
God Of death

Jim had been busy partying and drinking with his friends since it was the day before graduation. Toasting ladies, and leading them onto the dance floor to seranate, Jim enjoyed himself to the fullest. Once the party was over, and everybody was on their way home. Looking for his car in the bar garage wobbling about, he couldn't see where he was going and ended up bumping into a large figure. *Thud* Falling on the cold hard floor. His head felt heavy as he struggled to balance himself before getting back up. Pushing off his hands, his body swayed from side to side, until he managed to gain considerable balance. "Hey who the hell are you?!" he asked, drunk. The large figure said nothing, and the next second, Jim could feel something sharp penetrate his abdomen. "My name... is irrelevant," thrusting the blade further, the pointed edge seemed to have punctured through Jim's back. He spat out blood as his eyes grew wide in shock. Whatever hangover he was having, didn't nullify the pain in any way. After a few minutes of struggle, the frail body of Jim stopped moving, and slumped onto the ground as the large figure pulled out the blade. "My job is done." _______________ [Congratulations: Host has awakened his attribute] [Child Of Death] Mass Release for; 50 Power Stones= 10 Chapters 100 Power Stones= 25 Chapters 150 Power Stones= 60 Chapters

Darkvirus_18 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Gambling Returns

The loud music of the club would usually make it hard for timid people trying to be a little mischievous to enjoy themselves. However, being someone who had lost the reaction of timidity, Jim sat amongst the people at a gambling table. With a collected mind, he had won a total sum of 1.5 million, making his total sum from gambling 2.5 million. He never told Amanda about being involved in gambling, aware that she might end him if she ever found out.

"Man, you're really lucky at this game!" Scott said, standing beside Jim. After meeting up with his new roommates tonight, he thought it would be best if they got to know each other, so he asked what they normally liked doing, and the first thing that came to their mind was partying at clubs, something Jim had no problem with.

As his seemingly unending luck was favouring him once more, he had as well gotten the attention of the top social influencers present who couldn't stop gossiping about this lucky young man. However, things didn't get out of hand until someone got up, pointing at Jim yelling that the boy was cheating.

Saying this, the whole club fell silent as all eyes were on him. The person who broke the silence was a young man with blonde hair wearing dark sunglasses. Seemingly blessed with a sweet tongue, he was able to make the audience to believe that the boy wasn't cheating and that the man who had spoken out was simply jealous at his misfortune. And to solidify his claims, he revealed to everyone that the said man hadn't made a single win all night, and that he was even owing the club a hefty sum of cash.

After the initial drama had died down, everyone went about their business like nothing ever happened.

"That guy really saved your butt back there, huh?" Scott said, placing his arm around the latter's shoulder.

As the game continued, Jim had won another 500,000 bringing his total gross cash to 2 million. Seeing as it was getting very late, he advised his roommates that it would be best they leave now that it was still somewhat early at least.

The school had a curfew stating that students were supposed to be in their rooms before midnight. Arriving back at their room, the three decided to call it a night as they headed to bed.

The next day, students were supposed to start classes in earnest. Ever since he was little, Jim had wanted to become a businessman, spending years of his life in the humanitarian department studying social sciences and economics. Now, he was ready to further pursue his dream.

His schedule comprised of a two-hour lecture, then breakfast, then another two other lecture for the day. He would be offering two subjects a day, and classes would be over by noon. Students were also encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities which are beneficial to them. These run from noon to four in the afternoon. Remembering his desire to grow stronger, Jim had decided to join the martial arts club in his school.

The day went by smoothly with no hiccups along the way. Once his normal classes were over, Jim went to the school canteen to have lunch before heading to the venue where his martial arts training would be taking place. The venue was an open area covered with grass. Of course, this was the area within the university compound. Looking around, it was clear he was the first student to arrive, as the only one present was an older gentleman who sat on the grass in a meditative position.

He assumed this was their sensei so he bowed down his head in front of him as a sign of respect. Eventually, more students began to arrive, and the old man could finally begin with his lesson. Today, they would be learning about a technique called Tai Chi.

"Does anyone know what is Tai Chi?" the man asked.

All his students raised their hands. With the internet at their fingertips, it didn't surprise him that they were aware it this, so he instead continued on with his lesson not caring for an answer. He was just glad that his students bothered to learn about certain terminologies beforehand.

As the lesson went on, Jim was absorbing every piece of information thrown at him. It was safe to say that he had learnt more about Tai Chi from this old man than he had from any online self-help video.

Once the class was over, Jim then headed towards his room to meet up with his roommates: Scott and Nate. Scott is a black-haired boy with brown eyes and a fairly large build, while Nate was a top-notch athlete from his previous school. It was clear that somehow, Jim had found himself in the midst of powerful power, not just strength wise.

Scott's father is a business tycoon who deals with aiding companies in carrying out operations which they cannot finance themselves. It saves them the strength of seeking the help of banks or other wealthy individuals as Henry Bullock offers minium interest rates and provides linger services when compared to other business entities, which explains his high social and economic status.

Nate comes from a family of footballers and is an only child. During his time, his father was an international legend who broke the world record of most matches won in his career. Nate had some bigs expectations to fulfil as the GCE wasn't a university just anyone could get into.

Jim had also told them about his life before college. However, he made sure to keep everything supernatural out of his explanation.

The three of them had decided to play video games in their room. Not feeling in the mood to head out today, they all agreed today would be spent chilling on their beds using their laptops. Their gaming lasted well into the night, until Nate reminded them that they better get to bed.


Everyone had gone to their respective choice of universities after two weeks of staying at home. Amongst these were Tyler and Blake. Since neither of them had won a scholarship, and their parents weren't rich enough to afford to send them to places like the GCE, they both had decided to further their education right here in Memph. Memph's universities weren't that bad, however, they couldn't compare to those found in other cities.

While Tyler had decided to head to KeyStone University; a higher institution owned by KeyStone Enterprises, Blade had applied for a different university. For the first few days, the three had been keeping in touch with each other, informing each other about their experiences in their various institutions.

At the end of the day, Jim pulled out websites regarding business enterprises and started reading whatever he could on the subject. As though his memories were also improved, he could understand what he was reading immediately and didn't have to re-read it over and over again. Being an undead had made him superhuman.

His GPA wasn't the only thing he would have to worry about. A ringing noise from his phone was heard. Checking to see who is the caller, Jim quickly answered the call.

"I thought you were now too busy for me, honey," a feminine voice had said on the other line. Scratching his head, Jim wasn't sure what response to give but ended up with nothing to say, making the conversation more awkward. The caller's name was Sidney Williams. Ever since that day when the two had exchanged numbers, they started hanging out everyday. Unbeknownst to him, he had slowly started to develop felling for her through the little emotions still present in his consciousness.

There was nothing stopping him as he made his move. Asking her to become his girlfriend, the two had been dating for over a week already, and it seemed that long distance wasn't favouring their relationship.

During times like this, Sidney would usually call to check up on how he was doing. Jim knew this was app because she cared about him, but that didn't change the fact that she was just too much.

Jim had won her over using his cold personality and his desire for well-endowed girls. Ever since reawakening as an undead, Jim had realized that he had grown slightly taller, mostly after the level ups, and his body became a tad buffier as well. He now had a physique of a world class wrestler, something he never bothered to think whether or not he would accomplish.

His relationship with her was something he was glad he didn't had to hide from his sister. In support of their love, he would allow her visit him more frequently instead of the other way around. However, Jim had left out the part that they once did the deed on his bed, with protection, of course.