
God Of Deceit's Path Of Supremacy

It's just a novel to develop my writing skills so don't expect so much but I'm going to make the mc a smart and overpowered guy

DaoistqdLqy5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Rio arrived his room with using the secret route again and he only went for one hours so nobody looked him around this time and he didn't get discovered

Even though the Mana fastens the body's growth, It was still too much energy for a baby who is just 6 months old so he instantly slept when he went to his bed

In the morning

"Good morning Rio how are you feeling? I came to see you at night but you were already sleeping so I didn't disturb you" his overly beatiful mother who has the same hair and eyes as Rio, was playing the role of protective mother type as usual, though she has all the reasons because Rio was supposed to be a 6 month old baby

"Hello, good morning mother, I was a bit tired yestarday so I slept early" did played his usual innocent prodigy child even though he is supposed to be Emilia's and Rezkin's child, he doesn't nurture any feeling for them. He was just trying to look like a normal child while also looking like a prodigy. If he looked more like a adult than a baby, they could suspect something was wrong with the baby.

"You are so cute Rio! Come hug me" said Emilia while looking at the Rio's face lovingly

"Okay! Catch me mom" said Rio as he jumped her mother to hug her

Emilia played with Rio quite a bit of time then she let him go even if she didn't wanted to

'*sigh* I wish I could grow up more quickly to avoid these things which is a waste of time'

Even though Rio was complaining he didn't cared much about it because he couldn't spend his time efficiently even if he was free because of his age

Rio was now going to his study room to see if his artifact has completed or not, even if the palace was big Rio could memorize everywhere even if he were to saw it just once he did nearly memorized every place in the palace and can plan secret routes to anywhere without getting caught

Rio arrived at his study room. The place was as big as a street there were ancient lambs and wooden planks which makes this place look like more mysterious 

 He saw his artifact, he designed this artifact to create a bloodline to make his path easier and more fast. Undoubtedly this bloodline will be helpful beyond guesses

He did created this artifact by combining over a million of material perfectly, the reason that he did this too quickly was because of the sect's abundant resources and his powerful soul. Because he devoured a mythical level soul, his soul become a myhtical level one too and powerful soul means powerful mental abilities like increased thought speed, processing speed and others, his mind is working at the level beyond of quantum computer by now.

Rio checked that the door was locked and by then he was sure that nobody will come in without his knowledge, he did activated the artifact

As Rio activated artifact a yellow light flashed across the story room, all of the place was like painted in yellow.

A few seconds after the yellow light, A hell of pain entered Rio's body It was unimaginable, the amount of pain Rio experienced in a few seconds couldn't be described by just words. It was like he was constentaly dying

But Rio was a God in his past life how could he didn't have any resistance to pain? Pain was a joke to the gods. Gods were boundless and they are always between the life and death so they can feel pain but It couldn't affect them because they are used to it from the beggining of their godhood

Rio, despite the all pain he was experiencing, didn't even frowned against the pain although he couldn't move because he doesn't have the power he had when he was good, but he still has the same soul and will he is immune to all kind of pains

After a hour, the transformation ended, Rio finally gained his god-king bloodline again 

When Rio was a god he did created many bloodlines just by using his mind and because of this all of the gods were afraid of him even if they didn't want to accept it, even the Great Heavenly Dao was afraid of him conquering all of the universe so it destructed itself to not let that happen

'This feels really good, I now have the potential to become the perfect being, now I just need time to develop and I can achieve the perfectness hahahahah'

'Still I should never be cocky this is an unknown universe and I don't know what will happen in the future, only by always being on guard I could be a literal perfect being'

The god-king bloodline is a blood of a god-king realm god which means he is carrying the potential of a god-king. This bloodline also makes the owner' cultivation unimaginably fast and gives the potential to achieve perfect foundation in every cultivation realm

But It doesn't end here, this bloodline also gives the owner a aura of divinity which makes normal people respect to owner and lastly it boosts mental abilites to a very high degree

'My plans are going flawlessly now I should gain influence in the world to make my progress even faster'

Meanwhile in the upper realm 

"What do you mean by someone had acquired a god-king bloodline in lower realm?! There are only two ways to acquire a god-king bloodline, one is directly becoming one which shouldn't be possible for lower realm rats, the second one is a god-king realm male needs to impregnate a female god-king realm one and this is impossible as the other one there is no god-king realm cultivator in our universe let alone someone being pregnant!" said a male who has blood-red hair and green eyes

"I know so what can I do? I felt it I'm sure you felt it too so there is no way It isn't true" said a female who has unique temparement she has black hair and green eyes which seems to absorbs everything in her gaze

"*sigh* We should get permission to search about it, If you find any clue about it tell it to me. We should work together to get out of this mess" said while he was in deep thought about his future

"I agree" she said then vanished into the thin air like she was never been here