
God Of Deceit's Path Of Supremacy

It's just a novel to develop my writing skills so don't expect so much but I'm going to make the mc a smart and overpowered guy

DaoistqdLqy5 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


In a room which is around the size of a street, there was a overly cute guy who seems to be about 6 years old was exercising his body by doing push-ups and sit-ups

'I did honed my body quite enough, It will be enough for break to the 2nd realm' Rio was exercising his body because he will need to do the same in the first realm, so he wanted to finish his necessity beforehand

Rio did quite a lot things in these years, he has spreaded his fame by making news like 'A new prodigy has born' or 'Advanced Dao Sect's young master is a one in thousand year prodigy!' which greatly catches the envy of other prodigy's, He also made connections in the sect so that he could be the sacred son without issue and gather the support of elders

"Good morning Rio! Are you excited for your so called 'awakening' heh?" said his mother while couldn't help but giggle in happiness his son's talent was already been awakened and she knew about it but this information didn't go beyond sects elders. The public doesn't know that he did already awakened his talent so they are going to make a ceremony about it to gain reputation to their young master

"Uhhh Mother please be lower you voice or my eardum is going to burst hehe" said Rio intending to tease his mother

"You have grown sooo much and now you dare to tease your own mother? Hmph I shouldn't allowed you to hang out with your father" said Emilia while pulling his son's ear

"Sorry mother please forgive me I'm not going to do the same mistake again" said Rio while giggling

"Hmph just follow me and act like a gentleman when we arrive" said his mother with a playful snort

Rio just nodded and followed his mother while holding her hand

In a long hall there was a carpet reaches a throne and a big sphere there were seats besides the carpet the seats were all occupied there was Advenced Dao Sect's elders beside them was their sons and their daughters also there was a lot of other sect's masters and elders they were waiting for the young master of the Advanced Dao Sect to appear

Meanwhile Rio and his mother was pushing the door open, when it opened they saw a long, beatiful sight, there was a carpet that reaches to a throne and a sphere. Meanwhile all of the guest were looking him curious gazes

'What an unnecessary event, still I need to play my part to achieve the reputation I need'

Rio and his mother continued by following the carpet, on the throne his father was waiting for him with a serious expression, as he reached near to the sphere his mother sat on the other throne next to the his father

"Rio White, I, as your father and the sect's master request you to put your hand on to the talent-awakening orb" his father, Rezkin White said with a serious tone unlike his personality 

Rio nodded and went to orb to place his hand on it

While Rio was getting his hand near the orb, before he touhed It, It began the glow again but this time the glow was much brighter than the previous one

But because of his hand and the orb was too close nobody saw It

The whole hall looked like it was painted with a bright tone of white before Rio pulled back his hand then It dimmed

All of the people inside the Hall was shocked, expect the ones who already knew about It and they also did their best to wear a shocked expression

"I-It's the mythical grade talent!"

The whole hall went into uproar, they couldn't make sense of the situation because there was no information about it except for an unknown source which only contains little to no information so all of the sects thought that this was only a myth

"*sigh* It really seems like this era is Advanced Dao Sect's too"

"Why all of the geniuses appear in Advanced Dao Sect?!, our Emperor Nournishing Sect has much better methods hmph"

Meanwhile Rio was thinking about how to get out of this place as soon as possible but he did know that he didn't finished his role yet so he needed to continue staying here

"Everyone! Listen to me he maybe has better talent than us but we can surpass him by persevering! I'm saying this to the all of the young generations in this hall the journey of the cultivation is not just talent and I!, Liao Zheng swear that I will surpass him in both cultivation and will"

There was silence...awkard silence, It has passed more than twenty seconds the speech ended but nobody said anything, there was just a few giggles that can be heard

"Why are you laughing I'm just saying these things from my heart! If heavens did him more talented I just need to work more than him so I could surpass him!"

Again nobody said anything for around 10 second

"Isn't he the young master of Grand Sword Sect? Who had awakened level 70 high grade talent?"

"He awakened level 70 high grade talent and says that he could surpass one who awakened level 100 one? It's just not possible even the lowest superior grade talents has the two times the speed of a high grade one he can't even surpass a superior grade one let alone a mythical level one! Hahahahah"

A awkard laughter erupted from the crowd they were also disappointed that the Advenced Dao Sect's young master has awakened a mythical level talent but they have to laugh, If they didn't that will mean they will show that they were openly disappointed and will offend Advanced Dao Sect

"You... I, Liao Zheng swear to my name that I will surpass you and will be the final winner of the Heaven's Will War you will see" Liao Zheng said while he was pointing at Rio with one of his hand and was clenching his other hand, he left the hall without a second word

The Cultivation Realms goes like this

1- Body Refining

2-Mana Gathering Realm

3-Mana Control Realm

4- Above The Mana Realm

5- Mind Realm

6-Divine Body Realm

7-Spirit Realm

8-Void Realm

9-Supreme Realm

10-Quasi-God Realm

Heavens Will War is designed by Heavenly Dao Itself. All of the new generation will compete for 100 years and the winner will obtain the Heaven's Will's part and will have the opportunity to ascend to the Quasi-God Realm, Without Heaven's Will nobody could go beyond the Supreme Realm