
The Great Way #1

Meanwhile, at the wolf village the commotion that Axis brought didn't only stop at wolf village even in the real world. When Axis walk outside many people took a picture of Axis and some of them post it in Internet, in the beginning phase of the game many people will look in website to share and search an information. That why when picture of Axis posted many people have already share it and save in their storage.

Just an hour pass since it posted, many people have an speculation for the identity the one on the picture.

Big guild hidden expert!

Mistress of rich family!

NPC with hidden quest!


Many people want to learn the identity of this beauty, in this future, the profession gamer have already reach an maturity in the industry of game. Billion of people want to be an professional gamer, but the people who can became is only 0.01% only. That why just by being good at gaming you can earn many virtual coin compare to work like a slave and can only earn enough to eat in a day.

Now the focus of the world is the virtual game, many idol have emerged as professional gamer for example Game I.D Little Butterfly famous for Soloer Gamer and Sword of Empress, but due to overwhelming talent in gaming many organization like Super Guild who already Establishes many Virtual Empire in different games try to invite Little Butterfly, but for some reason every invitation without hesitation rejected in the spot, it's also the reason many Super Guild try to assassinate Little Butterfly many people though that as long this many guild try to assassinate Little Butterfly, Little Butterfly will have no choice but to quit the game. The expected outcome never come due to every assassin who try to kill Little Butterfly never came back without losing at least one super rare item.

Many people saw the video Super Guild do an crusade due to anger to Little Butterfly. The outcome is not only that Super Guild loss it prestige as one of super guild and loss of many expert player item, but also they didn't even kill her.

That's only one of example's, many players have an legendary history and the people admire then is hundred million at least.

For all the guild that is station in black star kingdom, try to investigate the background of the girl in the picture.

In some place within Black Star kingdom, a hundred of players is surrounding the oger boss level 10 even though many is injured due to fighting the boss that exceed their level nobody haven't die due to excellent coordination. the most they can damaged is 2 or 3 at most furthermore that boss HP is already half, you can see their strength in came to gaming.

And the one watching them is their guild leader Guilty Lear, and beside him is the vice leader of guild Guilty Urs. The atmosphere between the two is really different in there surrounding.

The Guild Leader Guilty Lear looking in the forum and said " What do you think, Ur"

The Vice leader Guilty Urs said with serious faced " It's possible that some big guild want to have slice in this kingdom and bring their elite member. there's also the possibility that it an NPC with special quest!"

"che! It's troublesome, just contact some of our member in wolf village try to investigate the origin of this girl"

"I understand!" Urs use her system to contact one of their member to command


In Wrell Mountain, The ground and grass is covered in red blood of bandits and the smell of blood enough to make it puke the normal person.

In God Territory, the developer always pursue 100% realitism. That why when the player first time enter the game all of them show an surprise to what they felt and as the player play the game they always felt the different of this game compare to other game overwhelming.

All the body of the bandits lie in ground, only 4 person only is standing in the surrounding. It's literary a massacre, all the drop is literally in the ground and nobody is picking up due to what they see.

And the reason of the death of bandits is standing alone without a blood on his body, for sure, for him this kind of battle didn't even called a battled even in the gap of level.

Accel look behind, and he see the shock face of the two people and the always emotionless Axis, she already expected this outcome even with using her high speed calculation.

"Let's go now, before the night arrive" without a care to what happen Accel started to walk forward and the other naturally followed like being controlled by something.

After they walk for a distance and avoiding the monster attraction by using Accel sense they without a sweat avoided all the danger.

The silence atmosphere broken by Accel by asking "Oh! now that I notice, you who are?" and look to helper-kun.

Helper-kun who was quiet following them, fear envelop him when he remembered what happen a moment ago

"Me! ahh, I'm really sorry for not introducing immediately" Helper-kun without thinking he just prostrate to ground and head down like fearing in front of emperor. For this action surpriss herd who don't know a thing

"My Zhang Ye! Game I.D Nirvana Frost. The successor of The Nirvana frost Elemental Orb, please forgive myself for not introducing immediately in front of 'BLANK'" Zhang Ye, Game I.D Nirvana Frost say honestly and respectfully in front of Accel.

Having heard the identity of Zhang Ye didn't show any other reaction and carefreely said "Ah! as I expected,... the concealing technique that you used a while ago seen familiar. What a perfect timing that we meet, do you want to go with us it will bring a benefits to you too."

For Nirvana Frost didn't ask or show any hesitation in accepting the invitation of Accel.

As they continue to walk in the mountain, the destination can be seen in two eye and Accel started an conversation to Herd

"Nah! Herd are you already determined in unsealing the seal" Accel didn't move his face, only his eyes move to his right corner where Herd is.

Being the focus of eye of Accel, he felt the determination that he build up is slowly crumbling in foundation and can't say anything.

"Anyway! I still haven't tell you the consequence of failing in unsealing"

"Consequence?" Herd and Nirvana Frost perk their interest.

"Yeah! The seal inside of your body is really strong to beyond. That's why in unsealing process always have an risk of death" Accel said it nonchalant.

When Herd heard the rist his tower of courage have an crack, but immediately recovered because he knows that to get an strength he need to be thrown in hell instead of heaven.

"Ah!... Axis can you calculate the percentage of succeeding of Herd in unsealing" Accel look to Axis with a slightly dissatisfied face because of something.

Only a second needed for Axis to calculate it, all the attention of the 3 is in Axis, they want to know what is the result of it.

Axis said it without an sympathy to Herd "After calculating some factor the success percentage is 0.01% and the death rate is 99.99%."

The face of the two people go pale due to low success rate,No!... It's right to call it as super low success rate.

The tower of courage crumbled to pieces and the sound can be heard in Herd mind.

Nobody debuted the calculation of Axis even Accel didn't utter a sound. Herd just loss his strength to stand up.

Herd while looking in never ending sky horizon and his hand fall down like a marionette after their string is cutted by a scissor, Herd with a low voice muttered and question the sky "Why!?... why is the sky is so vast like my pop's, Why! why I'm so small and don't have a strength to properly protect my loved once" Herd slightly pause and raise his right hand to sky like trying to reach out in this never ending vast sky, but after his hand reach the limit of his reach like telling to him that is his limit to everything. He strongly close his hand like trying to reject everything and he gritted his teeth like can beat an iron, he always lamented hi weakness ever since his childhood. A simple technique that his father teach to him can't even master, that's why every accumulated emotion in his heart blaze up fiery like an scorching inferno.

He shouted with his all emotion and echoed in full direction for some distance in this up of mountain" I! I WANT TO BECAME LIKE POP"

For Nirvana Frost, He strongly and marked to his bone what is the feeling of Herd. In the past he was also a normal person without any special ability, but he loved gaming. That why, everytime he sees in the internet many famous player with an godly technique the flame of envy always envelop him.

After the echo stopped, the voice of Accel without a sympathy to Herd heard " 0.01%, what a high percentage you have!"

Herd and Nirvana Frost stunned when they heard what Accel says.

"Hmnh! what is that face?... ahh! i got it, for you two that percentage is really high, right? but for me it much higher than I expected. It's seen that face can't believe, then I will tell you. For me in the past, I'll have many experience in fighting someone with 0.000something percent chance of winning in God Territory,No! not only in God Territory, but also in other game. Of course the outcome is I'm the only winner!."

When Herd heard it, his emotion that have cooldown started to heat up and roar with it "I'm just an NORMAL PERSON! instead of you who is genius... I'm an normal person although i have an special body I can't even practice to perfection the basic of technique pop give to me a years ago... you don't even know my feeling stop saying such nonsense"

Accel heard the emotion of Herd, but only give an slight smile and turn back to Herd to walk to the edge of cliff slowly and said it to without looking to Herd like trying to talk to the horizon that they can see.

"genius and Normal person! If I'll have to call what is my past self, without a doubt I'll will call my I'm just a normal person"

The response of Accel exceed the expectation of the two man, except for Axis who is always in Accel side watching and helping him.

Accel stopped to edge of cliff where the wind is super strong just one catch off guard enough to fall and be skewered by the spiked rock in the bottom, but Accel didn't care at all and move his head to Herd and other direction with an smile.

"I'm Just an normal person! in the past everything I do is always average like a normal person. Without an smart brain, without an aesthetic sense in art and literature, without an strong body and no talent in any sports. I'm just your run-of-the-mill normal person..." Accel pause for a bit and look toward in the sky "But If I have something different to other people is I'll love watching Anime, I'll love to read Manga and novel, I'll love to play all the game, I'll love to write Novel and draw Manga even if something messy I created. To many people what I love is, for then is only a useless thing and a worth of garbage only. That's why many people and even my family mock and insult me for loving something so useless..." The voice and expression of Accel became full of serious like an emperor of the world, you can't even see the trace of always have an carefree face and smiling like an idiot " But in the worthless thing they call, I find a treasure and that is not a cheat, system, supreme item, Old man or anything. That treasure bring me to the top of the world of this God Territory.

"Treasure?" "Treasure?" the two of them want to know what is that treasure.

"Yeah! And the name of that treasure is One piece!"Accel tease the two people listening to him carefully.

The two of them didn't know what is that, that is expected one is the resident of virtual and one is although he is living in reality he didn't know such old masterpiece in 500 years ago.

Accel notice that two puzzlement "Joke! it's only a joke. the real name is The Great Way!. Nirvana Frost do you know it?"

"The Great Way!. I'll know it existence, but it didn't explain what is really it" Nirvana Frost said what he remembered in the Information inside of the Orb.

Accel smile and Stand properly, He place his right hand in his chest heart like in the Attack of Titan anime where they put their right hand in their chest to salute in their superior. Accel standing like thousand tree with full of vitality and recited The Great Way.

"This is the core of The Great Way, everytime I've been put in despair to be able to stand up again, I'll always recite the full 108 Great Way in my head. This time it seen that you are already in despair I will one for you recite it for you to stand up again in the dept of despair

"The Great Way #1! 'BELIEVE IN YOUR IDEAL' " The voice of Accel travel through some distance even some monster is listening to that voice.

They didn't notice due to some distance, even Accel didn't notice it that someone heard the his voice.

The word of Accel penetrate to the heart of the two, Herd and Nirvana Frost. Although the word is so naive that anyone can think,but it's enough's to ignite something is their chest.

Believe, that is what's only written in the memo of his pop leave for him, he finally get it what his father mean it.

'So that is it!'