
Everythng change by a pieces of paper

"If, the other know your existence, without a doubt! it like puking a nest of bees. That why, the seal have an layer, so to give you a time to power up, that can protect yourself"Ryou pause for a bit."The first layer of seal, can seal all your talent and power, but the most you can reach is tier 1"

All the start of profession is tier 0 and level 0, just by gaining experience in killing an monster, Quest, and NPC. you can level up until the limit of 50 level, for a normal person that is the limit they can reach, but to upgrade the profession tier 0 to profession tier 1 have an 3 condition. First your level need to reach level 20, Second you need to complete the Profession Upgrade Quest, Third in order to complete the quest, the you in reality need to be in Realm of fire, and the Realm of fire have 4 sublevel. Bronze-level, Silver-level, Gold-level, and lastly Perfect circle Gold-level.

For Herd, who have an seal, all his talent can't show completely and the experience point he gain will have 90% loss. after unsealing first layer, his talent will bloom like a flowers in spring and the experience loss will decrease to 50%.

Herd ask curiously" Then, all I'll have to do after unsealing is to level up to limit and unsealing the second layer"

Ryou show slithtly smile after Herd understand what he is talking about.

"Yes! if you want to became stronger, your existence will be known to other and your adventure in this world became much difficult!"

Herd, although didn't know how difficult the adventure still it much enjoyable to travel around the world than live as bored normal person. The adorning to travel in this world is seeping to the very roots of the Reinheart family. The first ancestor of Reinheart family nobody can catch him, because his position is always changing due to traveling so much.

Herd still have many question, but"though I'll have many question, can I ask why are you trying to help me?"

Ryou slightly slit his eyes and grinn"Why? Even if I tell you the reason, you won't be able to understand my reasoning by helping you!. You will only understand it, when you are close to the end of your traveling, every mysterious of this world, even my reason for helping you will uncover!"

The atmosphere around of this no-name that look like teenager, feels like distorting and sending a chills to spine of Herd.

Herd remember the word of his pop,''Travel....cough cough .. and unravel the mysteries of our family'

Herd felt, his pop and this boy in front of him, Halo is similar to each other. The Halo that Reign every being in this world, without a doubt, the two of them already see's the summit of strength of this world.

The vigilant inside of Herd still didn't disappear"O.K! What can I do to unseal it"

Ryou returned to normal" Then, in the surrounding of this village is there an cliff!"

"cliff?... if you want to find a cliff, there's a cliff after climbing the mountain wrell for about 1 hour, but due to strong monster living in that mountain nobody want to hunt monster to level up!."

"Any cliff is O.K!"Ryou pause for a bit and looked outside of window"We need to hurry up! It seen that several hours have already passed. I have a plan needed to do after I untie your seal!"

Herd didn't think much"Oh! If we are going to climb wrell mountain, I have to prepare!." and immediately stand up to go in other room.

After Herd disappear in another room, Axis who is silently listening to our conversation while Ryou head still using her lap to nap"My master, If you didn't lift your head in 5 second, I will use the system molester countermeasure lighting for women that being molester by some pervert. It enough to fry your head and your injuries will worsen. 5s"

Ryou show an unyielding determination." Wait Axis! you know right?... After using taboo technique in my current avatar, I can't move "4s" right now""3s" Axis didn't even try to listen to Ryou explanation and continue to count."Wait!, Wait!, Wait! I'm not lying... I'll really don't have an ulterior motive"Ryou being flustered, he know that Axis is not lying about that, she will really do it."


"I got! I got! I got! I got! I'm really sorry for lying that i don't have an ulterior motive!"Ryou pause for a bit, and his face slightly red from embarrassing, and his eyes can't look to Axis. The attitude that he show a minute ago can't be seen, and it look like an teenager who is facing his crush and shuttering"A-Axis!... C-Can, Just a few seco...No, I mean ... few minutes! Please let me stay in MY Dream! In the past, I'll never though that I can touch you in my life" Ryou closed his eyes and" By touching you, Axis!... I'll can see my dream coming true!. My dream that never come true in my past life, every second that pass, not even a single drop of yearning emotion spilled in my heart. This time I...No! WE won't lose to anyone again, even the one standing in our way is that God Company, We the 'BLANK' will never lose to the same enemy. That is our way of paying respect for using that 'BLANK' game I.D"

'BLANK' OR NO-NAME. We used that name in our main account to Reign the top of game. Due to my admiration in Anime character, when i'm always playing an game, I'll used the Anime character or have an 2D relationship name. I vowed in my soul that i will never lose when i'm using 'BLANK' name, as an respect to anime character.


Meanwhile, Herd who in other room preparing to travel in mountain, contemplating of whether to believe in that person, He know already know the consequence if that person is an enemy.

He notice a pieces of paper in the item of his pop bring home. It seen that he didn't notice before, because of the death of his pop.

As Herd grab that pieces of paper, notice it have one Word written, similar to his father the handwritten.

What was written in that pieces of paper is 'Believe' in big letter and below right By-Pop

Believe!?... What is there to believe... Don't tell me to believe in that person!. is that what pop want to tell me!... if that the case, I'll will believe to you pop.

All the vigilance to Ryou disappear thanks to his father note, and he will listen to what is needed to do. He didn't need a reason to why, the admiration for his father easily believe to what ryou say

Inside of the room, the atmosphere of the felt something unpleasant for the observer, lovey-dovey. For Axis, put her hand to Ryou's head and gently brush it, like a wife and husband on the honeymoon, but what we talk here is Axis who always in emotionless face, if you concentrated to look in Axis eyes like burning.

After a while, Herd returned to the room where the two waiting. When Ryou see Herd who returned to room, he felt something different in Herd who left the room a moment ago.

Herd said with a shred of gallantly"I'll already prepare, we can go anytime!"

"chee!"Ryou chuckled. 'You can take your time to prepare, so that i can mingle with Axis a longer' "O.K! Let's go now."

"But can you stand up"

"Don't worry! Axis can carry me in her back"Ryou look to Axis " Right!"

Axis said "My master, I'm sorry, I can't carry a weight much heaver than a my cloths"

"Ehhh! don't talk like some kind of old idols, please Axis!"

Axis said without much expression "No!"

"Please Axis-sama!"


"please Axis-hime"


"Please Axis-jouo"

For Herd, who sees this scene, felt something tickling him in all side. The Super beautiful girl that you can only sees as an princess, the elegant and eloquence that is overflowing from all part of her body, the haughty and cold personality that really fit her whole body. It's really super envious that they want kill that boy.

Herd coughed twice and cleared her throat "Don't you need to hurry, because you have something to do"

Ryou remembered that he still have something to do before the night arrive."Axis! we don't have a time to urge each other"

After tying hard to convinced Axis to carry him in her back, sometime have already passed

"My master, I understood, but when you are in my back please refrain to breath"

"Don't worry Axis, you smell good that enough to became drug"

Axis heared what Ryou said, Axis who always in emotionless show a rare face, but face like looking to garbage. Axis moved her hand toward Ryou's chest and push her palm hard.

Ryou's internal organ and bones that full of crack due to used of Taboo Technique, after Axis put a pressure in his chest, Ryou coughed blood that already black, because of his internal bleeding, the blood accumulated inside of his body became black.

"I'm 'coughed' so-sorry!'coughed' 'coughed' " Ryou instead of fear in injuries, he much feared Axis that really piss off. The really piss off Axis is super scary than any being that Ryou encounter in his life.

Axis that full of killing intent said in heavy expression and slowly "My master, Do you want me to read 'My soul diary' that you written in grade 8 or want me to tell in the world your love life in reality, you can pick between the two, of course, i can add more, for example one of your dark history in college."

Ryou who already coughed a blood, coughed more blood after he heard Axis word. For an super otaku...No!... for every otaku's, to became a full fledged otaku, otaku need dark history that enough to make you shout in night while being covered in blanket when you remember that moment.

In the past, The Super Otaku Party A.K.A SOP, every member of that party is an super otaku, that why, each member without exception have an Dark History. If you land into landmines, without a doubt a war to death will occurred into each member. That why, our hideout that we meet in, is always being destroyed by the infighting of our member. It can't be help, we have many members that is short tempered and our party is full of landmines. But, no matter how short their temper, Axis is the only one they don't want to piss off.

For SOP, The only reason they can kill many player and NPC in God Territory without worries, because of Axis. Our party, after playing for a few years we already have title as number one hooligan party in God Territory. Many Kingdom, Empire, Sect, Organization and Underground Organization, Super Guild, and Legendary adventurer Party listed us, as number one must kill in their Kill List, that why even in reality world, many want to find and kill us. One of our countermeasures is Axis that I developed first and after we form a party, all of the party member have something they specialized in computer. some is computer programmer, some is Hacker, some is I.T, some is Web designer,...Ect.

Anyway, almost all of them join in upgrading Axis into super A.I. Many of our enemy want to hack into our computer to know our location and Axis is the one who defend us in hacker, In game jargon, Axis is our Rear Guard. Axis always protecting us when we are fighting someone and want to hack into our computer, because we are distracted in fighting someone, some people want to us that opening hack our computer.

Due to that, Axis is the only one who know the identity of each member of SOP. If ever they piss off Axis, Axis can easily hack into their computer and can search in every nook of their computer to find a Secret files. As an otaku, it impossible to not have an secret files, and without that secret files, Axis can easily investigate their past and post it in internet. To became Exhibit or in japanese term sarashi and the internet warrior will make it into big festival that enough to kill yourself if that ever happen. Every Netoge player hate the word 'Exhibit' sources: Ore no netoge yome ga konnani kawaii wakeganai and my past experience that is written in book of Dark history. P.S due to our treaty agreement, we can't use ask Axis what is our real identity in Real World. That why we don't even know our each real name, for us that is the most important reason we can maintain our party. although our relationship is seen swallow, that is also the reason we can fool and have fun to each other like a friend,but To became a normal friend that is impossible, because each of us, have an unique personality.

Returning to virtual reality, Herd who is bystander, shivering in the corner, because of killing intent emitting in the surrounding of Axis. hence it normal that as a person who don't have enough prowess to resist the aura emitting from Axis.

"HELP ME IT!...."