
The Entertainer


Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of booming sounds reverberated through the scene as Damon crashed heavily into the massive estate building. Simultaneously, loud rumbling sounds echoed as the building began crumbling down. Damon's body continued blasting through the building, bringing everything down and crumbling in his wake.

Despite crashing into several thick, massive walls, Damon still had his dark and impassive expression; it was as if he was impervious to pain. While crashing, Damon raised his head as his body instantly halted within the crumbling debris. He had a cold and bloodthirsty countenance.

With his body halted, Damon stood within the debris, his murderous intent steadily oozing from his body. Like a flame, Damon's murderous aura evaporated any rock or pebble that came an inch away from him. Suddenly, as if possessed by an unknown force, or like pouring cold water on a hot iron, Damon's expression changed instantly from murderous to calm.