
God of chaos: Book of revelation.

The world has been ravaged by countless wars between angels, demons, and other supernatural beings. To prevent further destruction, the races have agreed to appoint a mediator, a person who is free from the laws of the world and can settle disputes peacefully. The mediator is chosen from among the humans, who are the most neutral and diverse race. The mediator inherits the knowledge and skills of the previous mediators, who have each faced different challenges and enemies. The current mediator is a young man from England, who has been summoned to end the last war, a conflict that threatens to wipe out all existence. He must use his wisdom, courage, and power to negotiate with the leaders of the warring factions, and find a way to restore harmony and balance to the world. "I saw the end of the world, I saw the end of my life". I don't owe the novel page cover and I give credits to the rightful owner it just fits so well with my book

_Cummander · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Unpleasant visitor.

It was a rather quiet drive.

Luke had nothing to say to the butler and couldn't wait to get to school, at least those hours of freedom before the last class was the only thing that kept him from going insane.

As the car rode through the street into the highway and then the main avenue.

Luke spent most of that time on his phone checking out his socials and book marking places he would visit when he was finally free from his parents' grip.

That why he picked production engineering.

Over the years, it didn't take him time to realize that he could replicate anything from scratch just by seeing it twice or more.

When he spent most of his time in the workshop modifying cars and other equipment,he felt free from the control of the world and could choose any path to follow.

It felt like he had done things multiple times, and it was a part of him.

As the school gate came into view, a smile appeared on Luke's stoic face.

He couldn't wait to get the butler out of his hair.

University of Warwick.

The sign boldly written outside the gate as the butler pulled into the parking lot.

He could see as other students pulled out their luggage as they hugged their parents goodbye for a rather long semester ahead.

"I hope you have a wonderful first day, young master" The butler said as he opened the door for Luke.

"Thanks now leave you are embarrassing me!" He said as he walked away before walking back and hugging him.

Although Luke wanted the ground to swallow him up, he still loved the butler very much as he was there for him from as long as he could remember.

Without turning back, Luke enters the hall.

"It going to be a long day" Luke comments as he had spent the next hour looking for this class and His course adviser office.

"Hey you; why are you still outside?" A voice sounded from the end of the hall.

It came from an older man who appeared to be a teacher, he wore a white sleeves and black long khaki pants with Denise's shoes. He had no hair on his eye with a mustache.

He constantly curled his mustache with his hand as if adjusting it.

"Am lost sir and I am hoping you could assist me to get to my class, am a freshman in production engineering." Luke replied.

"PE is way over the other building, 5 blocks from here now on your way." He replied, turning back to the direction he came from.

After much hassle, Luke finally found the building.

Written boldly on a signboard "WELCOME TO FACULTY OF ENGINEERING"

Under the signboard was a map indicating the location of the various departments of engineering under it.

After staring at the sign, he finally found production engineering.

He used his phone to take a picture of it so he didn't get lost again as he walked into the large brown building.

With the map and countless direction questions, he finally found the department block.

Spending the next few hours completing his registration and formalities.

He was finally sitting in his lecture hall or rather workshop.

He was wearing blue overalls with Google's over his eyes just like every other freshman in the lecture hall.

The lecture hall Itself was an open hall with various tools and equipment everywhere, it was surrounded by Trees for ventilation and beautification.

After about 30 minutes of sitting, the lecturer finally came, he was rather young for a lecturer.

Luke could guess he was in his late 30s, and he was rather good-looking making all the girls smile and gather around him.

He wore a plain green tracksuit like a sport instructor trying to showcase his rather fit physical features.

He settled the class with a smile.

"My name is Richmond Bayside and I will be taking the introduction and workshop practice for your first year" He said before asking them to introduce themselves.

"Luke Lysander Silverstone" Luke said as he got to his turn, which he immediately regretted as everybody stared at him with wide eyes.

He could hear murmurs around him

"What? Are you kidding? He is a Silverstone? Aren't they extremely wealthy? What is a kid like his doing here?!"

Some even went as far as googling him only to be more shocked.

Why because Luke was the only child and the only heir to a rather large corporation which costs billions of dollars.

Himself has been listed in the Forbes top 5 richest teenager multiple times until his parents decided that they didn't enjoy the publication of their son.

He sighs as he sits down.

The name introduction continues with no one being able to match his reputation, which he felt he will be having a rather long semester because of that.

Class commences with a brief introduction to the course and every other courses they will be taking.

Deep into the lecture, Luke's attention was suddenly drawn to the widow.


He heard his name, but it wasn't his first name it was the name only one person has ever called him by.

He remembers his mother again, her delicate face as he always smiled and console him.

"Our men are warriors, and they don't cry" she would say every time they were about to leave and Luke was deploying his usual crying tactics.

But it wasn't his mother who was calling his name in fact, it was someone he had no idea about.

A man rather young stood in the air with no support, he was wearing a white suit with a sword on flames in one hand.

The other hand was signaling Luke to come to him.

<Hell no.> Luke said to himself.

Why would I go to meet you?

"Lysander, come to me, your life is in danger" the floating man said again.

"Mr. Silverstone, it will do you More good to focus on the lecture than on the man cleaning the window" Mr. Richmond said with a hint of jealousy.

"Sir?" Luke replied more of shock than of confirmation of what he said.

<What does he mean man cleaning the window?, Can't they see him floating with a sword> Luke thought to himself again, stealing a glance at the window, but Mr. floating guy was no longer there.

Was he imagining things?

What exactly was going on?

"Excuse me sir, I need to use the bathroom" Luke said, interrupting the lecture.

Richmond wasn't happy about it as it was clearly visible on his face.

He was in the process of flirting with some girls in the class.

"Sure, go knock yourself out" He replied caring less.

As Luke walked toward the door he remembered that he didn't know where the bathroom was.

He stopped in his tracks staring at the lecturer.

Richmond facepalmed his face before saying "down the hall, third room left from the end."

He didn't get to finish before Luke walked out the door.

He was currently in the bathroom washing his face in the sink.

He tried to clear his mind because he was just stressed from yesterday and his mind was playing tricks on him.


He heard the door.

He remembered that he locked it on his way because of his force of habit from back in the mansion.

As he walked to unlock it, "I am coming sorry for that"

"Ope…n up Lysa....nder, a…m com…ing" the voice on the other side of the door.

It was broken and coarse.

That was enough to stop Luke in his tracks, inches away from opening the door.

He jumped back.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The banging continued , this time louder.

Luke ran into the third stall, locking it.

He couldn't stop himself from shaking.

He heard the door unlock as the banging stopped.

He could hear large footsteps walking towards the stalls.

Bang. It was loud as the first stall door blew open,

the Same with the second as it stood no chance against the pure strength of whatever was there.

It stood in front of the third, "I kn…ow you… Are he…re" The coarse voice said, pulling the entire door.

It was empty.

Luke was currently in the last stall as he crawled under the stalls.

His heart was pounding, and he did something he hadn't done before.

He prayed?

As it continued his destruction closer to the last stall.

"Excuse mister, but I don't think you should be here as it is restricted only for students" A voice sounded from behind the creature.

Luke thanked his star thinking it will leave, but instead it raised it club, slamming the boy into the wall,

Luke could hear the scream as he burst through the stall, ducking through the swing club and running towards the door and out to the hall.

As he stepped out into the hall.

The bell rang, it was time to switch classes.

So this is the second chapter for the day and I will continue uploading tomorrow.

also remember<> are for Thoughts about “” are for Dialogues.

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