't pass the test I didn't pass the test of being a God either ... I would go back to my shitty life ... I would be back in that disgusting world I once called home ...


When I was about to give up, the same light that had taken everyone away completely blinded me ...






In the zeppelin at the top, a girl was sitting on a throne, she had a toothy smile on her lips, the girl has a very tight military suit, big breasts that fluttered with every laugh that came out of her mouth, a red beret adorned her long silky silver hair

"Did you think that I will leave you here only for something trivial like not having companions? Oh my beautiful God, as time goes by you will understand that silly thing like this does not rule you ... You are our God ... You decide how our lives please you ... You will change this tower at will ... hakaishin ... "

This beautiful lady was none other than the same one who has been on the 2nd floor for years being the guardian, Evankhell 'The walking hell'.


When I woke up I looked around and I saw many people focused on themselves, that surprised me, I was supposed to be disqualified, I did not even have a team with me ... Sighing I played down how I got here if destiny gives me this gift hey! 'A gift horse, his tooth is never measured' I will take this opportunity without a doubt

Put away my sword 'yes, now it's mine, she wants to be with me, I'm sorry Yuri but I won't give it back and then I walked in search of the trio Baam, Khun and Rak, I watched as some guys were arguing, then I listened to Rak shouting nonsense and I knew where they were when I was going to address them I heard a voice that stopped us all from what we were doing, especially the two idiots who were fighting

"You are not allowed to fight in this pavilion ... Greetings I am Leero Ro your administrator in this test"

Well, there she was looking like always, with her strange clothes, which look like a clown and her well-combed blonde hair. I read Ro a very calculating Ranked, I noticed that his level was like heaven and earth compared to the gifts next to me, hell even Baam who is an irregular one can see the vast difference between the two, and as for me? I could not say, I have not released all my power, heck I don't even know how to hire him, everything is new to me, I know that his presence is great and suffocating but if I release my power it would be ... As if we compare an atom with the highest skyscraper of all ...

"The shinsoo is what governs everything in the tower, it is in the air that you breathe and in the water that you drink, to pass the next test you will have to pass through the shinsoo barrier ..." When he finished his words I observed like a bag ball formed in the palm of his hand and then a massive wave of shinsoo hit everyone ... "The test is the following, they will have to pass over the wall of shinsoo that I just created but beware if any of your team fails to pass the test ... The whole team is disqualified ... "A shitty smile was reflected on him

"Excuse me ... I'm not behind the wall. Shall I go back?" I watched as everyone gaped at Baam, even the Khun boy had an incredulous look on his face

"No ... If you are here it means that fate chose you, you pass directly"

"T-thank you"

I watched as Baam walked and talked to the boy, then a tick grew on my forehead "Hey asshole, I stayed in step too, or do I have to back off?" 'where the fuck did those words come from !! Why the hell did I have to offend a Ranked? Hell, I know I didn't like being forgotten, but I don't know why I acted and I said those words, they came out by themselves

"I see ... You come in too, please sit with us" Judging by his face, I knew he didn't like what I called him, but he let it pass * sigh * thank goodness, for a moment I had sworn that he would kill

When I got to where the two of them were, I caught something about a bet "I want to play too" I said knowing who was going to be the person they are betting on

"Right, just like I told the boy I'll tell you, if you guess who will pass first, you will have the right to ask me a question ... But unlike the boy my bet is different, if I win you will show me your true face ..." A dangerous gleam was seen in his eyes when he said that last part, I was supposed to take that as a sign not to mess with him, but deep down something inside me told me to go ahead with the bet

"I accept" without question, really what the hell is happening to me, it's as if something inside me possessed me and made me say those arrogant things

"Well let's see ... The first to pass is ..."

"The green-haired girl / short hair/lizard girl" the 3 of us stared at each other ... Well, only Leero Ro and I looked at each other defiantly, on the other hand, Baam was depressed for not having won

"Pfff Hahahahaha, that's a draw, don't you think Mr. Administrator?"

"That's right hahaha, but you know, it's rare for a regular tie like that with a Ranked ... I'll answer all your questions" I saw how Baam lit up and started asking Leero Ro many things, I stopped paying attention and I watched as everyone was fighting to get in, then I saw how after the lizard girl Anak entered, Hatsu (the swordsman boy) was the second, followed by Lauren, the Eurasia family boy who entered and went to sleep, he was going to keep watching when I heard Leero Ro call me

"Don't you think about asking me any questions? You also tied with me" he stared at me with a calculating look

"A moment ago I observed that you said things about destiny and Gods ... Are there gods in this tower?" Well, this doubt was eating me inside, back in my world, I know there were gods in this series; I know that one of them was the one that Enryu presented to Arlene to revive Baam, it is also said that Phamtaminum himself is a God or human turned into God (Exis) ... That fills me with nerves, if they are candidates for gods of destruction and I am their target, it will be a huge problem to have to fight them ...

"Throughout the years of existence in this tower, many living beings have called themselves gods, King Zahard himself calls himself a God, he even has a religion that venerates him ... I, on the contrary, I think these are false 'Gods' they are only humans playing to be them for their satisfaction, they take advantage of their powers and the ignorance of people so that they can assume that place that has always been in humanity, about believing in something that goes beyond the transcendent ... I think that gods do not exist "Leero Ro stares at a boy who begins to insult him and says that he was stronger than all of them, then he gets up and begins to walk until he reaches In front of the boy, my gaze never left him, even when I saw him increase his shinsoo and bloodlust directed at the fool "I don't doubt your strength, you just weren't chosen." I saw how the child began to cry saying that he left everything behind to climb the tower and since he had nothing left to return, Leero ignored him and slowly approached us "The gods do not exist, because if they did exist, they would be imperfect ... And to be perfect ... They are cruel ... "

I looked away from Leero and got up, walked slowly to the wall of shinsoo and passed through it as if nothing was there, while doing that, everyone present including the sleeping Laure who woke up when he saw me pass near where he was, looked at me In a calculating way, some had doubts about what I was going to do, others were amazed by my ease when passing the wall, I walked until I was in front of the boy who was crying, then I observed how he raised his gaze and collided with my gaze, gray eyes full of tears they faced the most Christian amethyst violet eyes he has ever seen in his life 'you are right ...' I raised my hand as if to help the boy to get up, the boy stared at me, and a glint of hope was seen in his eyes when the boy was going to give me his hand, change the position of my hand. I raised my palm and crossed my thumb as he whispered a few words that, although they were said in low, every person present heard and a chill rose against his sp "... Hakai ..."

Genesis 3:19 'For from dust you are and to dust you will turn'

slowly particles of dust were disappearing into the air while what was left of the human being disintegrated without showing any pain or regret, the only visible thing is a smile and eyes of gratitude and adoration directed at me

I turned around and came back while everyone including Leero Ro looked at me with horror marked on their faces, when I was close to Leero Ro I stopped and said a few words "You're right... We tend to be cruel but above all. We are fair..." Then I passed by and disappeared into the darkness of the room continues.







If he had stayed a second longer, he would have noticed the single tear that ran down Baam's cheek ...

Tower of godness

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Well, that has all been a new chapter, interesting things, a new way of writing, and much more.

Also, ask you a huge favor if you want me to continue with this content and bring the chapters faster, it all depends on yourselves and it is super easy and simple, you just have to go to your application search engine and download the application called kwai once inside. they go to their purse by poking the gold coin once inside they give a friend's code to use and enter my code:


And without any problem, just copy and paste they don't know how they help me a lot but be careful not only it works for me but also you because with that code you are making real money in the application

You know do not hesitate to help me handsome

A hug and a kiss in the always dirty bye bye