
God of Adaptation

This is a story of a forsaken boy born in the dark side of the world. Threading in the darkness, the boy soon adapted to it. Now, with the power of darkness in his grasp, he set out to find the light.

CheekyForehead · Fantasy
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159 Chs

Fighting the Count II

"Did you really think that a One Star like you can hurt me?"

Count Orpheus frowned as he looked at the blonde boy before him with a disgusted expression.

Then, he brandished the sleek wand in his hand and waved it lightly.


However, a wave of mana erupted, sending Killian flying with its sheer power.

'What the hell! I didn't even hear him chant!! This means that what he used was only basic magic…'

Killian couldn't believe it, the wave of mana felt like countless shards of glass that sliced his skin.

"Argh! I'm not finished yet!"


Yellow lightning sparked once again as Killian charged at the barrier.


Unfortunately, no matter how persistent he struck the barrier, there wasn't any reaction. 

Not even a ripple.

"Quite persistent, eh?" Count Orpheus waved his wand repeatedly, sending numerous waves of mana towards the blonde haired boy.

However, Killian was able to dodge each and every one of them with his overwhelming agility.

"To think that you will pay the kindness of my family like this!?"

Hatred could be sensed in his voice as he continuously attacked, even without really doing any damage to the barrier.

"Kindness, huh? Well, it seems like you low lives just got what you deserved. Don't act like your family are saints!"

At this moment, the Count waved his wand harder, unleashing a massive tsunami-like wave of mana that befell Killian.

Once again, he was sent flying as blood continuously seeped from the numerous injuries that he sustained.

"How about you? Aren't you going to attack me?" asked Count Orpheus as he looked towards the boy with blood-red eyes.

Regis, on the other hand, only continued staring at the figure beside the Count.

More precisely, the ever so familiar figure of Pandora that was staring at him unblinkingly as he stood beside the Count. 

Noticing where he was staring, Count Orpheus laughed, "Oh, I guess you've finally noticed! But don't be too worried, I just casted some magic spell on her to make her unable to move."

However, Regis didn't pay any heed to him. He only looked at the ruby-red eyes that were rippling with a myriad of emotions.

"Do you really think that this is a good time to ignore me?" Count Orpheus felt frustrated at the mere fact that a peasant ignored him.



'Fuck, is the gap really that big!?'

Killian thought in rage as he felt the unmoving resistance of the barrier before him.

"Hahh…" Count Orpheus had a fed up expression on his face before waving his wand again.


However, Killian wasn't hit this time.

Yellow lightning erupted from his body as he quickly dodged to the side.

"As expected from the most talented of House Gladius!" Count Orpheus smiled mockingly as he complimented the blonde boy that dared to attack him despite the gap in their power.

At this moment, Killian shouted, "Regis! Call for help while I stall this bitch!"

"Regis? Regis!"

Killian looked at his companion, only to find him staring at the Count expressionlessly.

At this moment, Regis shook his head, "It's no use."

"What!? What do you mean it's no use!? Are you going to give up just like that!?"

"Not a chance. It's just that this area had been encased by some sort of barrier. So I doubt that we would've been able to leave even if we wanted to…"

Clap— Clap— Clap—

Count Orpheus clapped his hands with admiration apparent on his face.

"To think that a peasant like you will be able to sense the magic spell that I have casted upon this place… I must say that I'm impressed."

Count Orpheus then raised his wand, "Let me reward you for your outstanding achievement!"



A giant fireball that was about 10 meters in diameter instantly manifested before the wand.


Killian couldn't help but take a step back at the powerful magic spell that the Count casually casted.

He couldn't even react in time as he saw the massive fireball instantly arrive before his companion.


Killian called out in worry.

However, what happened next caused both his and the Count's eyes to widen in shock.

The reason for this being the fact that the massive fireball suddenly vanished into flickering flames.

"I really didn't want to use this but…" Regis cracked his head as he smiled.

[Bull Charge]

His figure suddenly shot forward.

Then, as he neared the seemingly impenetrable barrier of the Count, he brandished his right fist and punched the barrier.

However, upon a closer look, one could see a red dot forming at the location before Regis's punch landed.

BANG— Crack!

Count Orpheus's eyes widened in shock as he saw the cracks forming around the area that Regis punched.


His voice trembled as he clearly saw that the white haired boy was only at One Star Realm.

"I'm a High Ranked Mage at the Peak Stage of Three Star Realm…" His mutters could be vaguely heard.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

Regis smiled at the sight of him losing composure.

The first gift that he had awakened was Perfect Adaptation when he first gained demonic power.

The second gift he awakened was Tranquility when he gained mana.

Then, there was a third gift that he awakened when he gained aura.

At this moment, he was utilizing his third gift in order to destroy the magic spell of the Count.

Killian also had his eyes widened in shock as he couldn't believe how a One Star like him was able to make a High Ranked Mage's barrier crack.

'J-Just what the hell is he really…?' He thought as he vividly felt the mystery his new friend was emitting.

At this moment, Regis called out, "Hey, Killian. Help me out here, will you?"

"O-Oh, I'm sorry!"


Yellow lightning erupted from Killian's body as he also struck the crack in the barrier with his sword.

The two of them then alternated striking the barrier.

Seeing the cracks that were slowly spreading throughout his barrier, Count Orpheus gritted his teeth.