

A psychopath was close to death and wanted to go out with a bang. He died and reincarnated into Hidan, our favorite idiot op Akatsuki. COLDPROTAGONIST RUTHLESSMC BEWARE THIS STORY IS NOT FOR THE LIGHT-HEARTED IF YOU HAVE A MORAL COMPASS OR DON'T LIKE READING MC'S WITHOUT ONE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. CONTAINS RAPE AND EVERYTHINGS ELSE BAD

Bankin · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 25

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Tenten POV---

After what happened at the hospital I decided to go walk around the village and skip the therapy session. I wanted to clear my head and see if I could come up with any clues as to what that 'thing' is. Looking around I can see the villagers peacefully going about their day. Kids are running around laughing and shinobi running along the rooftops. Hearing the beautiful sound of the children laughing, the shopkeepers trying to sell their products, and people confessing their love for another, I get lost in it.

'This is what I must protect. This is my duty as a shinobi!'

Suddenly I hear the sounds go quiet and everyone seems to be focused somewhere else. I look to see what's going on and I see Naruto. My eyes soften, ever since Kakashi died he's been pretty down. I walk up to him to try and strike up a conversation.

"Hey, Naruto!"

Naruto looks up from the ground as he sees me coming toward him.

"Hello Naruto, how's training been lately?"

Naruto looks me dead in the eyes with the saddest eyes I have ever seen. It almost makes me want to just hug him and tell him everything's alright but he's a shinobi and should be able to handle himself.

"Not great, I haven't trained in a few weeks."

"Well, how about we have a training session tomorrow? It'll help keep your mind off things."

Looking at him with eyes that dared him to say no he eventually relented.

"Yeah sure, how does 8 at Training Ground 44 sound?"


Heading home I start to think about my own health. I've been feeling a lot different lately. Happier and go lucky, like a kid. Lord Tsunade just says that it's because I have Stockholm Syndrome. I want to believe her but I keep having thought like I'm supposed to love 'him'. That it wasn't just some coping mechanism but like its fate.

A smile unknowingly creeps up my face. I quickly frown knowing that I was doing it again. Making some crazy excuse to love that monster. It makes me sick to my stomach to think I could love something like that.

'I need something other than a therapist to let out my thoughts.'

With a new thought in mind, I bring out a notebook and label it.

"Tenten's Diary. Here we go."

A few hours later (Around Evening.)---

Slowing down my writing because there's not much left to write I stretch a bit and look at the clock.

"I guess I'll go meet with Neji and Lee today."

Quickly readying myself up to look presentable I head out the door. Closing and locking the door I look outside and breathe in the air of the village. Hearing the laughter and shouts of shopkeepers I head to the training ground with a smile on my face.

Looking around and seeing the buildings get fewer in number until eventually ending up at the training ground. Already hearing the sounds of people sparring I heads onto the training ground to see Neji and Lee in a sparring match.

I take a seat under the shade of a tree and watch. It seems the match is just about over as Neji manages to hit the tenketsu inside the legs of Lee, therefore, disabling him. I was about to speak up before Neji looked up to the sky. Looking up myself I saw that he was summoned to the Hokage's office. Seeing him fix Lee's leg before body-flickering away made me sigh.

'Why can't things be easier.'

"Hey, Lee!"

Walking up waving my hand with a smile, Lee visibly brightens up. I didn't notice it before but sweat drenched his body and clothes making him look like he took a shower with his clothes on.

"Lee, what happened to you?"

"Oh, I forgot you haven't been around recently."

Lee seemed to visibly get sadder after saying that but quickly regained his composure.

"After what happened, me and Neji have been training all day, every day. It's so youthful!"

Seeing he didn't lose his past self put the smile back on my face as I helped him stand up.

"Tenten, it's probably not what you want to hear but I'm truly sorry."

He looked down and closed his eyes and balled up his fists. His tone was so sorrowful, it wasn't anything like the Lee I know.

"Lee, I wanna train with you guys. What would Guy say to your youth right now?"

"Your right Tenten, I'm not youthful at all right now. But now that you will be training with us, we can finally regain some YOUTH!"

His sentence was finished by Guy appearing in front of us with his signature smile.

"Tenten, you're declaration was so youthful!"



Knowing what would happen next and not wanting to be caught in it I quickly backed away and watched the scene play out before my eyes. Seeing these two hug each other, crying, and yelling out youth made me want to leave so I body-flickered away heading towards my house.

Looking up I saw it was getting pretty dark and as I was about to look back down I saw a bird circle around my position. Changing my direction to the Hokage's office to respond to the summons, I disregarded heading home early to try and experiment with what I have on my body.

Seeing the Hokage Office approaching my vision I hop off the rooftops and speed up by adding a little more chakra to my legs to power the Body Flicker more. Standing in front of the Hokage Office I slow down and walk through the door. Before I can even tell the receptionist I have an appointment she is already pointing her finger towards the stairs looking at me.

Heading up the stairs towards the Hokage Office I hear her talking. I can't make out what they're saying due to the seals but I wait outside the door so they can finish. Sakura opened the door after they quieted down. I wasn't surprised since Sakura is usually here if not at the Hospital but then a quick glance inside also reveals Kiba, Neji, and Shino. Seeing them together makes me think they are going to be a part of a four-man cell for some mission. Getting out of the way so they can pass by I walk inside.

Hidan POV

In the middle of a barren landscape, where the only sound that could be heard was the wind howling, a man stood. He stood in what was a giant circle of nothing but ashes of dead plants. Looking around with a crazy gaze he opened his mouth to speak.

"I think it's time for me to move."

Going to a nearby stump he shoved his hand right through. Flexing his muscles and sending chakra to them to further enhance his strength he ripped open the side of the container. Light rushed into the container highlighting what was within. A girl, with red hair, and purple glasses, peacefully sleeping, unaware of what was about to happen.

Grabbing the Uzumaki he put her on his shoulder. Holding her by the legs he looked to his left and had his sight filled with the Uzumaki's ass.

"Tch, such a trash ass."

Not even being impressed with her body her worth was even less. Looking in a direction Hidan's eyes shined with a weird glint.


A rushing sound of wind and Hidan was gone. The only proof of his presence is the circle of ash and remnants of the containers.

Trees filled his vision. The trees weren't too different from each other. being similar in height, width, and of course color. In the distance, one could vaguely see the stretch of a vast sea. If one had very keen eyes they would even see the remnants of Whirpool Village, the home of the Uzumaki.

'Seeing as it's on the border of Fire, and Water it's the perfect place to gather ninjas with kekkei genkai to experiment on.'

As Hidan got closer to the ruins the trees slowly thinned until eventually only the clearing where the village once lay is seen. Hitting the girl in his arms on the ass he starts looking around.

"Hey, get up."

The girl makes moans as she gets up and slowly realizes the situation she's in. Squirming to try and get free Hidan quickly grabs her leg and starts to bend it in the wrong way.

"Squirm and a limb gets broken."

Quickly the squirming dies down as the girl just accepts her fate. No tears, no yells, no cries, nothing. Just pure acceptance. Hidan didn't know exactly why but he didn't care to ask.

Walking along a street he was quite amazed by the architecture. The buildings were stacked upon each other and were made with some kind of stone material. Most of the buildings that were actually broken were either broken at the top or completely broken. There were few buildings bigger than the others and he guessed those were shops from the way the bottom was set up.

Seeing a building that was relatively undamaged he walked inside. He suddenly felt the temperature change from cold to very warm. Knowing which village he was in he could probably guess it was a seal.

Setting the girl down on the second floor of the five-story building he bit his hand to make it bleed. He cut the wrist of the Uzumaki and looked dead in her eyes.

"Resist, and I will torture you."

Putting out her wrist for Hidan's ease he put his hand on her wrist and her blood seemed to try and suck in Hidan's. Pulling his hand back Hidan was mildly surprised but seeing the change in the Uzumaki's posture he was satisfied for right now.

"It seemed the effect is faster for Uzumaki's who have high chakra and vitality, I'll have to find out which one makes it faster."

"Girl, follow me."

Hidan got up and walked down a story to the first floor. He looked back and saw the girl glance at the exit but ultimately did nothing. Putting his hand on the ground and closing his eyes for some focus a set of stairs appeared before him.

Walking down the stairs his grin became feral.

"The start of my project to create a ninja war, doing many experiments and getting plausible strength to take on everyone."

Heading down in complete darkness he flicked his hand and fire flew out, lighting up the dark tunnels. Seeing it was exactly as he pictured and not wanting to go walk around an empty tunnel network he got to work on his next project.

Heading back up and outside he gathered a few samples of the trees and ground and brought them into the building.

"Girl, find and examine the seals that make this room warm."

The Uzumaki quickly got to work trying to sense the chakra that makes up the seal. Hidan got back to his work on trying to figure out a way in which he can quickly gather natural energy. He can gather natural energy continually with the help of Jashin but he needs something faster. A picture and its details appear in his mind and he smiles.

"A chakra fruit huh? Without the materials of your clan, it might be hard but I think I can do it."

Quickly drawing up some theories he thought up he notices something. He's in need of slaves, people that can gather his stuff for him and do dirty work for him so he's not doing it all the time. Just when that thought occurred a boom echoed.

"We Found You, You Bastard!"


Yo wassup ppl I know it's been a while and like I said I won't drop this it's just been really unmotivating to write recently so yeah that's about it. I will try to write more since I do want to finish this and not leave you guys hanging though.