
God of chaos: Book of revelation.

The world has been ravaged by countless wars between angels, demons, and other supernatural beings. To prevent further destruction, the races have agreed to appoint a mediator, a person who is free from the laws of the world and can settle disputes peacefully. The mediator is chosen from among the humans, who are the most neutral and diverse race. The mediator inherits the knowledge and skills of the previous mediators, who have each faced different challenges and enemies. The current mediator is a young man from England, who has been summoned to end the last war, a conflict that threatens to wipe out all existence. He must use his wisdom, courage, and power to negotiate with the leaders of the warring factions, and find a way to restore harmony and balance to the world. "I saw the end of the world, I saw the end of my life". I don't owe the novel page cover and I give credits to the rightful owner it just fits so well with my book

_Cummander · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Olympic zombies.

You know how movies have defined the undead as slow, dumb creatures that feed on the living.

Well, they got every part right except for the slow movement part.

These creatures could run.

The car swerved into an alley as one of the zombies crashed into the window.

They were currently moving at close to 200kph, but these zombies could keep up with their speed, constantly slamming into their window or trying to grab Luke.

"What are they?" Luke asked as he tried to pull off one of the zombie's arm that got left behind as they swayed into the corridor.

"Undead from Hell, persistent creatures that will stop at nothing until they achieve the goal of the summoner, which in this case you. Whether you are dead or alive." The butler said as he crashes into a few of them that appears in front of them.

"How do we get rid of them?" Luke asks again as the engine roars back into the highway.

"Well there are a few ways, you either destroy their bodies to be unable to move again or kill the summoner, which I would advise the latter as it is safer." The butler answers.

"But the summoner doesn't seem to be within this location, meaning it is a high tier summoning ritual," He added before increasing the speed.

Luke could see ahead of the warning sign on the bridge as the cruise ship approached, the bridge began to slip into two parts, each moving vertically.

Just before it could reach it the highest point, a black spot could be seen in the sky as it jumps over the already split bridge to the other side.

The car crashed a few times into other cars before continuing on it journey.

It didn't take long for them to get back to the mansion

As the car swerved into the front garden.

They jumped down as they ran toward the front door which was thrown open.

"You have to leave to where your parents asked you to go, that where you will be a bit safe" Butler said as he organized the maid for what seems like an upcoming battle.

"How can I move to Iceland? It not like it in our backyard, right? Besides, I can't leave without you." Luke added as the butler grabs his arm, pulling his downstairs towards the basement.

Luke had lived by countless rules over his short life span.

These rule could be divided into unbreakable, compromise, breakable with punishment.


Now he understood why.

In the dark basement was a thing of riff torn. It was a mixture of black and purple and Constantly seemed like it was going to rip apart but then stable again.

"What in the world is that?" Luke asks.

"Oh it is a travel portal, it was a one-time use only, and it can only carry one person." The butler added before walking close to the portal.

He then proceeded to take out his phone before showing him a picture of Iceland, in the picture was like a train station with the number 189-234DIE.

"Memorize it now!" The butler shoving the picture into his face.

"Never forget it, every detail and color and number please for your own good." He adds before walking away from the portal.

He picks up a camping bag, tossing it to Luke.

Luke could hear the explosion upstairs as growls roared from above.

"We don't have time, Luke go and save the world." The butler says, holding back tears.

For the first time, he called him by his name.

Luke hugs him for what may be the last time but was interrupted by the shaking and screams of the maid upstairs.

"The summoner is getting impatient" The butler steps back as the banging sounds could be heard from the basement door.

Luke didn't want to leave, if anything he wanted to give the key to the summoner and return to his regular shut in life, but he knew that the summoner won't like to talk over this at brunch with a cup of tea.

He had no choice as he jumps into the portal.

He could see from the edge of the portal as the basement door blew open with an explosion.

This sent him spiraling down the portal.

He could feel the portal walls drew closer together like it was closer.

He had to focus, he slowly thought of the Number and then the train station and everything he could remember as he kept slamming against the reducing portal walls.

Likewise, he shuts his eyes to focus.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

He could feel water on his forehead.

It was damp and cold like an underground tunnel.

<Wait water> he thought to himself as he opened his eyes.

"For a minute there I thought you were blind" A female voice sounded out in front of him.

This makes his jump back almost into the incoming train but was immediately pulled back by her.

"It will be sad to have you survive a Cyclop's attack only to lose you to a train, right?" She said as she pulled him, helping him to his feet.

She was a beauty. Her brown hair was tied in a professional school teacher format.

She wore a black suit and heels.

Around her were massive men, like body builders, also wearing black suit.

"My name is And am here to pick you." She says with a smile.

Luke wanted to ask so many questions at once, but his mouth won't move.

"Seems this isn't the right place to talk, how about we head back to somewhere safe?" She asks.

Luke could tell it wasn't a request or suggestion.

It was more of a come with me and live, or I will break your legs and take you either way.

Luke didn't like the idea of his legs getting broken, so he simply nodded.

As the long row of black cars swam through the road like a black line, Luke couldn't help but look out for anything suspicious.

"Oh calm your nerves darling, they won't even make it to an inch of our car without getting sliced to dust" She said with a chuckle as she picks up the apple peeling it.

"Thanks, I feel a lot more comfortable all of a sudden," Luke replies.

One could feel the sarcasm in his tone.

But true to her word, nothing tried to attack their vehicle.

"Won't we be drawing attention by moving with plenty of vehicles like this?" Luke asked as he couldn't bear the silence anymore.

"Oh, nothing to worry about darling as the covering will do most of the Job" She said as she continued to look outside the window.

"Oh great, another word I have no idea what it fucking means?!" Luke adds almost immediately in an almost shouting tone.

This was enough to grab her attention.

"Oh listen here daddy boy, I don't know how long you have spent in London, but I won't appreciate getting screamed at." She stared at him like she wanted to rip out his tongue.

He couldn't care less.

He had already had enough death experiences to be scared of some tongue ripping stare.

"Oh, do I look like I care? Listen to me lady firstly, I'm not your darling and second of all, you better start explaining shit or I am jumping out of this car back to London." Luke responds with his version of death stare.

She bursts into loud laughter as she voice rips through the air.

"Oh you got guts I give you that daddy boy, I think I like y'all."

"So what do you want to know?" She moves closer to Luke with a wide smile full of mischief.

After a couple of back and forth questions and answer sections with a few murder attempts, Luke finally got a little understanding of what was going on, and he didn't like it.

He was what a supposedly called a mediator, a thing of a bridge between different worlds.

After multiple wars and stuff, everybody came to am agreement to dump the responsibility on a single person, and, for some reason, that person could only be a human.

This human was free from the law of the world and had the ability to do certain things beyond comprehension.

After multiple mediators, he was the next, but his overprotective parents didn't like the idea, and they wanted to keep their son from such a job.

Look, I don't blame them who would choose such a career path for their kid?

But after much pressure they finally came to am agreement, they could keep him safe for 18 years but after 18 years he had to take up his role and save the world.

Well, things haven't been going well since he wasn't around, and he kind of was needed urgently.

As he was lost in thought, he could hear the car come to a halt.

The door opens.

"Welcome to mediator administration and negotiations, MAN for short" A man said with a smile.

"Why is everybody smiling at me?" Luke ask obliviously annoyed.

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