
Meet the Team pt. 2

"Is that supposed to be written in km/h Your Highness?" Asked the lady whom I've burned before.

"Kilometer per hour? Wait, after looking at mine too your statement seems to make a lot of sense." Hada looks enlightened as he agreed with what she just said.

"So Brother Highness, care to explain why your [Max Speed] is up to more than six thousand?" He added, with a curious yet demanding expression on his face.

"I'm a Santi Waraney, what can I say? Our skills are based on how to strike our opponent with the velocity of a speeding bullet." I replied. Though kind of surprise Hada had to ask me that question.

"Still… isn't that a bit too fast even for Genka's standard?" This cyan guy continued with his interrogation.

"30 minutes Hada, we can talk about this after class or even at home! Now on with the introduction!"

Hearing myself snap a bit, Anna returned to her chair, and Falisha stood in her place to be the center of attention of the whole team.

"I guess that's the clue for my turn." That ice sister of mine then bows a bit.

"This one's name is Falisha Kaukseya, I'm born a hybrid, with an element following my mother. Since there were no hybrids like me and my brother over here before, the 2nd Gen leader of the Fire tribe took the liberty to name our combat classes." She explained in a professional tone which flow in a soft and cool manner.

"Mine is Katui Malianis, a summoner from the Ice tribe. A pleasure to meet all of you." She added.

As Anna and I did, Falisha also showed the front page of her bio to the whole team.


Name: Falisha Kaukseya

Combat Class: Katui Malianis

Elemental Progression: Manshira (7th Level)

Apprentice Rank: Sand

Weapon: Magic Cane

Sex: Female

Race: Earth Scientist

Tribe: Siska (Ice)

Age: 18

Birth Place: Kendang


[Strength: 441]

[Agility: 689]

[*Intelligence: 961]

[Perception: 356]

[Vitality: 383]

[Max Stamina: 275]

[Max Mana: 1816]

[Max Speed: 39]

[Flight: 36]


Even though Falisha is a half-sister of mine, she's still a Scientist; means she had a pair of wings attached to her back, which she can just make come and perish as she will it. With that being said, none of the Scientists in the class currently showed their wings.

"There's a star on her Intelligence," Hada commented, looking as curious as ever. "Does that mean Intelligence is her main attribute?" He then asked.

"Seems like so, we can find more about this later, your turn now brother," I demanded him, this genius right here can go on for hours theorizing things that sparked his interest. I'm obliged to hear it but now is not the time.

"If I must."

Falisha then laid low as her brother stood next to her.

"Uh… Hada Kaukseya, call me whatever suits you well, Falisha already explained about my hybrid status, so there's no need for me to repeat it."

This dirty water… he always so lazy and uneager to do the thing that seen lame to him.

"My class is Bara Malianis, the wolf swordsman of the Ice tribe. Here's my bio."

Without wasting any more time, Hada proceeded to show that front page of his.


Name: Hada Kaukseya

Combat Class: Bara Malianis

Elemental Progression: Manshira (7th Level)

Apprentice Rank: Sand

Weapon: Bara Sword

Sex: Male

Race: Earth Scientist

Tribe: Siska(Ice)

Age: 18

Birth Place: Kendang


[Strength: 526]

[Agility: 734]

[*Intelligence: 2061]

[Perception: 404]

[Vitality: 441]

[Max Stamina: 400]

[Max Mana: 1015]

[Max Speed: 47]

[Flight: 42]


No wonder his head was so big, that's one high intelligence he had. The guy doesn't seem that proud about what he has shown to us though, or he is just more interested in what the others had.

Everyone else, on the other hand, seems very impressed, and his twin has that sisterly proud look on her face. But since we're in awe and didn't know what to comment, the boy just blatantly goes back to his seat, leaving no one standing around our table.

"I wanted to save two of our sky friends here for the late, Revian, you and your beasty have been silent since our first words, go and introduce yourself."

I asked the giant friend beside me. Unlike us who've been sitting on our seats, the guy and his kin lie down on their stomach, since they're too big even when sitting still.

Following my demand, he then raised his head slightly and lift his chin with both hands.

"Oh and, takes off your helmet too."

Obedient as he is, he proceeds to do what I asked him to. There lies a shade of emerald on his eyes, which I can see light dancing like a wave to their sides.

It was the look of a dragon, forged on his beige skin, together with his stony brown hair. His face and body are scaly with metals known as Kokkradrium, unique to his clan consisting of dragon warriors blessed by the God of War himself.

Both he and his clan girl wore armor that covered their entire body made out of these metals. They're light brown colored and have a rough texture similar to a rock. Those things are so hard, second only to holy diamonds (not ordinary diamond though, that shit's brittle as hell).

"My name is Revian Draconus, a Ksatria Naga from the Earth tribe, it's a great honor to serve under the crown prince himself."

He speaks with a super low-tone voice, it was so heavy, even the room tremble from just hearing it. This gigantic friend of mine here never fails to send goosebumps through my veins.

And yea… he is loyal to my family, asking him to be more laid-back towards me will hurt his honor, so I prefer not to do that.

Since his hand's been busy holding his head, I then took the liberty to show the team his front page which was seated in front of him.


Name: Revian Draconus

Combat Class: Ksatria Naga

Elemental Progression: Manshira (7th Level)

Apprentice Rank: Sand

Weapon: Dragon Shield

Sex: Male

Race: Earth Shaper

Tribe: Ambawak (Earth)

Sub-tribe: Palinduang

Age: 18

Birth Place: Kendang


[Strength: 600]

[Agility: 213]

[Intelligence: 198]

[Perception: 516]

[*Vitality: 1561]

[Max Stamina: 600]

[Max Mana: 175]

[Max Speed: 62]

*Scaled based on Scientist size.


"Scaled based on Scientist size?" Asked that ashen Survya (Darkness tribe) lady with a puzzled look on her face.

"It means that's his statistic if he were to be the size the same as us."

Said Hada, answering her question.

"I don't want to be condescending, but aren't his stats lower than the rest of us?" Anna's face was pokery, but her brows indicated that she wasn't comfortable saying it.

"Don't forget where our bloodline stands love, the Creator isn't so kind with his equality."